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laser beam doors.. drive me crazy -_-


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Ok so I dont think I'm the only one who feels this way about the damn laser beam things inside of doors. They are MORE FRUSTRATING than the actual level itself!Here I am, fighitng mobs feeling like a boss, I go to take cover in the next room and ZAP I'm dead -_-. You cant slide under them, yet sometimes you can? Sometimes they are off, but not all the time, so you run through a door not knowing one is behind it and you're dead.

I wasted 2 precious revives because of these damn things.. is there a trick to getting around them or something?

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When playing about corpus it's vital to check every room for camers, the camera controlling the lasers does not have to be in the room you're in but maybe controlling it from the other side, you can shoot past the beams so that's not realy a problem. Though they got me quiet a few times when during my first encounters with the Corpus, they are hardly a threat anymoar... but i would miss them if they were gone, as i like to be forced to adapt to different playstyles from time to time and i realy enjoy that i can't just rely on run, gun & slash like when facing the Grineer.


Would be nice if there was a way to Devs could get faction speficic info, like the camera/laser beam stuff, to the players ingame in some way or another. As i could see it getting realy frustrating if you don't spot (or understand the purpose of) those cameras and are stuck in a endless circle of frustration while trying to slide through laser-barriers while 'randomly' activating turrets fire away at you.

Edited by Feindfeuer
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their are some problems ive had with those doors. the camera on the other side faceing away from me (directly above the door) goes red and i cant shoot it without using the loki cloak to get past. loki cloak is unaffected by lazers. and what is most annoying, a shockwave MOA throws me into an activated lazer door and immediatly kills me when i had 250 shields and full hp b4 the shockwave hit.

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Sometimes I find the lasers will activate randomly on some doors with no cameras around. Normally they disappear after the door closes again for 2-3 seconds, but it's really annoying because it makes me waste a few seconds looking for a camera >.<

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Excaliburs can sprint-slash through the beams. Also, you'll hear a beeping noise when you're near a camera.

One thing you can pay attention to is memorizing where the camera spots are, because they'll ALWAYS been in the same spots in the rooms theyre in. Pay attention to ceilings, especially above doors.

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