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Shared Blood And New Bond.


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Nida (Nova): Allen. I have found a signal of Zephyr. Do you want to go get her out of there?

Allen (Saber): I can. Where is she?

Nida: She has been caught middle of invasion. At Pluto Grineers are attacking on Outer Terminus.

Allen: Understood. Is'Gol requesting taking a drop pod to convoy target Tenno out of the field for a re-education. Over.

Is'gol (Frost): Permission to take drop pod is positive. Go get her out of there alive Allen. You are one who we call War Hawk and Battle Strafe.

Vendel (Vauban): Make sure that you have correct gear to be balls deep in death and incoming fire.

Allen: Don't worry this isn't going to be easy but I can say. To this day as I have lived I haven't been totally dead yet.

Ridan (Trinity): Take this status checker module with you. *throws the object*

Allen: For me or the target? *points with the object*

Ridan: Why not for both of you? You do know what happened last time.

Allen: No need to remind me.*as hops on the pod and takes six weapons with him*


Later at outer terminus. Allen sprinting all over places, wall running, jumping and wall launching. He finally arrived to place where Zephyr had fallen back. Allen opened the door with the army style slowly weapon following right next to of door. He sees Zephyr leaning on corner at half way sitting and lie on a ground position a revolver on her hand Allen attaches the status checker module.


Saber (Suit AI): She is barely alive. You will need to defend this room for about three hours that Ridan and some reinforcements would arrive. Unless you want to sacrifice a bit... It would take less time. 

Allen: How much this said sacrifice costs to me?

Saber: About all this suit's protective power and you would need to hold off Grineer and Corpus away from this room about a hour.

Allen: *looks on the direction where he hears steps coming* I am always all in. Eject all suit's protective power on Zephyr and start reviving her.

Saber: ARE YOU INSANE?! *Allen takes off the pod from his helmet of Warframe and attaches this to Zephyr*

Allen: If there is a way to do something much more harder but faster. I will always take that one. I haven't been called. Human Undead for no reason. *reloads Scar-H and HAMR closes the door, locks this and smashes broken the control unit from the door*


After hour of fighting between Corpus, Grineer and Allen. Allen knows that reinforcements are far away still.


Allen: Saber. Status report.

Saber: I am sorry Allen. I made a mistake Zephyr is not dead but this will take a bit longer. About hour.

Allen: I will take it. Don't worry take it easy and use the whole hour. I will wait. *weapons reloaded noise*

Saber: Don't get yourself killed.


After another hour of fighting Allen walks slowly and bleeding from three places walks upon the door knocks on it.


Saber: Few more minutes.

Allen: Open the door. I have solution already for his problem. *takes an injection spike takes some of his own blood. Gasps from pain. Door gets opened and closed right behind Allen as this falls on his four limbs right hand holding the injection spike*

Saber: Is that your own blood?

Allen: Correctly guessed. *as crawls near of Zephyr* It is my turn to take a break. My blood knows what to do... Fight to the end. Saber... Send a message to HQ. To pick us up.

Saber: What about if your blood goes violent on her body?

Allen: As you started researching her. I spied some knowledge of her body. *stings the injection spike on Zephyr and injects the blood... Slowly Zephyr turns head on Allen* Sister... I don't know can you hear me... But I don't have much time to talk before I pass out. I want you to know something... We shall share our souls and fight to the end... *Hands out the weapons. Zephyr takes them and Allen takes off the injection spike* Go our kind arrives... Soon... Saber... Keep her safe.

Saber: I will Allen... I will... Poor man... Doesn't deserve this kind of intense pain.


Soon Zephyr was blindly spending bullets on enemies who raised weapons against her. Just like Allen. Every head turn and shot were exactly same as Allen's own way to fight. After a hour members of Tenno mercenaries arrived to outer terminus too. They saw Zephyr who kicked on the back one Grineer commander put  shots through the eyes and fore head of commander. Zephyr looked on members of Tenno mercenaries raised weapon but Allen appeared.


In front of Zephyr lowered the gun took light grip from cheek places of helmet. Relied his head on Zephyr's head then hugged Zephyr released her and walked towards mercenaries disappearing same time. Zephyr fall down on the ground on front side and fainted Allen appeared next to of Zephyr. Looked on his friends raised up pointed on Argon and Esran to follow him lead them to his body. Allen looked on Esran and Argon.


Argon (Ash): Dude... Look at yourself... @(*()$ dead you are.

Allen: I will tell you later.

Esran (Excalibur): Come on let's get our friend back to home. He will explain everything there.


Argon and Esran helped Allen back on his feet, supported him to ship. Zephyr was being raised up too and get on the ship with the weapons. Allen was putted to sit on a transport room's seat. Ridan started checking Zephyr first.


Saber: Everything seems to be alright on the whole body... But the blood what Allen insert is still racing hard... This is revolutionary... Look at this Ridan.

Ridan: This can not be true. Everybody look! *everybody started to look on a screen of Zephyr's DNA being rewritten and repaired it became even powerful Ridan pulled Allen's own DNA power next to of Zephyr's own*

Argon: No @(*()$ way... You gave her your own blood.

