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Replicate Warframe Abilities


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Just an idea. A system could be integrated whereby warframe abilities could be transferred from one frame to another,


My idea of how it should work:


-Two warframes need to be destroyed (the "recipient" and the "giver")

        Both warframes have to be at max level, supercharged and have all four frame abilities fully upgraded.


-I will use an example for simplicity; say "Ember" is the "giver" and "Volt" is the "recipient", one of "Ember's" ability can be made available to all future "Volt" build per process.


-To complete this action a certain amount of "credit" and "forma" will be required depending on the ability being replicated.


-Only one ability can be replicated to a specific warframe type per process, hence 8 frames as described in the first point is required to copy all 4 abilities to warframe type.


This will give players a greater ability to customize their frame of choice but at great costs. 

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