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Create A True Ninja Melee Weapon?


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this game's melee weapon has all the western melee weapon concept like the galatine (guilotine), magistar the mace,dakra prime and etc... but why is this called a space ninja concept based game when all the ninja tradition weapon like the tachi, nodachi,odachi, ninja sais,nunchuks, and chain hook is not beingavailable in the game? don't tell me about the skana... it doesn't look even like a katana... and YEAH the katana.... i don't mind if frost and rhino is called a ninja,cuz... well,as long as they have ninja sweg then its enough for me,but this game should at least have some melee weapon that resembles the ninja... or DE is actually making this kind of thing?

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I've been wondering the same thing but there are alot of other posts with some art for some and one of them a DE liked but we do have things like the Bo staff, kunai, shuriken and the ceramic dagger is kind of like one too and the Galatine is almost like a joke weapon because its based off of Hemans sword

Edited by Sasoka
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