Allen: It was only way to buy that third hour... For both of us... I had spied all the knowledge and data of the body as Saber went through them. It was last rope what I pulled for her... I hope she will know words. Reason why to be thankful.

Ridan: *pulls out rests of the team's DNA power. It is all same as others. Team has balanced power on every unit. Every unit is even with each other* This is seriously remarkable... I know a lot of blood science and those things but this... Is seriously new step.

Allen: I am not going to share by blood to anybody like that remember it Ridan.

Argon: I don't feel like invited to that thing too you know.

Nekon (Nekros): Nobody of us.

Orleen (Oberon: Nobody of us. Indeed.

Ridan: I understand. I am not really feeling like to do it too. What about it starts to provoke the infestation inside of Tenno. That is the risk thing currently. Right now... Just wow... Hey look! Something is going on... *Zephyr's body DNA started to continue as it was written but something inside the warframe was happening nobody doesn't know what*

Darul (Volt): What is happening?

Ridan: I can only guess... That the body is becoming... Human... This is only a guess I can be seriously extremely wrong.

Miranda (Mag): But... That would be impossible...

Ridan: As I mentioned didn't you listen me?

Miranda: Sorry.

Erial: But how?

Ridan: Highly guess and I will any moment question this. That Zephyr's infestation or infested was originally a human but got infection and turned in to an infested. Now the last little pieces of humanity has had been woken up and well started a reconstruction. As right now we are on half infested status. You all do know how and why I am not going to explain.

Valendine (Valkyr): Because that your original bones, flesh and all internal contains wouldn't be able to get used to the armor. Is that correct?

Ridan: Bulls eye.

Baije (Banshee): So what will happen?

Ridan: Well on Zephyr we can only wait... But Allen will be up in 10 minutes when we arrive to HQ. How long Baije?

Baije: About 20 minutes.

Allen: How in the hell it took 3 hours to get to us?

Is'Gol: Many of us had spread all over this solar system. That why.

Allen: Understood then.


At the HQ. Allen is helped on the Ridan's working place and place where Allen was once already got back to action.


Allen: This place still creeps me.

Ridan: Oh shut up. You haven't see the worst side of my work.

Allen: *images a moment* Dear lord... I hope that I will not see that S#&$ at all.


Ridan started to heal Allen and remove bullets from Allen also repaired plasma burns. After ten minutes.


Ridan: Okay. You are new as Baije's constructed ship. How do you feel?

Allen: Man it feels great. Thanks Ridan. I can't imagine anybody who can do your job better.

Ridan: A bit thanks to this warframe armor my job is on every this kind of work enough challenging.

Allen: I hope that Saber can turn on the shields. It is seriously painful take that pain as you dug the bullets off of me.

Ridan: He should be still on the Zephyr. Go pick him up. Zephyr is resting at room 336 at near of the main command bridge.

Allen: I will see you some other time then.


Allen went to pick up saber AI.


Allen: *attached the pod on the helmet* Good morning.

Saber: Good morning. She will be resting... I don't know... Maybe over 20 hours or less.

Allen: Can you turn on the shields?

Saber: Yea sure.

Allen: Finally something that keeps me covered. Thanks Saber.

Saber: As usual.


Night came. Zephyr woke up on a bed rise up on her feet looked on a mirror. Saw the difference. Quailed touched all over places even the warframe armor looked on herself.


Zephyr: No this can not be tru... Who am I anyway? And... Where am I? *while somewhere else*

Allen: *gasps deeply and wakes up from sleep like had saw a nightmare*

Saber: I am detecting stress and high amount of nerve center unnecessary activity. Is something wrong?

Allen: I am not sure. I just *gone silent*

Saber: You are worried about Zephyr?

Allen: After what Ridan said... Is making me worried. I need to go see her.

Saber: Feel free to go.


Allen opened his room's door and went to search Zephyr's room in the darkness at the hallways. Zephyr attempted to take the warframe armor off but couldn't do it. Zephyr opened her room's door and escaped. At the hall way. She passed Allen without both knowing that this happened. Allen spotted the door open rushed to the room but found it empty.


Allen: No no no no... I knew that leaving her alone is a mistake. *leaves the room and dives back to darkness*


Soon after wondering for few hours Allen touches Zephyr's hand this reacts with a deep breath what Allen heard. Allen slide his hand on Zephyr's shoulder and feels Zephyr's breathing tightening.


Allen: I am not your enemy. Come on let's go somewhere where is light so we can see each other.

Zephyr: Do you promise not to harm me?

Allen: I promise.


Zephyr and Allen went to Zephyr's room. Allen closes the door and locks this.


Zephyr: You... Have same looking... Thing on too. What happened to you? What did this to you?

Allen: Long story. Wanna breath by yourself?

Zephyr: And show my face? No you first.

Allen: Alright then. *deactivates the helmet part and takes the helmet off*

Zephyr: Your face looks familiar but I don't remember from where. Can you take my helmet off?

