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Idea's For Warframe By Omenleader


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hello thank you for reading my post. i been playing warframe for awhile now and i adore it so much might even call me a fan-boy lol. while playing with my friends we got to talking about future of warframe and what us as players would love to see this is just for fun but if any DE wants to use it be my guest.





tho there is already alot of warframes i would love to see more. the mix of abilitys make a long and enjoyable coop gameplay experience i think by adding more would make it that much more richer


first warframe i thought of is a warframe that controls nanobot like bugs 


name :mure Aruji (swarm lord..iffy about the name also so feel free to help lol)




tall and slender. the exoskeleton suit would look almost shell like with acrididae like wings. the helmet looks alot like a grasshopper/bee design 




1. swarm (target takes x amount of damage for x amount of time and short stun)
    when used a cloud of nanobots swarm the target biting and stinging (i picture the set on fire animation played when used on the victim.)
2. hive shield (makes a shield to hide behind for x seconds)
   a cloud of nanobots make a shield in front of the player to hide behind (shield dose not move and has own hp)
3. protect (gain 25% extra shields for x seconds)
    a small time team buff for when things get ugly. nanobots fly around all players in the party giving them 25% extra sheidls for a short time. the shield will drop off slowly 1 per sec and cant be used till effect wear off
4.devour (swarms of nanobots swarm around dealing x damage and a globe effect of x meters)
   a angry swarm of nanobots fly around devouring everything in their path
health 100
power 150
armor 50
shield 90
sprint speed 1.25
stamina 80
4x power
1x defense
1x attack
tactic aura 
TRAVEL and Exploring!
i love the recent earth level. the giant tree's and plants hell even the birds flying above i found that amazing lol
the only downside tho i wish i could explore more im not saying open world but bigger spaces to give it that  not locked in a area feel. i also wish random wildlife encounter not always things trying to eat you just a bird that gets scared off or a deer that runs from you.
on the note of landscape i would love to see where your dojo can send out a droid to explore small moons or unlisted planets which would give a clan mission to collect scans of plants for future bio weapons. or find out the corpus or something has found something orokin and you must defend it.
i hope my awful spelling and grammar didnt scare you off my post and hope you will join me in the chat
great thing about warframe is the DE listens to us so the game is made by the fans so plz share your idea's id love to see them
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