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Villon The Thief


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We already have a fair number of pure damage frames but what about a thief who's skill set is minded towards sneaking and debuffing enemies. I've kicked the idea around a bit and here's what I've got.


Health: 110 (start) 350 (r30)

shield: ~90 (start) 300 (r30)

energy: 100 (start) 200 (r30)


sprint speed: 1.5

Polarities: 4 ability with 1 attack and 1 defense

Aura polarity:attack



-Pickpocket: teleport to an enemy and steal one item, ammo, materials etc, before returning to area cast from.


-hush: silence weapons and movements while remaining mostly visible.


-sabotage: cause enemy weapon to malfunction lowering one stat, accuracy, damage, rate of fire, or causing explosive failure damaging the enemy. (on infested I'd imagine a bone is broken or something and damage is lowered)


-​seize fire: steal targeted enemy weapon to be used for a short time without using players ammunition. (does not work on bosses)


As far as the look of the frame I drew up a rather rough version that, once I figure out palette, I'll post here if anyone is interested. Also, feel free to offer suggestions for abilities, stats, or what have you if you don't like these all that much

Edited by SiliconSpectre
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We already have a fair number of pure damage frames but what about a thief who's skill set is minded towards sneaking and debuffing enemies. I've kicked the idea around a bit and here's what I've got.


Health: 110 (start) 350 (r30) <- more than Excal

shield: ~90 (start) 300 (r30) <- lower startinpoint but same as Excal

energy: 100 (start) 200 (r30) <- more energy than Excal


sprint speed: 1.5 <- fastest in game by far (Loki is 1.25)

Polarities: 4 ability with 1 attack and 1 defense <- attack and def on a THIEF?

 Aura polarity:attack <- again attack? On a thief?



-Pickpocket: teleport to an enemy and steal one item, ammo, materials etc, before returning to area cast from. <- just kill it and take the loot, also - desecrate.


-hush: silence weapons and movements while remaining mostly visible. <- Silence (Banshee) with a semi Invisibility? Why?


-sabotage: cause enemy weapon to malfunction lowering one stat, accuracy, damage, rate of fire, or causing explosive failure damaging the enemy. (on infested I'd imagine a bone is broken or something and damage is lowered) <- Radial disarm (Loki) but worse.


-​seize fire: steal targeted enemy weapon to be used for a short time without using players ammunition. (does not work on bosses) <- The weapons we have are in 99/100 way more powerfull than those of the enemy. Perhaps in lategame or the occational Napalm. Still not good enough to be a ultimate.


As far as the look of the frame I drew up a rather rough version that, once I figure out palette, I'll post here if anyone is interested. Also, feel free to offer suggestions for abilities, stats, or what have you if you don't like these all that much

Summary: Stats are a bit high (speed is waaaay high). The skills are quite terrible and as a thief his polarities seems off.

Edited by Barda1
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The rude response you got first was sadly accurate. I'll try to offer some constructive criticism.

Now, I like the idea, but I feel the concept of such a stealth-only frame is best left for a time when DE has provided a means and reward for doing so.

Neat idea. Really boring 1. Not sure how to salvage that. I'd totally scrap the idea honestly. Maybe something like a smoke grenade, or some kind of sniping attack, that has a damage multiplier for hitting an enemy that hasn't detected you. 

2 is similar to Banshee's silence, which is already kind of underpowered IMO.

3 is exceedingly UP. It would be cool if it were something that disabled / decommissioned a couple enemies for a period of time. Blinding+deafening+slowing them without raising alert. Add a small AoE and you've got a neat skill. 


I like the ult, but it's also really UP, and unnecessary.

What'd be really cool for an ult would be an ability that permits you to disguise yourself as target enemy or something. Maybe use it's MHWep or something. (Maybe even their main activated ability?) Sounds like an eternity of tough coding though. 


As it stands, just make Banshee. She offers what is closest to the stealth experience that you appear to be looking for.


Nice idea! DE pays attention to what the players want, but they've got a huge backlog almost always. So, give them time. I'm sure they'll come up with a fun stealth-only frame, at some point.

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