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More Dojo Rooms


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Meditation room: A classic zen ninja setting allowing you to practice specific enemies in your mind. It ranges from a lancer to the harvester. The higher your level, the more tactical practice enemies become.

Codex mainframe: Allows tenno to import unfilled codex entries for other tenno to upload to theres.

Study room: Allows you to practice for your next mastery test.

Orokin lab: Has orokin catylst,reactors and cells as its base materials with some prime weapons as well, including seer.

Component Lab: Allows you to research certain components, like the grip on a paris prime or etc.

Infested Garden: Allows you to get 50 of a random infested material everyday you visit.

Codex Matrix: Allows you to have 2 times the information on a enemy + a life like scale hologram.

Mod R&D: Allows you to research certain mods.


I know some of these are bad but give constructive critisism,but no NOS please.  


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