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Warframe Concept: Corpus Gemini Moa


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This little chicken is actual twice as large as a traditional MOA used by the Corpus. Almost like you could consider this as a mini-boss, actually it is.


The Gemini MOA works as a fashionable heavy unit for a group of Corpus against the fellow Tenno.


--- Weapons ---


MOA Plasma turrets: They come in pairs, independently attack targets even while moving. Though they deal just as much as an ordinary pair of MOA's attacking you in the flight.


Plasma Sniper cannon: The large revealing gun in between makes the true meaning of brute force for the Corpus. Used while the two small turrets are distracting the targets, this thing can be very dangerous.


--- Strengths ---


- It feels like you're being attacked by 2 standard MOA's and 3 Railgun MOA's at once. As the large cannon is devastating to begin with.


- As said in the weapons, the two small turrets can independently attack you while running. Making sure you won't escape.


- It comes with a Void Key, making up a durable shield that lasts as much as 2 - 3 Anti-MOA's.


- With a large shield also comes with a decent amount of health. 1 - 2 as much as a Corpus Tech.


--- Weaknesses ---


- Its pummeling legs make it just as fast as a Corpus Crewman, though chasing you off is still a good option due to its turrets.


- It also has half the turn-speed of a regular MOA.


- Its Void Key is its primary weakness (located on its head), taking it out will be easy once you hit its health.


- The large turret requires a standing position before it can fire. Much like a standard Railgun MOA.


- Its two independent turrets can only turn up to 210 degrees (front and back in opposing directions), since they can't clip through the big turret as this can just simply scrape it off. So no two turrets can fire at you at once on either sides than the front or back of the MOA.


- The large turret can be destroyed independently.


- Like all Corpus proxies, it does not have armor... yet.


--- Overall ---


- Ambulas had a little brother... that spans twice its own height.


- The first Heavy MOA unit that can dominate the Assault side of the Corpus.


- This is also a proof that the Corpus is further utilizing Orokin technology than the mere uses of the Fusion MOA.


- I just wanted to add a Corpus Heavy, since there is just one Heavy for the Corpus. T_T




So... nope.

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