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Locus - The Isolation Warframe


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I was just thinking, with all the new tile sets, wouldn't it be fun to have a warframe that controls that? If you agree here she is: Locus- the warframe of isolation.

1) Room 1- is an ability where Locus creates a small rectangular and half transparent room. This room has a similar effect to Banshee's silence, but with a few special traits: A) Noise can be caused, but only in the room. B) the room is invisible to the enemies from the outside. C) the rooms can not be exited until the 15 sec. limit is out. D) The walls can be treated the same way as normal walls.

2) Black box- Creates a box that explodes into two random thing: either some ammo/health/energy or a group of mobs different from the one you're opposing.

3) Room of Truce- creates a room where every enemy killed is turned to your side, these "allies" can't be damaged, can walk out of the room and will attack everything(but the player) until 15 sec limit has passed. After which they die.

4) G̙̝̗̠͈l̲̫̫͖͆ͅi͉̣ͧͫ͐̿̚t͎̼̬̍̽̐c̤͚̣̻̆̌͋͂̇̿́ȟ̿ͤ͋̚ R̂o̞̤o̩ͤ̈́͊̏ͧm̃̀ͬ͂̽̍- this room creates a room where every every mob(except the bosses) has a chance to die instantly, this chance is usually 35% (1% for bosses). The killed mobs will not drop loot.

If you have any ideas to improve this frame, or if you have ideas for a new frame, please reply!

Edit: she has high armor while lacking health and speed

Alt. helmets: Bilik helmet - +20% HP - 5% power efficiency (abilities cost more energy)

Edited by QGuy
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