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Mission Concept: Conquest


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Rough idea just wanted to put my mind to use to think of an end game alternative to just Survival and Defense.


Basic Concept: An all out assault available only after each node on the planet has already been completed by the Host. Designed to add an end game alternative to Defense and Survival. Single mission split into multiple phases. For each phase a bonus objective will be offered completing will increase the final reward.


Phase 1 Infiltrate: The deployed tenno are spread between 2 starting points if they are even numbered, if oddly numbered the map will generate with only 1 starting location.  Tenno would be dropped from drop ship off the outskirts of the enemy base due to Anti-Air Cannon fire. Phase 1 function in basic like a sabotage mission with a goal of destroy the Anti Air cannon each party if applicable will infiltrate and sabotage one AA cannon. Phase 1 is designed to encourage a more stealthy approach of infiltration (hence 2 starting points since its easier for small groups to maintain stealth). Tripping an alarm will bring abnormally high amounts of heavy unit reinforcement and the bonus objective will always be stealth related (set off no alarms, kill unaware enemies, ect ect). Phase one ends with the Tenno hacking the AA gun(s) and escaping to a landing pad where the drop ship will pick them up to the next phase.


Phase 2 Cripple: This phase is runs similar to a mobile defense mission the Lotus will need you to secure at least 1 of 4 key points in order to progress to the next phase. The more points captured the more they effect the last 2 phases. One point is the security center, if captured will prevent alarms in all later phases. Second point type is power generator, disables static defenses in next phases. Third type is the armory which will reduce the number of heavy units that spawn in later phases. Final point is Communication system which will reduced enemy ai efficiency in later phases.  Unlike in Standard mobile defense each point will require a player not the lotus to hack the device and instead of the standard hack puzzle a more complicated and length series of puzzle will be presented with no time limit imposed. No player may hack more than one point so all 4 players must hack in order to secure all points. Bonuses come from capturing multiple points or performing well when hacking. After points are secure Tenno return to drop ship for carry to the next phase.


Phase 3 Establish Beachhead: Tenno will drop from the air into an active fight. Mission functions like extermination first, survival second then defense at the end. First objective is to exterminate all enemies in the immediate area around the landing pod; amount of heavy units, traps, and powerful turrets are dependent on performance in phase 2. Then they must survive further assaults until additional supplies arrive between 5 or 10 minutes if alarms where disabled 5 if not 10. Lastly Tenno sympathizers (those ppl we been rescuing all this time) will land on the pad and began constructing static defenses such a turrets. After keeping them alive for some time the phase is over. Bonuses awarded for skill at protecting drones and speed clearing the pad.


Phase 4 Total Annihilation: Functions like spy and assassination missions. First part will be to take explosives supplied by tenno sympathizers to each spot they designate. After all devices are planted they will detonate forcing the enemy into their last stand. They will withdraw the bulk of their forces to a defensible location where the planets boss (significantly buffed like 2-4x normal level since this is a high level raid type mission) lies in wait for their final showdown with the Tenno after being forced to retreat during the initial assassination mission. Amount of Traps, skill of enemy ai, amount of heavy units that spawn during boss fight, and alarms during spy portion of this mission are dependent on performance in phase 2. Bonus awarded from defeating boss without ppl going down, fast kill, and fast planting of bombs


Estimated time to complete mission: 30-60minutes


Recommended party: 4 end game players


Reward structure: Raid mods designed specifically for this reward. These mods would be only works on a specific warframe/weapon/sentinel. One mod for each one of these items would be designed such as


Increased Amperage : increases the stun duration caused by volts electrical abilities by 100/200/300%.


1001 Plagues: Saryn’s Venom, Contagion, and Miasma always proc their status effect and every second have a 20/40/60%  to spread to 1/2/3 nearby unaffected enemies in 3/5/7m  this will allow them to reinfect enemies who the effect has worn off of


A taste of dread: when Dread strikes an enemy weak point from stealth it causes all enemies in 3/6/9m to become paralyzed from fear for 1/2/3 seconds


Ect Ect. Examples of what I meant not actual concepts for mods just wanted to show they are only usable on specific items


Bonus objectives increase credits by 25/50/75/100% (number of phases bonus completed) and will award 1/2/3/4 (number of phases bonus objective completed) uncommon 5 fusion cores

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Sounds very nice hopefully DE can put time into it and maybe flesh it out but mode specific mods might be a bit hard to do, Esp.  Since some mods might not even work for certain frames/weapons.  I sometimes spend stealth runs with a SMG instead of a bow or Sniper.  So good idea but mods maybe no. unless they are rewards only given from that mode. Like nightmare and corrupted.

