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Warframe Concept: Phantom


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I've had this Idea for a while and now just finished creating the concept, I've tried to keep it inline with the set up for the warframes available on the game.

name: Phantom
the warframe of shadows

Description: The keeper of secrets, seeker of knowledge.

this warframe was forged in a strange place, deep in the void.
this place was a middle plaine between the one we know and one called by those who lived in this strange plaine "the twilight" the strange plane was later called "the shadow" the plane of mystery.
the Oriken created a station in this plain and forged a warframe there.
the warframe was gifted with unique powers, powers that if properly used can prove devestating in battle.

powers: Phantom's powers are a mix of support and strike roles making him as helpful as he is lethal. EDIT: Phantom's powers are more of a strike style set up (except for Syphon which is a basic support ability)

1: syphon: this ability allows Phantom to take valuable health from his foes to heal himself any nearby allies (radius range to be determined), when this ability is used he can only use his sidearm while this ability is active.

Edit: Syphon will work on 1 target only (mods can increase it to three targets in front of him (distance to be determined)

Edit: Phantom's shadows has been replaced by Blink
2: Blink: Phantom uses the combined powers of Ethereal and the Shadow plaine to allows him to move quickly across the battlefield. in essence it is like Ash's teleport ability but also adds in Excaliber's Radial Blind ability, temporarily blinding foes in range when he "blinks" from one place to another. allowing him to move out or into danger at will and cause all manner of trouble on the battlefield. (thinking it would take 50 Energy (25 energy to leave one place, 25 to go to another))

Edit: Phase has now become Faint.
3: Faint: The warframe charges his entire body w/ ethereal power, turning transparent (being harder to detect but not invisible. Like Predator), changing his density and becoming invulnerable for a short time. Unlike other cloaking powers, all attacks will pass through the warframe, causing no damage, but will hit other players. Attacking breaks the cloaking but yields a stealth damage multiplier for the initial strike. (suggested by: (PS4)GR13V4NC3)

Edit: Faint lasts for 35 seconds.

4: North Star: The warframe activates his full power and explodes into a walking wrecking ball of ethereal spikes. While in this state, the warframe will glow like a star, ethereal spikes will sprout from the entire body and it will take reduced damage from all attacks. The warframe will gain increased speed, armor rating and stamina. During activation of this power the warframe cannot attack with any weapons. The sole purpose of this move would be to run as fast as possible and slam into enemies with your body dealing tremendous puncture/impact damage.North Star: The warframe activates his full power and explodes into a walking wrecking ball of ethereal spikes. While in this state, the warframe will glow like a star, ethereal spikes will sprout from the entire body and it will take reduced damage from all attacks. The warframe will gain increased speed, armor rating and stamina. During activation of this power the warframe cannot attack with any weapons. The sole purpose of this move would be to run as fast as possible and slam into enemies with your body dealing tremendous puncture/impact damage. (suggested by: (PS4)GR13V4NC3)


shields: 150

Armor: 50

power: 150

health: 150


Resently a strange vessle has appeared in space orbiting Neptune. the vessle was black and gold and carried on it's side the symbol of the Orokin era, the symbol of the Tenno.
instantly both Grineer and Corpus forces began fighting over the ship, both sending boarding parties to take the ship for themselves and whatever is inside. unfortunatly for them the onboard AI notticed them and saw that the ship's preshous cargo was endangered.
the ship's AI known as Rose sent an emergency distress call on all Tenno Frequencies, the call was carrying this message:

"Emergency! Emergency! Calling all awakened Tenno! this is The Orakin Starship 'Luna' Requesting imediate assistance, we have invaders from two nations fighting aboard this ship, and are an initial threat to the safety of the Tenno inside... Repeate this is The Orakin Starship 'Luna' Requesting imediate assistance of all Awakened Tenno!"

Event missions: the event would have a small series of missions and could range from sabotage missions to elimination missions, this mission line if you will would end with the fight for the vault, a Servival mission that if the players succeed they would get the Phantom warframe.

any feedback, art, and suggestions are appreciated.

