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Warframe Concept: Transforming "water" Frame


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     The idea for this frame came from some chatter I saw in the global chat, so credit to you guys out there.


     Main Idea: The idea of this frame is to "transform" itself or the environment to best suit the situation much like one would do with a Loki. Also some of the abilities would have a energy drain-over-time instead of the standard "punch cost" (punch the button and that's how much you pay) that most frames have. This would allow for the abilities to last exactly as long as needed. (I.E. Hit the button once, activates ability and starts the drain. Hit it again, ends ability and drain.) For a Drain-over-time ability, the cost per tick would be effected by efficiency mod while the time between ticks would be effected inversely by duration mods.


     Appearance: Essentially the frame would be mostly solid with translucent prosthetic limbs and organs. The prosthetic limbs would be a fluid in which a form of nanite would be suspended.  There would also be tubes running along the "solid" parts of the body carrying said fluid from one part to another. Also there would be spouts or valves at strategic locations to release the nanite solution when the frames abilities are used. As for the gender, well that's up in the air. Male or non-gender would work best, but a female is not out of the running.


     Abilities:  The first ability would be a drain-over-time. This one could be one of two options: A) During the duration any ammo picked up is mutated into the ammo for the type of weapon that the water frame is holding. This would similar to the effect of the Ammo Mutation Mods. Efficiency of the mutation would increase with each rank. B) (This one is my favorite of the two) During the duration any damage done by a weapon is equalized between Impact, Pierce, and Slash, but the elemental damage would be unaffected. This "equalizing" would increase per rank with a maxed rank "equalize" having a 100% balance. For example: A player has a primary with a total damage of 300 base (200 Impact, 50 Pierce, 50 Slash) and an additional 225 (75%) fire damage. Once the maxed ability is active that same primary would still have the 300 base, but now the weapon has 100 Impact, 100 Pierce, and 100 Slash. The fire damage would still be 225 as the base damage is the same.


                   The second ability would "punch cost" cast ability. Once cast, any health drops in range would have a chance turn into energy and visa versa. The cast would have no duration. This ability would give the water frame health in a energy rich situation and energy in a health orb rich situation. The range and the Health-to-Energy/ Energy-to-Health exchange chance would increase with the rank. 


                  The third ability would be a drain-over-time. During the duration all stamina is converted into shield strength. There would have to be something to prevent players from using this ability with the Shield Flux mod or it may be the Rage-Quick Thinking thing all over again. This would give the water frame a slightly higher durability at the cost of mobility. Also as stamina tends to regenerate, even under heavy fire, it could work as a in-combat shield restore. The efficiency of the Stamina-to-Shield would increase with each rank with the exchange being one-for-one and max rank.


                  The uber ability would be a "punch cost" and is one that players have been asking for since the Arid Hellions first appeared. Upon activation the water frame grows a pair of wings and takes flight for a period of time. Or this could also be achieved by the frame being lifted on a column of water/ nanite solution. The flight controls would be nearly the same as ground based travel, except with the "jump" key raising the level of flight and the "crouch" key lowering the level. During the flight, instead of attacks from their normal weapons the water frame would be able to fire blobs or spikes of the nanite solution that would seek enemies and have a splash damage effect. The duration, damage dealt by the blobs, and the firing speed of the blobs increase with each rank.


I guess it would be reasonable to note here that the drain-over-time abilities can be made as "punch cost" abilities if it makes it easier for the development team.


If anyone has any ideas for names, the appearance, ect, please post 'em. 

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Like I said, this was just something that some people were talking about in the global chat and I thought it would be cool to see more in depth discussion about it without every other message being someone asking for their Wraith Vipers. And it was calling it a "water" frame or the other name they had given it. I don't think "amorphous blob frame" would draw in as many people or give them the right idea about what this frame would do to it's enemies.........

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