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An Event Concept - "the Deception"


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(this is just copy pasted from my reddit post: http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1uvaez/a_probably_too_long_event_idea_the_deception/)


Before I go off on what I can only assume to be a rather lengthy description of this event, I'd like to point out that I know this event isn't perfect-- it's really just something I thought would be cool based around event rewards and new warframes that I thought would be cool. Think of it as an event fan fiction.
so yeah, this event is
This event isn't exactly small scale. This isn't the balloon hunt again. (I still can't believe I put hours into that event and not enough into the Gradivus Dilemma...) How not-small-scale is it? Well here, lemme toss some bullet points at you. 
* Expansion to tilesets (Jungle set / Gas City set) 
* New tile sets (Corpus and Grineer Derelicts of something) 
* New weapons (??? and ???) 
* New Mods (???) 
* New event Weapons (Ignis Wraith, Flux Rifle Vandal) 
* New event WARFRAMES (Loki Vandal, Rhino Wraith) 
* New Warframes (Grineer themed, Corpus themed) 
* New "planet" (Derelict space) 
so yeah, lots. 
To start off the pre-event, we'd be hit with some news of heavy Grineer and Corpus chatter. Though we don't know exactly what's going on, it seems they both aren't happy about something, and they're gonna take out this anger on the opposing faction. 
Then in comes the event itself 
The Corpus have invaded Earth. The Grineer have invaded Jupiter. Queue new invasion tiles for the Jungle and Gas City tile sets. 
Unlike the Gradivus Dilemma, though there are two separate events going on, there's no choosing sides. You can help one, you can help the other, or you could help both. The more you do, the more you get. 
If you go to one of the invaded planets and choose a node you'll realize you can't pick a side. You're forced to side with the home faction. As the Tenno, you must uphold the balance, and in this scenario you must help the home faction guard their turf. 
The nodes will reward the normal stuff-- except for three of them. These three nodes will offer new battle pays, with a new battle pay expansion. Now, once you go beyond the first reward, there will be more. 
More incentive to play the mission more. On these specific three missions however, the prizes will be piece of intel from the invading force.
Beat the mission three times and receive a "Damaged" quality version of 1/3 parts. Beat it six times and receive a "Unscathed" quality version of the same item. Beat it nine (WOW SO MUCH GRIND) times and receive a "Pristine" quality version of the same item. This means, for the hardcore players, you must beat three different missions nine (!!!) times each in order to get all three parts in "Pristine" quality. Of course, you don't have to. If you want you can go for 3 runs on each planet. Or hey! Super lazy? Why not just trade for the parts! Because, yeah, you can do that. (Or at least, in my delusional mind.) Take in mind this event has two sides too, so, in order to do everything you'd need to do the nine runs on the three nodes on BOTH planets. 9 x 3 x 2 = 54 RUNS HOLY SHIIIIT. Of course, once again, you don't actually have to. You can be cheap or you can buy the parts. It's up to you. 
As you beat missions, a global bar for the sector (There would be one for both sides) would go up. Once this "Stability" bar has reached 100% the sectors are safe, and no longer need your assistance. The invasions will still occur (for people late to the party) but those with the parts ready will be ready to move on to 
So now you've got some intel and the invasions have been mostly held off. Time to figure out what's going down. Unfortunately, your Grineer and Corpus friends aren't willing to tell you due to plot convenience. Once you have 3 parts of any quality, Lotus will give you three blueprints. These bps will be for "Undeciphered Damaged Corpus/Grineer Intel" "Undeciphered Unscathed Corpus/Grineer Intel" and "Undeciphered Pristine Corpus/Grineer Intel". Using the three pieces of a certain quality and 1 control module, you can create this intel. 
As you can tell by the convenient titles of the intel, they are undeciphered, and thus, unreadable. With the stability bars of the planets maxxed, new event nodes will appear for the opposite faction. These will be mobile defense missions on the Corpus and Grineer ships. By playing, and beating the correct one, your Undeciphered intel will be Deciphered through Lotus hacking into these special Codex Ships. 
Once you have the undeciphered intel you'll be able to move into the real bulk of Act II. More event nodes will pop up revealing brand new tilesets-- Derelict Grineer/Corpus (Settlements?). The nodes will be for survival. 
The intel you received revealed the reason the Grineer/Corpus are so angry. Turns out their (Settlements?) have been infested. But not just randomly. No. Seems like the Grineer believe the Corpus did it, and vice-versa. Now it's time for Detective Lotus and the Tenno to solve the case! 
Now a new bar appears, tracking "Evidence". To get evidence you must play the survival missions and gain it just like any other prizes. 
This is where your intel quality comes in. Damaged Intel leads to a level 10-15 survival map, Unscathed leads to a level 15-20 survival map, and Pristine Intel leads to a level 20-25 survival map, with each map having it's own DROP TABLE. 
So what drops and where? Well this is where the bulk of the new items appear (though you won't be able to complete all of them just yet. 
The level 10-15 map drops some of the new mods (maybe more are rewarded for participation?) and the helmet BP for both Loki Vandal (Corpus side) and Rhino Wraith. (Grineer side) 
The level 15-20 map drops the blueprints for the two new non-event weapons (which don't need any extra parts to build-- just materials/and that are split between the Grineer and Corpus sides) and the chassis BP for both Loki Vandal (Corpus side) and Rhino Wraith. (Grineer side) 
The level 20-25 map drops theparts for the Ignis Wraith (Grineer side) and Flux Rifle Vandal (Corpus side)(these do need extra parts that are obtained within "Act III") and the systems BP for both Loki Vandal (Corpus side) and Rhino Wraith. (Grineer side) 
As more "Evidence" is gathered, the bar will raise until it hits 100% (One bar per side). When it hits 100% the event will move on to 
...Which will reveal the new "planet". (May not be a planet) 
The Lotus learns that the perpetrators behind the infestations were... warframes! Or at least, they seemed like warframes. It seems one is very Grineer-like and the other is very Corpus-like. Strangely so. It's as if they were trying to DECIEVE the two factions... 
Turns out the infested places aren't the last, and now you must stop anymore (settlements?) from being overrun! 
Now it's time to play the Sling-Stone event again, (not really) but with a twist! 
The new Grineer/Corpus ships are losing power and fuel, stranding them. This makes them vulnerable to an infestation.  
In order to save the ships from being infested, you must refuel/recharge them. In order to do this you must defend an energy hub thingamabob. But, as with the Sling-Stone event, you must gather (some sort of fuel cells) These cells can be found as drops from the infested anywhere, much like the Alpha/Beta things from Sling-Stone. The cells, of course, come in different rarities. Using the right cells together gets you more points. 
But wait! That's not all! Order now and receive brand new STALKER ENCOUNTERS THAT HAPPEN EVERY MATCH! Except, instead of the Stalker, it's the new anti-warframe guys. If you're fighting with the Grineer, it's the Corpus dood, and if you're fighting with the Corpus, it's the Grineer dood. They won't be as tough as the Stalker, but they should be somewhat of a challenge. They'll also be a cool way to show off the new warframes before players can get ahold of them. (Wow I really talk like this event is real.) 
As everyone gains points defending the ships from the infestation, the final two progress bars will fill up until they're maxxed. At this point, the ships will be able to defend themselves and the event will be a success! 
After the event is completely over, If you helped the Grineer in every one of their Acts, you'll gain the BP for the Ignis Wraith + more, and if you helped the Corpus in every one of their Acts, you'll gain the BP for the Flux Rifle Vandal + more! If you went above and beyond and helped out both factions completely, you'll be rewarded with the BPs for Loki Vandal and Rhino Wraith! (Because the Corpus and Grineer just love it when you help out their rival faction as well.) I assume there'd be some more goodies seeing as how hard some of the event is, and of course there'd be the new mods and an event badge. 
The final codex logs will reveal <INSERT INTERESTING LORE ABOUT HOW THE TWO ANTI-WARFRAME GUYS HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE STALKER> and the Tenno will all live happily ever after in a galaxy of peace. 
Once the event is done and done, the new "planet" will be a permanent addition, and two new nodes will appear on it: TWO NEW ASSASSINATIONS! There will be two missions to assassinate each of the anti-warframes, where they will drop the blueprints for the parts of their own warframe! (The main BP will, as usual, be on the market for purchase.) 
so yeah, that's it. My event idea. Feel free to tear it apart or not.
TL;DR - Battle across the starchart as you do totally justified grinding in order to get Loki Vandal and Rhino Wraith and learn about the Stalker's bros.
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So far... ;)

