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Warframes We Would Like To See (Diy Dreamframes)


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We love the fact that DE is coming up with a new warframe every update. What type of warframes would you like to see in future updates? Here's a template for you to follow.


Warframe Name :

Starting Shields:

Max Shields :

Starting Health :

Max Health :


Polarity slots :


Powers :


1) <Power/Mod Name here>

     Cost :

     Conclave Points :

     Polarity :

     Description :

     Duration : ?/?/?/? or N/A

     Rarity : <either common, uncommon, or rare>


2) <Power/Mod Name here>

     Cost :

     Conclave Points :

     Polarity :

     Description :

     Duration :

     Rarity :


3) <Power/Mod Name here>

    Cost :

    Conclave Points :

    Polarity :

    Description :

    Duration :

    Rarity :  


4) <Power/Mod Name here>

     Cost :

     Conclave Points :

     Polarity :

     Description :

     Duration :

     Rarity :

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Got my own, actually. But thank you very much for the effort. :3



- Base Statistics
Health: 100
Power: 100
Armor: 65
Shields: 100
Shield Recharge: 25
Sprint Speed: 1.
Stamina: 8
- Abilities:

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