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Rating System For Players


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 I really want to give players positive or negative feedback. A rating system makes so much sense in this game. So when a person decides to not be a team player or griefs others they should play with other griefers. The worst are the folks who do nothing in an alert just to get the reward. There's just no punishment for being a bad player or praise for being a good one. Clans cant fix everything.

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The problem is that sometimes it isn't a choice whether they are a bad player or not.


Was running an alert earlier. Then... Glitch.  Door wouldn't open for me so I couldn't get through.  No nova or loki in the party so couldn't get teleported through.   Pretty much forced me to leech.  (Actually, were you in that mission?  Your name looks familiar)


Generally I don't grief unless someone griefs me first.  Though I do hold grudges for decades...


Even when using vortex as Vauban, I'm very careful.  Only time I've caused people to crash so far was when... well... Instead of staying away from the vortex I throw across the map, they run towards it.   I generally use tesla for anything within 15~20 meters though.  Had a few close calls when people ran in front of me (If I have a bow out aimed and you've seen my bow explode...  What makes people think it is a good idea to run in front of me?).


But seriously, people...  If I'm purposefully throwing my vortex as far away from the team as I can... there is probably a reason.




Other problem is that it gives griefers a new way to grief.  They act like good players until the feedback stage where they give you a bad rating on purpose (points at demon souls which had tons of griefers.  People actually liked me because I didn't grief (well, except for the one day when I was trying to unlock something that required me to))..   I mean, I'd pretty much walk people through a level (generally I used messages to make sure it was ok for me to just massacre everything or just protect or w/e) and after?  They'd give me the worst rating even if I did all the work and all they did was leech.   As in they didn't even try to do anything but sit at the start of the level.  And you could kind of tell that they gave you a bad rating.


On the other hand, I've gotten good ratings for being a complete idiot.  (Who in the world tries to attack a flying, long range enemy with a melee weapon?)  I'm sorry, the sound of demon souls wasn't that great so sometimes I misjudged distances and direction.   And another time I messed up and aggro'ed a giant wave of enemies and almost killed the party (luckily, I had the right spells on).


If say, 3 griefers got together in a party and then you happened to join in and all three gave you bad scores but gave each other really good scores...  And if this was your first time playing with a team on  rating system....


And when you say they should play with other griefers, assuming that the game decides the matching, is it not possible that you would then never be able to play with anyone but griefers?  Even if the matching is done by player...  If they are all voting each other up each time, no matter how bad of a score you give them, they will always be overall positive.





To be clear, I'm not saying I don't want this (I was actually considering suggesting this), but that it would be fairly difficult to have a perfect system for rating/feedback.

Edited by (PS4)ariaandkia
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