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New Type Of Weapon/frame Upgrade (Just An Idea)


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I'm sure you all know, but currently the upgrades we have in WF are these three




so this got me wondering, why not give the Infested their own upgrade version too? It will be nice if J3-Golem dropped 'Corrupted' versions, just like corrupted mods, and just like the mods, they will have one aspect made worse, and one made better

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I wonder what the meaning behind naming things with wraith and vandal is. I mean wraith is either a ghost or insubstantial copy(wraith weapons aren't lesser than their originals though) Vandal, well, involves purposeful destruction. Makes a little more sense but still odd. 

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I wonder what the meaning behind naming things with wraith and vandal is. I mean wraith is either a ghost or insubstantial copy(wraith weapons aren't lesser than their originals though) Vandal, well, involves purposeful destruction. Makes a little more sense but still odd. 

It's really just "cool" names associated with the factions, I think. If I had to ascribe reason to it:


-Grineer are clones of clones of clones (of clones of clones). They're degenerate shells, and quite frankly pitiable excuses for human beings. They are the wraiths of Earth, shadows of what could be considered its former glories... and their physicality likely parallels their mentality.

-Corpus are a techno-cult that worships the Orokin, yet they don't hesitate to vandalize things left by their gods--they chop up Warframes to make Zanuka, they cannibalize finds to make Fusion MOAs, and I doubt we've seen the last of what they should consider atrocities.

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