Edited by Dasfier
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Cool concept, but it seems pretty overpowered. The only ability that isn't at the level of an ult is Phase, but that one is still pretty powerful. Maybe give it a time limit.


Siphon: Have it be a single-target ability that only drains health to you alone.


Phatom's shadows: Have it be only one at a time. Otherwise it's even more powerful than Nekros' Shadows of the Dead. Also I think DE would have trouble giving it the ability to revive others. Stick with attacking


Phase: Like I said, the only thing that bugs me is the lack of a time limt.


Shadow Rampage: Actually seems kinda underpowered. The way you had it, only 5 enemies are killed. Also, it seems a lot like Bladestorm, but with the use of Phatom's Shadows as well. Maybe rethink it?

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thanks for the feed back, and you're right the phase ability needs a time limit. I'm open to suggestions on that subject.


on the side of  the Phantom's shadows ability, I'm thinking that at first it would produce one shadow, then with the upgrade of mods it can be increased to a maximum of four, and ya it could be set up to produce them one at a time.



I'm looking forward to your feedback and suggestions on how to improve the warframe and Ideas on what he should look like

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This made me think that an Ethereal warframe would be better. It is already an element in the game and would fit in well with the damage system. He could have attacks that are based around armor ignore and more. These are just my basic ideas, I just came up with.


Power 1- Etherealize: The warframe uses his ethereal powers to endow all his attacks with armor piercing. Melee and ranged combat ignore the armor of all enemies for up to a number of seconds (like 20 or so). Makes attacks (melee/ranged) glow white.


Power 2 - Faint: The warframe charges his entire body w/ ethereal power, turning transparent (being harder to detect but not invisible. Like Predator), changing his density and becoming invulnerable for a short time. Unlike other cloaking powers, all attacks will pass through the warframe, causing no damage, but will hit other players. Attacking breaks the cloaking but yields a stealth damage multiplier for the initial strike. 


Power 3 - Ethereal Plane: The warframe unleashes a wave of ethereal energy on the ground under the feet of incoming enemies for a short time. All those caught in its radius are instantly turned ethereal, slowed (like meandering spirits) and will deal no damage to the player or his teammates. The afflicted enemies will also take no damage until out of range or the effect is timed out. Similar to Oberon's Hallowed Ground.


*My original thoughts on the Ethereal Plane were to have all enemies who entered, fall through and die like a giant cartoon donut hole, but that might crash the game. It would be cool though. It would also be a super OP ability. It would instantly kill like a whole room or at least half of it. Combining it with Valkyr's Rip Line would be awesome, too. Just pull an enemy into the void and thats all she wrote!*


Power 4 - North Star: The warframe activates his full power and explodes into a walking wrecking ball of ethereal spikes. While in this state, the warframe will glow like a star, ethereal spikes will sprout from the entire body and it will take reduced damage from all attacks. The warframe will gain increased speed, armor rating and stamina. During activation of this power the warframe cannot attack with any weapons. The sole purpose of this move would be to run as fast as possible and slam into enemies with your body dealing tremendous puncture/impact damage.


And he could still be called Phantom :D

Edited by (PS4)GR13V4NC3
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This made me think that an Ethereal warframe would be better. It is already an element in the game and would fit in well with the damage system. He could have attacks that are based around armor ignore and more. These are just my basic ideas, I just came up with.


Power 1- Etherealize: The warframe uses his ethereal powers to endow all his attacks with armor piercing. Melee and ranged combat ignore the armor of all enemies for up to a number of seconds (like 20 or so). Makes attacks (melee/ranged) glow white.


Power 2 - Faint: The warframe charges his entire body w/ ethereal power, turning transparent (being harder to detect but not invisible. Like Predator), changing his density and becoming invulnerable for a short time. Unlike other cloaking powers, all attacks will pass through the warframe, causing no damage, but will hit other players. Attacking breaks the cloaking but yields a stealth damage multiplier for the initial strike. 


Power 3 - Ethereal Plane: The warframe unleashes a wave of ethereal energy on the ground under the feet of incoming enemies for a short time. All those caught in its radius are instantly turned ethereal, slowed (like meandering spirits) and will deal no damage to the player or his teammates. The afflicted enemies will also take no damage until out of range or the effect is timed out. Similar to Oberon's Hallowed Ground.


