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Crawlers On Defense - Hp Mod Drops [Again] - Passive Upgrading [Again] - Armor Piercing Mods - Rollies


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So, here's the laundry list of complaints I have for now.

1) Why? Crawlers are slowing defense missions down. They aren't threatening in this mode. Unless your group is the slowest killers in exsistance, Crawlers will not even get out of the spawning hall ways.

Then you've got to go hunt them down and it wastes time... Changing up the Crawlies so they're actually a threat [or just gone from Defense] rather than acting as a hide-and-go-seek enemy would be nice.

2) You've all heard this 1000 times. I won't expand further.

3) Same as 2), but it's still an issue. Complain enough and it'll get changed [maybe.]

4) Why is Armor Piercing acting as an [element] or second source of damage? I assume it'll be changed to mitigate armor's defense from base damage, as opposed to being a second damage type. ATM, it's just another damae booster for Boltor.

5) GODAMNED ROLLIES. They still aren't slowed by ANYTHING! Why?!

And before I get 200000 comments about "u con just jamp on bawkz" I know, it's gotten REAL old hearing that. Just stop. Abusing pathing shouldn't be the generally accepted way to handle an enemy.

I'm not sure if this is still in, I havn't seen any mention of it in patch notes. Do rollies still have a flat damage ignoring that's seperate from armor? PreU7, my Boltor did about 30-60 damage to Grineers on a body shot [don't remember how godly the damage was, it was somewhere around there.] Against a Rollie it did 15. They had damage ignoring. Not Armor defense.

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I like crawlers, they give a little time at the end of a wave for the pod to regen. But I agree they're just not fun to kill. It's litterally like killing a cripple.

And armor piercing has always been a secondary source of damage on armor ignoring weapons. It does mitigate armor's defense on "normal" weapons too. Just be glad it actually does something on your Boltor. Yay cheap damage boost!

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I like crawlers, they give a little time at the end of a wave for the pod to regen. But I agree they're just not fun to kill. It's litterally like killing a cripple.

And armor piercing has always been a secondary source of damage on armor ignoring weapons. It does mitigate armor's defense on "normal" weapons too. Just be glad it actually does something on your Boltor. Yay cheap damage boost!

I love my Boltor, and how powerful it is... It's just too powerful. It can Crit now.

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I like crawlers, they give a little time at the end of a wave for the pod to regen. But I agree they're just not fun to kill. It's litterally like killing a cripple.

And armor piercing has always been a secondary source of damage on armor ignoring weapons. It does mitigate armor's defense on "normal" weapons too. Just be glad it actually does something on your Boltor. Yay cheap damage boost!

I doubt the devs intended you to let the pod heal for free between waves with crawlers, they might as well make it so that the pod heal to full between waves instantly.

Also its called Defense mission for a reason and not search and destroy a bunch of strays mission.

As for rollies those S#&$ needs to be nerfed somehow. I got perma stunned for 5-10s a couple of times.

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Also its called Defense mission for a reason and not search and destroy a bunch of strays mission.

As for rollies those S#&$ needs to be nerfed somehow. I got perma stunned for 5-10s a couple of times.


The Rollies damage and stunning is fine as is for me... But they have a few choices that make no sense. Silly Damage reduction and unslowable.

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Alright I'll type it a different way, since clearly the man you quoted had English issues back in his grade school.

One should perform an uncomplicated launching of one's character using their finger muscles, tendons, and bones to press a combination of keyboard keys(namely I speak of the 'w' and 'space bar'), while standing infront of a preferably large and cuboid object of a most probable metallic variety.

This method of evasion is most commonly engaged when avoiding fiends with a murderously hostile intent. Most common of these fiends is the already mentioned grinders and the ever so lovable infected.

I hope this guide has proven most useful to you in your ventures in this stark unforgiving universe.

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Alright I'll type it a different way, since clearly the man you quoted had English issues back in his grade school...

There's a word for what I was doing, I just can't remember it. Exaggerating something, or making it seem stupid.

It wasn't an actual quote, I was just sick of hearing people say "Jump on boxes!" in every thread related to grinders or infested.

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