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Dual Harvester Sickles - Your Feedback Please On This Concept!


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hello there!

seeing as i am a slight drop of insanity within a large pool of creativity over in the official weapon contest thread, if figure that i may as-well recycle my submission and see some direct reactions to my work creative splooge

moving on! with my suggestion that i have finally succeeded in pasting in!

A gif i made to illustrate the stealth kill animation:
faction- tenno
Name - dual harvesters
Mastery - 3
grip - dual axes/swords (dual zorens for example)
Type - dual sickles
here is my brief description of how it acts in game:
the weapon is your standard slash crit monster like the zoren, but what sets it apart is weaker overall damage, but increased attack speed and crit chance/damage attributes. in addition, what makes it real special is the fact that (insert value here)% of all damage is converted into energy as well as when you successfully score a critical hit, you gain scaling life regen.
you have now strayed from from my basic submission, all this other stuff is just details and stats that i went all out with with as i love details and went overboard, think of this as icing on the cake if the initial design is accepted any further


Slash - 8
Puncture - 3
Impact - 1
Crit chance - 36%
Crit damage - 4x
Attack rate - 2.1 per second
Status chance - 15%
Charge attack:
slash - 50
puncture - 25
impact - 25
charge speed - 0.8 seconds
crit chance - 5%
crit damage - 1.5x
jump attack: 
slash - 15
puncture - 10
impact - 10
slam attack:
slash - 13
puncture - 6
impact - 6
radius - 0.5 meters(balance)
slide attack:
slash - 24
impact - 13
puncture - 13
5 slashes horizontally across the downed enemy which do each:
slash - 8
puncture - 3
impact - 1
general stuff:
max targets - 2
range - 0.18 meters (shorter than other hacker slashers like the zoren for balance)
conclave - 15
no polarities(balance)
these weapons use the same animation set as the dual zorens, cleavers etc, and are holstered in the same position, but the charge animation is shared with the dual heat swords/ skanas.

special abilities;


what fun would it be if it were to be dull and dry? none i tell you NONE!.
so here is where it gets out of the ordinary, rated p for paranormal
whenever this weapon crits you will gain a 5% health re gen per second buff which can stack up to 3 times, this is signified by the nano tank on the weapons handles glowing.
whenever you connect with a target you are guaranteed 5% of all damage done to them as energy, hence giving it the "harvester" title.

construction details (cost, resources)


blueprint cost - 50,000 credits (it going to be a flavorsome unique weapon and so i believe its price should reflect that)
neurodes 3          
gallium 2
ferrite 1,200
control module 1`  
Credits 15,000
Build time 24 hours
Rush Build 40 plat

- description:
 the pinnacle of orikin nano - technology, the dual harvesters are capable of draining the very essence from its targets and siphoning to the user. granting them special perks in battle, wield them with relief that you are the recipient of the blessings and not the curses, tenno.
Admiral's Last ramblings (their role in game and why they are the greatest great good tolerable:


their role in game:
if you don't have any means of recovering health or energy, these weapons come in to their own as pocket trinities, though not without risk as you will have to keep a close eye on your and your opponent's status if you wish to succeed, else gain too much resources, wasting your time or to underestimate your adversary, causing you to not have the required properties to be alive.
why i think that these, or any type true sickles should be in game (Keke was cool also!)
-historically accurate as these are what ninjas used to kill and garden/farm
- easy to make relatively to drastic new stuff like the glaive back when it was made
- sickles are awesome looking even more when they glow with soul energy
- has a quite new feature on it as it isn't straight life steal or energy steal

that's the submission done!
now its just a few updates
16th of December: NEEDS MOAR STATS!
I have decided to make some rough ideas on its costs as per request of my peer(s) so ladies, gentlemen and miscellaneous! this is its resource cost (up top)!
1st of January: cleanup day!
- added spoilers to ease up post space (so now the thread will explode when opening them, MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAH!)
- re-arranged some stuff to fit in their proper sections
- tweaked this "non-submission" section to fit that in
- put this update in my thread (inception)
Edited by AdmiralAvalanche
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