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The Axion - A New Concept Plasma Sidearm


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A New Concept! This is a standalone akimbo weapon with its own basis and individuality. It is a chargeable plasma dual weaponry that acts as a whole weapon while charging, allowing for charged horizontal lines of hot plasma to dismember foes or can act as a potent high fire rate (or medium speed) plasma single shot set of akimbo weaponry on the fly. All descriptions thoughts and ideas have been created by myself and compiled into this image below. As far as i know this concept of an axial join able weapon with a possibility of holographic sights being created when held together is new. When the weapon is not in use, it is hung by the sides of the player just like a normal akimbo set.


I am no artist, so a skin of the design can just stay "Tenno" in the mind of this weapons style, i would think similar to the Bolto, but with more shiny stuff (i like shiny stuff :D)


A secondary concept of the charge could be similar to the Lanka but in a rail gun form, allowing for a huge fast stream of plasma to fly into your foe and cause massive damage from an "almost hit-scan projectile" weapon. This is as opposed to the charged horizontal plasma in a possibly "short range" stream.


Stats and Description


A Tenno take on a Corpus energy weapon; an akimbo charged plasma rail gun to destroy and cauterize enemies up close (or at a distance) with semi-automatic secondary fire to shoot enemies on the go.


Possible Damages


Semi (depends on fire rate)

Puncture: 8-18

Slash: 16-34



Puncture: 20-40


Impact: 20-40


Accuracy: 28-32 (100 for charge)

Fire-Rate: Around 7?

Charge Speed: If damage increases this decreases, up for speculation

Critical Chance: possibly 10% (increased for charged, 25%, scales correctly with semi)

Magazine Size: 12-25 depending on fire rate and damage


These current stats can of course have speculation, but they seem reasonable




Hopefully descriptions in the picture can convey what is trying to be achieved in this weapon.


Thanks for looking!



Edited by DrajakVakarian
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I was thinking separate fire while being mobile, animations for the arms to be close together could cause problems if firing without sliding mid air (just free fall anims), or when sliding away and aiming behind the character, the arms are at different lengths so keeping them level would be a feat in reality. I personally think that tapping for separation would be interesting, with charge animations while standing show the weapon becoming one, and when moving rapidly through air, charging could be simulated with them apart. It would need an akimbo animation adjustment for it to work together in rapid movement. It would make more sense them being apart.


As i keep thinking about this, more ideas and problems crop up, thanks for the question

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