*My original thoughts on the Ethereal Plane were to have all enemies who entered, fall through and die like a giant cartoon donut hole, but that might crash the game. It would be cool though. It would also be a super OP ability. It would instantly kill like a whole room or at least half of it. Combining it with Valkyr's Rip Line would be awesome, too. Just pull an enemy into the void and thats all she wrote!*


Power 4 - North Star: The warframe activates his full power and explodes into a walking wrecking ball of ethereal spikes. While in this state, the warframe will glow like a star, ethereal spikes will sprout from the entire body and it will take reduced damage from all attacks. The warframe will gain increased speed, armor rating and stamina. During activation of this power the warframe cannot attack with any weapons. The sole purpose of this move would be to run as fast as possible and slam into enemies with your body dealing tremendous puncture/impact damage.


And he could still be called Phantom :D


interesting Idea, but I don't think it works with the lore that I have in place for Phantom's background... however it would work great for another strike style warframe.


what I'm trying to do is give Phantom a mix of support and strike style abilities.


also I didn't say anything about a different element being used, it's simply adding a unique set of abilities and adding something to the lore that opens doors for more lore to be uncovered and for things to move forward.


still a good Idea though... it just doesn't seem to fit Phantom right now. thank you though for the suggestion. :)

Edited by Dasfier
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This made me think that an Ethereal warframe would be better. It is already an element in the game and would fit in well with the damage system. He could have attacks that are based around armor ignore and more. These are just my basic ideas, I just came up with.


Power 1- Etherealize: The warframe uses his ethereal powers to endow all his attacks with armor piercing. Melee and ranged combat ignore the armor of all enemies for up to a number of seconds (like 20 or so). Makes attacks (melee/ranged) glow white.


Power 2 - Faint: The warframe charges his entire body w/ ethereal power, turning transparent (being harder to detect but not invisible. Like Predator), changing his density and becoming invulnerable for a short time. Unlike other cloaking powers, all attacks will pass through the warframe, causing no damage, but will hit other players. Attacking breaks the cloaking but yields a stealth damage multiplier for the initial strike. 


Power 3 - Ethereal Plane: The warframe unleashes a wave of ethereal energy on the ground under the feet of incoming enemies for a short time. All those caught in its radius are instantly turned ethereal, slowed (like meandering spirits) and will deal no damage to the player or his teammates. The afflicted enemies will also take no damage until out of range or the effect is timed out. Similar to Oberon's Hallowed Ground.


*My original thoughts on the Ethereal Plane were to have all enemies who entered, fall through and die like a giant cartoon donut hole, but that might crash the game. It would be cool though. It would also be a super OP ability. It would instantly kill like a whole room or at least half of it. Combining it with Valkyr's Rip Line would be awesome, too. Just pull an enemy into the void and thats all she wrote!*


Power 4 - North Star: The warframe activates his full power and explodes into a walking wrecking ball of ethereal spikes. While in this state, the warframe will glow like a star, ethereal spikes will sprout from the entire body and it will take reduced damage from all attacks. The warframe will gain increased speed, armor rating and stamina. During activation of this power the warframe cannot attack with any weapons. The sole purpose of this move would be to run as fast as possible and slam into enemies with your body dealing tremendous puncture/impact damage.


And he could still be called Phantom :D


Actually nevermind what I previously said, some of these abilities fit Phantom better than my previous Ideas I think I could mix these two sets and make the warframe less op and more unique than I originally anticipated..


Thanks, (PS4)GR13V4NC3 for the suggestion... maybe it will work after all.

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Actually nevermind what I previously said, some of these abilities fit Phantom better than my previous Ideas I think I could mix these two sets and make the warframe less op and more unique than I originally anticipated..


Thanks, (PS4)GR13V4NC3 for the suggestion... maybe it will work after all.

Not a problem. Glad to help. 

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ok so now I'm thinking that Phantom would work better as a striker style role, he still will have Syphon as a basic support role but the others are now primarily strike style roles I'd love to hear some more Ideas for abilities and things to make him a truly unique warframe


as always, feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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