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Idea: New Warframe - Type Water And Oceanic Tileset


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Eey guys and girls


I think a water/aqua frame would be nice as a new frame for update 12.

Was thinking about it ;p while i toke my shower :D


The Bp's would drop on a new planet ( or just one of the exciting ones ) :) with an underwater boss, some giant squid.

and a entire new water tile set jumping from island to island. Or just water backpacks to swim ^^  also water mobs/enemies would be cool.


Water warframe would have skills like:

water blast ( like a fire hose ( imagine a grineer being smashed into a wall with a big pressure ) , something like leackage skill ( lets enemy slip and makes your slide cooler ) , something like a giant bubble skill that let them drown or give you oxygen under water, ultimate would be a big wirlpool :D


Thats my idea for the next frame ^^


Please vote here :D I would like to know how many of you are into it ;)


Edited by TheStabber87
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