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Alrighty then, lets get started.


"Tenno" is a nice little idea of mine that is aimed to add some more story to Warframe as well as something that players can work torwards while progressing further into the game.


The story begins with a player's first mission(this event can only happen on Terminus).  As the player progresses through the level, a message pops up "So a new one awakens...".  For now only an outline of a figure can be seen in the portrait box, as who is speaking is an unknown being.  Shortly after Lotus says that she is getting a lot of static from your end and wants to know if anything is happening.

After progressing through the mission, the player, while approaching extraction is told by Lotus that something is jamming her connection.  Once the player reaches extraction he/she will see another Tenno kneeling in front of the escape pods.  After entering the room the Tenno looks at the player and says "Come.  Let me see what skills you have." and a kneel area(like the one in a dueling room) appears.   The Tenno and the player must fight before the player extracts.  Multiple players can participate, there is a 20 second timer after the first player kneels for the others in the game to kneel with them.  All others will be kept away by an invisible wall, or simply can not do damage to Tenno.

The fight is suppose to be ridiculously hard.  No players should beat the first fight.  This fight is suppose to be a "this is what awaits you in warframe" kind of welcoming fight.

After the unavoidable defeat Tenno walks around to each of the downed players(who can not shoot, can not die, and can not be revived) and helps them up.  Shortly after, she walks back to her starting position, looks at the players and says "You all have a lot to learn.  Hopefully Lotus knows what shes doing.", then looks away and disappears. 


That is the player's first time meeting "Tenno".

All players who participate in her duels receive a clear for the event/story objective.


the second meeting

At the end of Mercury, "Tenno" once again be waiting for the player at extraction.  This time Lotus managed to overcome the jamming and asks who Tenno is.  Tenno in turn ignores her, and awaits the player to duel her once again so she may check on the players skills.  She also claims she will be going easy to match the skill that she expects the player to have.  This time the player can defeat her, in which case she knocks all the players back, stands back up and says "Very good.  You are progressing faster than I expected".  In this scenario she lays down her melee weapon the she was using at the time, a Gram.  "Take this.  I expect that you will enjoy using it."  All players who participate in the fight may take one.  

Failing to win results in Tenno to say "You have improved, but it is not enough..." as she goes around helping downed players up once again.  She then turns around and throws a skana at the players.  "This was once the weapons of choice for all those like us.  Some of us enjoyed wielding 2 at once.  Maybe learning a new fighting technique or two can help you further your abilities."  All players who participated in the fight can take the skana, and unlock dual skana.

After the second meeting

After the second meeting "Tenno" will begin sending the player letters commenting on the player's growth(mastery rank) and letting the player know when she will be waiting.  The next few meetings are based off of the player's progression in player mastery, and from time to time the player is awarded a full weapon with a potato installed as a reward for victory.  In the case of victory she congratulates the player.  In defeat she encourages the player to improve, but is disappointed.  She also begins teleporting the players to an arena better suited for their fights in order to escape the eyes of Lotus.


After reaching Master rank 8, the players fight her once again.  This time, the event is only "completed" if the player wins.  Loss will result in her saying something like "Train harder!" and disappearing for a handful of missions.  Victory results in her handing you a key.  "Come when you are ready for a true duel".  The key can not be used while in a party.  The player is transported to an orokin-looking area, their weapons put away.  Moving forward through the halls, the "Tenno" is kneeling.  She looks up.  "Are you ready?".  The duel can only be fought with melee weapons and abilities.  Tenno has a decent sized resistance to all warframe abilities, however.  In the case of defeat, "Tenno" looks at you and tells you to come back when you are ready.  In the case of victory, "Tenno" jumps to her feet and launches a shockwave at the player, pinning them to a wall.  "Tell me, why do you fight for Lotus?" she says as she approaches the player. (this is now a cut scene).  Struggling to break free, the player reaches for their weapon stuck to the wall just beside them(the players arms have full movement).  Taking it as the "Tenno" approaches the player stating "What are you actually fighting for?", the player slashes "Tenno" across the chest.  "Tenno" looks down, turns around and begins to walk away.  The players falls to the floor.  Green light emits from her, her injuries as well as the players are healed.


She pulls out a bow and kneels in preparation for another dual.  This is the final fight.  Loss results in the mission ending in defeat.  The player has an option to return to a checkpoint just before the final fight or start again.

Victory results in her stumbling backwards saying "I see such determination in your blade.  Power too.  You have grown, tenno.  You have grown so much."  "Tenno"s figure begins to distort and fade away.  "A final gift".

A weapon re-appears in her place.  The player approaches it as the "Tenno's" voice is heard saying "We are Tenno.  We were once the Orokin's last line of defense and their greatest weapon.  Now we are wandering relics of the past hunting for a place in the future.  I hope you find yours."



The Last Gift is something that I envision to be a melee weapon of sorts.  Too tired to write about it now, if this thread lasts the night I'll post my vision regarding it in the morning.  

So what is your idea for the Last Gift?  Post it below if you care enough to.


And... there we go!  What do you all think(if any of you made it though those walls of text)?


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A nice suggestion and addition to the lore. As far as I see it DE is going to have to come up with something pretty clever to introduce lore like this when many of us are high level players already. Good Idea though, really!

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This would be pretty interesting along with naegling's idea but you could chose to leave the lotus and join the tenno or stay loyal to the group you owe your life to. With both sides having pros and cons so two factions of tenno further divided as clans allowing for more pvp.

Edited by thewildrover
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So its a kind "she-Stalker"?

Edit:^ I would totally leave the lotus.

Not so much a she-Stalker as she is a "mentor" of sorts who watches over your growth through early- mid game and rewards you for becoming better at the game combat wise.  At least that's what her concept started out as.  Not really sure how far I strayed from that once I wrote it down lol

Edited by Rennagade
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this could be really interesting, but unfortunately unaccessible to high-level players as it stands here


also, how about subsequent meetings after #2 are performed after the mastery-tests? kind of like "you did the test, but can you take me on?"


as for ideas for her final gift, how about a weapon styled as a classic katana to symbolize the tradition she upholds/remembers

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i am not about to let this die, there is too much potential!


the whole idea of this seems to be a mentor that has ties to the tenno, possibly from their origins? a tenno who refused their betrayal and tries to lead you to the "old ways"? or maybe save you from the rather mysterious lotus? c'mon, gimme input^^

Edited by OnnaJReverT
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