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[Weapon Concepts] Pulse Tractor And Virophager


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While looking through the Warframe wiki, I found that not all damage types are represented innately. So I've come up with two concepts that will deal with that particular issue. DE, take a look and see what you think. :)


Pulse Tractor

A Corpus-designed weapon that generates a constant "magnetic tunneling beam" when the trigger is held down for a period of time.


- Mastery Level Requirement: 6

- Weapon Slot: Primary

- Weapon Type: Rifle

- Trigger Type: Continuous

- Firing Rate: 7.6 round/sec

- Magazine Size: 100 rounds/mag

- Reload Time: 2.0s


- Primarily deals Impact and Magnetic damage, making it deadly to all things Corpus.

- Shreds shields to nothing quite quickly.

- Decent status-effect chance.

- Increased "attack width" forgives below-average aiming, however precision deals full damage.


- Slower rate of fire than the Flux Rifle (off set by the sheer damage).

- Not terribly useful on other enemies apart from Corpus.

- Limited range beyond which the beam simply ceases.

- No polarity slots.




A weapon developed from experiments on Infested, this gun can fire off armour-piercing needles filled with lethal viral toxins.


- Mastery Level Requirement: 6

- Weapon Slot: Primary

- Weapon Type: Rifle

- Trigger Type: Auto

- Firing Rate: 15 round/sec

- Magazine Size: 75 rounds/mag

- Reload Time: 3.0s


- Primarily deals Puncture and Viral damage, making it deadly to all things Grineer.

- Very good accuracy.

- Low recoil.


- No polarity slots.

- Slow reload speed, though not as bad as the Gorgon.

- Requires short period to reach optimal firing rate.

- Sub-par ammo economy.

- Projectiles are not hit-scan, but come very close.

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