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[Gear Suggestion]Sentinel Repair Kit!.


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It is understandable that the regen mod can't be used more than once,


but let's face it sometimes our sentinels just die, and nobody knows why :(


It gets lonely without sentinel :( *sniff*


So! how about a repair kit that will bring it back to life! xD


Sentinel Repair Kit!:

Item can be bought for ~5000-10000 credits and has 5 uses.


Maybe even give it some crafting time if necessary ;P.


Upon activation it channels  ~5-10 seconds.


Visually looks the same way as reviving a teammate from downed.

(Assuming there is a junk pile left behind from sentinel)


When resurrected it flies up spins around and makes sentinel noises of happiness :P


I think sentinels lack a bit personality in terms of being companions xD.

and they should add stuff like hurt sounds and more, but another thread for that ^^


+Add ability to resurrect team sentinels too ;p


This adds;

-An ability for players to resurrect their dead pet.

-A money sink, especially for players who have tons of Credits and no idea what to spend it on ^^.

Edited by mynameisd
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