nope, because "vandal" is retro-ingeneered corpus weapon and "Wraith" is the same for Grineer. 

As the warframes are not created by Corpus nor Grineer, we can't get their Vandal or Wraith version. 

Just like there will be no "Lanka Prime" because "Prime" is for ancient Orokin weapons and warframes :)



Edit : and sorry I don't like your event idea, too much farm in my mind. We need something new.

Edited by DeadScream
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nope, because "vandal" is retro-ingeneered corpus weapon and "Wraith" is the same for Grineer. 

As the warframes are not created by Corpus nor Grineer, we can't get their Vandal or Wraith version. 

Just like there will be no "Lanka Prime" because "Prime" is for ancient Orokin weapons and warframes :)



Edit : and sorry I don't like your event idea, too much farm in my mind. We need something new.

Technically Vandal weaponry is created by the Tenno. So...


As for Wraith weapons, you're just making assumptions. There's no solid facts on the creation of Wraith items. It just so happens that, as of right now, only Wraith weapons have appeared.


Corpus have captured warframes and turned them into Zanuka. I can only assume the Grineer could just as easily catch a warframe, add some extra metal plating, and give it a spray paint for the lolz.


And yes, unfortunately, due to the nature of warframe and me not delving into extremely new mechanics and, instead, pulling from what exists as to ease the possibility of the event actually happening, there is some farm. However, at the same time, there's new tiles, tilesets, nodes, and lore. That's quite a bit of new content to explore and what farm/grind there is is spread out over varying missions, and padded with the ability to do less, or simply trade for some of the necessary items.

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