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Let Us See Certain Consumables In The Lobby.


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What I mean by this, when you're in the lobby of a mission (lets say ... a derelict extermination for instance) let the person who used the key select from a drop down menu or something a consumable to make visible to everyone in the squad before you head into a mission.  So in this case the person would select "Void Keys" from a drop down menu, and it would show the icon for whatever void key each member of the squad has equipped.  This way it greatly reduces the chances that someone is bringing the same void key as someone else, and someone can just look at the icons and figure out what keys are already coming, so they can get their key equipped a lot faster.  It also makes it so you can't "forget" to bring a key and potentially waste 3 other people's time if you were supposed to bring the key that would have opened the vault.


This idea came to me during the Cicero Crisis, where this feature would have been great since lots of people liked bringing Citrine antitoxins when people were trying to do Lapis runs.  This feature would have pretty much stopped that from being an issue.

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