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Not A Noob...


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Perhaps as a kid there was a sequence of events that led to this being your nickname... (Must've been a hella night!)


A friend of yours drives busses but he stole your name "YourIcecreamDeliverer" so you took his and play together to see if people can guess to see who's who.


In your profile I see you're anticipating visitors, very entertaining. Wait... That's it! Bandwagon! You drive local bandwagons in-game! *metaphorical ones, driving trends and such*


So that when you see a DE member hop onto your driven metro bus, you can joke with  'em.


Maybe I got a little too close with the actor and/or army portion? another sequence of memorable events to that or perhaps to a community of bus drivers?


You enjoy driving me to insanity and back as I am now obsessed with your name yet find I must limit myself to 5 strikes. 


For every one after that I give You a Rare mod/Void Keys


Again with the hilariousness - your guesses continue to amuse, and unfortunately... fail to uncover my nomenclature. Your attempts are not in vain!

BTW, DE employees have actually commented on my name before.   

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sequence of events 

In order to qualify, do I have to go into all the potential "sequences of memorable events?



There is a history to my name, but you do not have to explicitly identify the confluence of event which led to its selection. All someone has to say if the reason behind my selection, and trust me... I have been VERY lenient with the interpretation of peoples answers... 

Edited by YourBusDriver
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Hint #1


Think of the obligations and responsibilities a bus driver has.


Hints Remaining: 4




I know a lot of people have suggested that the reason is because I taxi players to alerts, but try to avoid in-game references, or gags specific to Warframe itself. Remember, I selected the name BEFORE I began playing the game. 


There is a method to my madness.


Please understand that I am being very lenient with the interpretation of answers. I reassure you the answer to this riddle is very simple. At the slightest mention of something close to the reason, I will award the prize.

If the correct answer is not uncovered by the time I have given the last hint (4 remaining), the funniest answer will be selected as the winning answer (or the one that has received the most votes).

Please Note: the selection will incur the most popular answer, not the most popular comment.


Keep guessing Tenno! 

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Perhaps you find yourself in a nice place, not the most lavish but you love it?


Perhaps it's more the lifestyle than obligations?


However, If it were obligations, you may have to clean up after others on a frequent basis?

Or, you find yourself a medium to others, a diplomat of sorts and constantly finding VERY obvious answers to heavy disputes?

Edited by un1337ninj4
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Rephrase that question, and I'll decide if it's wrong or not.


I think he meant you enjoy taking care of other people, as in help them in-game and the like. The "obligations and responsibilities of a bus driver", as you put it, are, by and large, helping people get from one place to another. If you're a tad bit metaphorical, you could say it's about the "road" from beginner to advanced. As in, you help people learn how to play the game.


I dunno, really. I think metaphorically analyzing your name isn't the right way to go about this.

Edited by doom.
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Perhaps you find yourself in a nice place, not the most lavish but you love it?


Perhaps it's more the lifestyle than obligations?


However, If it were obligations, you may have to clean up after others on a frequent basis?

Or, you find yourself a medium to others, a diplomat of sorts and constantly finding VERY obvious answers to heavy disputes?


I believe this answer goes along the lines of what doom. said. 


Try again! 

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I think he meant you enjoy taking care of other people, as in help them in-game and the like. The "obligations and responsibilities of a bus driver", as you put it, are, by and large, helping people get from one place to another. If you're a tad bit metaphorical, you could say it's about the "road" from beginner to advanced. As in, you help people learn how to play the game.


I dunno, really. I think metaphorically analyzing your name isn't the right way to go about this.


That explanation is still incorrect. Good thinking though! 

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If it were along the lines of Doom, then wouldn't it be more of a Teacher role? UNLESS, you actually lead them to where they would find the answer, through people connections or whatever means! 


Also, your English is Superfluous, you cannot be a native speaker, Americans can't speak much less write as well as you do...


As a Poet, you have my thanks.

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