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[Warframe Concept] Tulva - Water Frame


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Warframe Name : Tulva

Starting Shields: 100

Max Shields : 215

Starting Health : 90

Max Health : 275


Description: The Tulva is a highly maneuverable frame able to condense and control water molecules in the vicinity with unique waves, leveling the battlefield with power and grace.


Powers :


1) Aqua Lash

     Cost : 25

     Description : Swiftly condenses water into a long whip and strikes enemies in a cone in front of it, sending them flying.

     Duration : Instant



2) Hydrokinetics

     Cost : 75

     Description : Coats the Tulva in a veil of vibrating water molecules, deflecting any incoming projectiles around it-  projectiles deflected can damage any enemy hit.

     Duration : 10 seconds


3) Flores Sanguinis

    Cost : 50

    Description : Target enemy is rooted for a moment, blood jets from the target taking massive damage while damaging nearby enemies.

    Duration : 1.5 seconds 


4) Maelstrom

     Cost : 15 Per second

     Description : Condenses a massive field of fog around the Tulva, amping up water and electrical damage by 200% in the field. Aqua Lash becomes a radial attack while active. Flores Sanguinis affects targets in a radius while active.

     Duration : Toggle.


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I'd redo #3; it sounds a bit far-fetched and gruesome. How about condensing a pillar of extremely thick mist/water around a target, suffocating/downing him? When used in combination with power #4 this could affect all enemies in an area, instead of a single target.

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I'd redo #3; it sounds a bit far-fetched and gruesome. How about condensing a pillar of extremely thick mist/water around a target, suffocating/downing him? When used in combination with power #4 this could affect all enemies in an area, instead of a single target.

 Well that's what #4 does when used in conjunction. It goes from single target to radial area around the frame.

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This is one of the better water-frame concepts out there, and overall I'd say I like it. There are just a few inaccuracies though, because stats are based on formulas and don't just grow to an arbitrary amount:


-Starting shields and health triple by the time the warframe is level 30. With Tulva's base 100 shields and 90 health, her maxes are actually 300 and 270, not the 215 and 275 you have listed.

-You don't mention her energy. There are two energy archetypes for Warframes right now, a base 100 Warrior and a base 150 Caster. At level 30, a frame's energy pool is 1.5x what it was to start with.

-You don't mention her polarities, either. Every frame comes with two polarized slots, and while the aura slot might have no polarity, you should still write that because otherwise we'll think you overlooked it.


I don't think energy/sec costs are going to be implemented, either, because the way the engine seems to handle powers wouldn't support it--I can't guarantee that, though. Either way, I think Maelstrom is a little iffy, because that cost/second means that she can't use the powers it would benefit very well without depleting her pool and dispelling Maelstrom. A base activation cost for a locale-based effect with a duration would be a better idea, I think.

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This is one of the better water-frame concepts out there, and overall I'd say I like it. There are just a few inaccuracies though, because stats are based on formulas and don't just grow to an arbitrary amount:


-Starting shields and health triple by the time the warframe is level 30. With Tulva's base 100 shields and 90 health, her maxes are actually 300 and 270, not the 215 and 275 you have listed.

-You don't mention her energy. There are two energy archetypes for Warframes right now, a base 100 Warrior and a base 150 Caster. At level 30, a frame's energy pool is 1.5x what it was to start with.

-You don't mention her polarities, either. Every frame comes with two polarized slots, and while the aura slot might have no polarity, you should still write that because otherwise we'll think you overlooked it.


I don't think energy/sec costs are going to be implemented, either, because the way the engine seems to handle powers wouldn't support it--I can't guarantee that, though. Either way, I think Maelstrom is a little iffy, because that cost/second means that she can't use the powers it would benefit very well without depleting her pool and dispelling Maelstrom. A base activation cost for a locale-based effect with a duration would be a better idea, I think.


Yeah, I didn't have the energy to flush out the calculations or polarities this morning- so tiiired x.x


And maybe, although with teh system always changing it's entirely possible for toggle-based to come to fruition. In fact I'm REALLY hoping to see something like that along with activation 'charges' and the like.

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It's possible, sure. But having had some experience with game programming, and based on my own observations, I'd say it's extremely unlikely. The engine at the moment seems to be set-up to simply remove the appropriate energy total in exchange for a buff or projectile spawn--which then handle everything else about the ability. I suppose they could set it up so that said buff renews itself every second for that cost. And actually, I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier, but the part I was originally thinking would be a problem (setting it up so the ability toggles itself off on a recast, instead of just recasting itself) wouldn't be--there's already a system in place to recognize an ability in use and prevent you from recasting, and a slight variant of that is all that is needed.


So yeah, it's possible. I still don't like it as much for this ability, because of its synergy with other abilities requiring energy to actually use... the ability could be more useful to team-mates playing Volt, I guess, if you saved your energy to feed them for a while. But it'd be very lackluster for solo or even the player's own combat experience.

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This warframe is too much of a standard caster.
None of the abilities are very unique.
Most of the other warframe have some unique and defining powers.

Random frames

Particles surround her and target nearby enemies, Teleporting object, chargeable (buggy)damage bomb, an ult that coats enemies that can start a chain reaction.

Shoots webs from her hands to fly, radial stun, attack speed and armor buff to nearby allies, invincibility and punching stance.

Nyx makes enemies fight themselves.

Frost freeezes enemies, makes a snow globe...

Ember may seem simple but thats what makes her unique is that shes the only frame with mostly outright casting damage. 

Your frame does damage, makes a damage aoe ult, some cc, a shield.

For a "highly maneuverable frame" you forgot to make an ability that gives her any form a movement increase, frames tend to be better by their abilities, not their base stats.

Your ult should not make your whip radial, having direct aim makes skill/technique better then spamming.

How about your passive deflection shield becomes a bubble that sucks nearby water to get bigger over time and it slows nearby enemies.
After 10 seconds it will collapse unless activated before so, Upon activation tulva pauses and the bubble condenses and then explodes for huge aoe damage................. 
Thats unique^
Even with that one ability being super unique your caster is still too simple.

Your whip seems like fun and the ult would be fun.


Edited by scaleblue
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