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Who Says 'yes' To A Pistol Mod That Boost A Stat And Degrading Fire Rate?


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Besides, since Lex got his akimbo version, Magnus is now the legit pocket sniper.

ain't that the truth. now if they come out with akmagnus, I'd definitely get steady hands on that and attempt to make full use of the fire rate. but magnus is definitely more of a sniper, so I take my time with high-damage shots. ideally, at least

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i honestly think even the twin viper wraith's ammo efficiency is managable AFTER rank 15 or so(with a potato), when you could fit a few damage mods on it, then a maxed mutator mod. i was able to solo Phalan Eris to 25min only using it with a Oberon, only used reckoning 5 times or so. but this is without any fire increase mods, and trying to not spray too much(i shot at around 5shot-bursts).


but again, what i did was ONLY possible with a maxed mutator mod, which feels essentially mandatory to have with any of the viper or furis.


edit: FYI, i didnt have any max ammo, or magazine size mods on my twin viper wraith.


edit2: i admit, i was one to complain about the twin viper wraith before it came out, to my surprise the ammo efficiency was pretty easy to deal with after i got a mutator mod on it, and thankfully it has a - polarity on it.

Edited by leonvision
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