Allen: This will take some time. I don't usually take helmets off from others. *deactivates the helmet part and takes the helmet off. Zephyr looks on mirror looking at her face and touching it. Allen puts both helmets on the desk*

Zephyr: I remember... Zyleona that is my name.

Allen: Now I myself start to remember too but not totally.

Zyleona: What is this... Suit I am wearing?

Allen: Warframe armor.

Zyleona: Who are you then?
Allen: My name is Allen. I am Third Grade Lt. Colonel of this building. Zyleona... I just can't remember where and how but I do remember what makes me remember you.

Zyleona: I don't myself remember at all too but... You said this building. Where I am?

Allen: You are at Tenno Mercenaries HQ. At room what is given to you.

Zyleona: I need to sleep *Allen looks on his helmets and is going to reach it with his left hand* But I want you to say here to with me. *as looks on Allen's face*

Allen: *let's go from helmet* As you wish.


Zyleona sits down on her bed as Allen climbs on another on top of Zyleona.


Zyleona: Allen...

Allen: Yes?

Zyleona: Am I being forced to fight for something?

Allen: That is so difficult question that I can't really say that remains to be seen tomorrow... Should we get some sleep?

Zyleona: Yeah... Rest... *As closes her eyes and Allen turns off the light. Starts to sleep now he slept all the way to new morning...


At next morning Allen gets a call from Nida.


Allen: Yeah?

Nida: Allen where are you? You are not on your room.

Allen: *raises to sit* I had some worries about Zephyr. I am on her room right and she is sleeping. My worries were somewhat correct she woke up at midnight and went to wonder around the HQ. Should I wake her up?

Nida: Wake her up and come with her to the meeting room.

Allen: Roger that. See you there. *closes the call* Zyleona. Wake up... One of my friends wants to see us on the meeting room.

Zyleona: I heard everything I woke up on your phone noise. Who is this your friend?

Allen: Member of Tenno mercenaries. Mostly works on communication. Come on we need to head to meeting room.

Zyleona: fast as possible?

Allen: Not sure. She didn't sound to be on hurry. *jumps from the bed as Zyleona raises from own*

Zyleona: *as both walks towards the door* So what is this armor? And how does it work?

Allen: It holds four different abilities what you can use anywhere, anytime and when ever you want. Currently there is a passive energy field around us what warframe armor absorbs energy from so we can use the mobility ones to move around a bit more faster. You should have tail wind what allows you to rise up on skies in no time and also you can choose the direction where you want to fly at mid air or when jumping off the ground. My owns are blade wheel and spinning sawblade what I can use to move around places. Want to see?

Zyleona: How I can use them?

Allen: Just think about using one of them. *jumps high in the air sword with him making an upper cut slash then Blade wheel forward and back in front of Zyleona with Spinning sawblade* That is how it looks.

Zyleona: Let me try then *Uses Turbulence, Tail wind, Dive bomb and Tornado* Now that empty up my energy storage...

Allen: Don't worry. As I mentioned that here is an energy field what our armors absorbs to our energy storages. I have to say I more liked my own standard military armor than this... I do not like that this armor is hugging my skin all the time.

Zyleona: We should head to the meeting room right now. I will follow.


Allen and Zyleona hurries to the meeting room. All other members of Tenno mercenaries are already there.


Orleen: So we have new blood among us. Let us introduce ourselves. I am Orleen carrier of Oberon warframe.

Ridan: Ridan carrier of Trinity warframe. This groups medic.

Is'Gol: Is'Gol Allen's leader, Carrier of Frost Prime warframe.

Valendine: I am Valendine. Carrier of Valkyr warframe.

Miranda: Miranda, Carrier of Mag Prime warframe.

Erial (Ember): Erial carrier of Ember Prime warframe.

Esran: Esran is my name. Group's blade master with Argon. Carrier of Excalibur Prime warframe.

Argon: Argon as was mentioned. Second blade master. Carrier of Ash warframe.

Allen: Well you already know my name. I am carrying orokin designed Saber warframe.

Baije: I am Baije this group's vehicles and machine expert also I am best on the handling sniper rifles and bows. Carrier of Banshee warframe.

Nekon: Nekon. Master of stealth, Carrier of Nekros warframe.

Dalagan: Dalagan. Carrier of Loki warframe and specialist of using sub machine guns.

Nida: I am Nida, Carrier of Nova warframe and specialist on shotguns.

Vendel: Vendel, Carrier of Vauban warframe. Grand master of strategies and tactics.

Darul: I am Darul, Carrier of Volt and Electronics expert. So what's your name?

Zyleona: I am Zyleona. If I am correct I am carrying Zephyr warframe.

Allen: So Nida why we were called in here. Anything else than Zyleona meeting our team?

Edited by Revel72
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Since there are no admins or mods here ill say it my self:


Move to the proper section.


*shrugs* Wait... Where's my pyro?



And I agree with him.


*tosses ullapool caber* Only sober would throw that thing :D


Hi! Welcome to the Fan Art section! Regrettably, this is not the place to post fan fiction and lore.


THAT would be the "Fan Zone" forum.


I know but these things got kicked from off topic first so I am kinda confused still where these would go. :L

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