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I think this is a great idea, except for the reward mods being individualized. Mods with relatively narrow subsets are fine, like Thunderbolt for bows, the Boomerang mods, and Firestorm for the launchers, are fine because there is still some more general use.


Quick thought, maybe some mods could be for Caster frames versus Warrior frames (frames with base 225 max vs 150 max)? There are plenty of ways to do some subset of mods specialized for this mission type without being too specific.

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New game modes are something we need desperately.  Unfortunately, the problem I have with your idea is that it's basically just old game modes stitched together as one operation.  That's not terribly interesting.


More interesting than Invasion, at least.

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I think this is a great idea, except for the reward mods being individualized. Mods with relatively narrow subsets are fine, like Thunderbolt for bows, the Boomerang mods, and Firestorm for the launchers, are fine because there is still some more general use.


Quick thought, maybe some mods could be for Caster frames versus Warrior frames (frames with base 225 max vs 150 max)? There are plenty of ways to do some subset of mods specialized for this mission type without being too specific.

The idea would be that they would only be obtainable through this mode and usable anywhere, sorry for the lack of clarification on that one. The idea would be since nightmare buffs 2 things, corrupted increases one and decreases one, that these would be targeted at specific weapons/sentinal/warframe so as to prevent overlap with nightmare and corrupted rather than replace them

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New game modes are something we need desperately.  Unfortunately, the problem I have with your idea is that it's basically just old game modes stitched together as one operation.  That's not terribly interesting.


More interesting than Invasion, at least.


Oh i do agree it is the major weakness of the idea but it comes from two reasoning, its a raid concept so it should try to stitch together the existing concepts and a lack of knowing the true limits of the engine. Multi-phase might even be a bit much for the engine sadly, let alone sliding intelligence levels of enemies. Any totally new mode not related to any current mode I have when i stop to think about whats already programmed in the game gives me pause bc I am unsure of how possible it would even be with current limitations.

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I like it a lot. The Phase 3 Beachhead part sounds like fun when you drop into an active battle. Perhaps there can also be some NPC allies there who are already on the ground fighting when the Tenno drop in, which would explain the battle having already started, and give it more scale. 


Also, I wouldn't "reuse" the planet's main boss in Phase 4, and I certainly wouldn't level him up so high to make it end-game only. I'd use unnamed bosses specific to these raids instead (something like Grineer/Corpus Targets in capture missions, but stronger and more powerful).  

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The idea would be that they would only be obtainable through this mode and usable anywhere, sorry for the lack of clarification on that one. The idea would be since nightmare buffs 2 things, corrupted increases one and decreases one, that these would be targeted at specific weapons/sentinal/warframe so as to prevent overlap with nightmare and corrupted rather than replace them

Yes, I know, but what I meant was that making mods for an individual weapon or warframe limits their use a lot. Some people main one Warframe and will never touch the others, which means the pools as far as they are concerned are incredibly diluted; the same goes for weapons. Furthermore, if you do Warframe specific mods, you have to have at least one for each frame, otherwise it is unfair and unbalanced--that means 16 mods right there. There are only 13 Nightmare mods, and 16 corrupted mods, meaning if you did weapon mods, too, the drop chances would be very small for this gametype and result in a lot of unpleasant grind.


There are other patterns you could do that are more useful and wouldn't replace nightmare and corrupted. You could have "specialist" mods that actually decrease the effectiveness of the weapon or frame they are placed on in exchange for some other bonus (rifle mod that decreases rifle damage, increases melee damage or sidearm multi-shot, for example). You could do what I suggested earlier and keep the basic idea of weapon- or Warframe-specific mods, but broaden them just a bit to add to the universal appeal--the Caster/Warrior frame split is not the only potential split, if you wanted to divide it further than that. There are a lot of options, I just don't think specific-mods are a good one--the only precedent are the mods that go on launchers, boomerangs, or bows, and they each have at least three weapons they can go on.

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