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Elemental Bow Concepts! *updated*


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Now that we have Impact, Puncture and Slash bows, we need some elemental bows! :)

Here are some concepts;


Brontios: ("thunderer") is an epithet of Zeus, who was known for throwing thunderbolts around at just about anything and anyone xD.


It should perhaps be reminiscent of a quincy bow ^^ Most likely developed by the Corpus and looks like it!


It might also look like a "Ballista" too, because it suits the corpus more(I imagine they are lazy bastards who wouldn't move a finger if they could xD :)


It would be cool if the weapon didn't use ammo, since it is an energy bow *maple story reference* xD but that may be a bit imba? :) though unique^^ perhaps if it only had a charge attack that was longer it would be balanced.


Or make it very fast at firing tons of projectiles :P


Basic attack:

Very high fire rate but with low damage.


3 burst shots.


Charged attack:

-Status chance Increased to ~45%(without mods)

-Projectiles gain PUNCH THROUGH.

To get that chain lightning ^^


-Increased thunderbolt proc chance ~50%/100% ?


I would put fire damage on here too, because electricity ignites stuff, but radiation damage really doesn't suit the theme xD


It is crafted from the extremely durable genetically engineered trees that overgrow earth, and was the thematic focus of the latest patch ^^..


Mirkwood is a reference to the first bow(not the Galadhrim) of Legolas and the overgrown Mirkwood forests from Lord Of The Rings where he comes from. I don't know why but I imagine the tenno looking like elves ^^




Slim elegant looking bow with intricate carvings.


Somewhat brutal look with grineer alterations.(because they are the chemical faction^^).





Basic attacks:

-deals poison damage.

-Fast reload(taking out of quiver)

Charged attack:

-Increased critical chance/damage. ~25%

-fires 2/3 arrows. (increased charge time?)



Contrary to the word it is a frost bow inspired by the LoL hero Ashe(a frost archer) so it will have some similarities with her ^^.;




A crystalline bow reminiscent of the "plants" which grow in the void;


Tenno origin.


Basic attacks:

-Frost damage


Charged attack:

-Increased status chance ~20%

-Deals Blast damage. ("stuns" targets like ashes ult :)



This one is a Heat damage "ballista/bow" inspired by Oriental (mainly chinese) culture, since it was them who pioneered fireworks, flamethrowers and gunpowder, they were also renown for using ballistas so it would fit perfectly ^^




A bigger version of the Ballista ^^

Most likely Grineer, perhaps Tenno origin.


Basic attack:

-fires 3 weak shots (just like ballista :)

-Heat damage


Charged attack:

-Has an innate thunderbolt effect! ~30% proc chance.(scales with elemental mods)

-Heat damage.

Edited by mynameisd
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