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Stop the "key-troll" please.


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So, i guess we all know it:

You are almost at your destination and all of the sudden, you are locked out and need to find a key pass. Nice idea actually, BUT:

- like every time this happens, the key is like 5 meters after the point where we started, so you get to run aaaaaall the way back to get it and then run through the whole level a second time.

- the key magically appears! Tried this a few times where i was literallyy looking inside every room. Guess what? No key! Just until it says "Locked out! Find a key pass". Wait what? No way, i´ve been there! 100% sure there wasn´t a key before.

So please, stop making them spawn, especially all the way back. If we didn´t look in the room and didn´t find a pass, too bad, we have to run back then. But if we were in the room and there wasn´t any pass, there shouldn´t just spawn one!

Oh, by the way: same thing applies to data keys (!)

So long,


Edited by AmmokK
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I have to agree this mechanic is annoying; now, I'm all for a random encounter during the level, but key fetching isn’t high on the list. Not only does it glitch the level and stop you from completing on occasions but it's also breaks momentum and isn't fun.

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How about just making the key spawn as soon as the map loads? If you found it before the door closes then just use it and be on your way.

Please do this. I'm fine with this staying in as long as the key is always present. If we found it on the way, awesome, saved some time. If we were rushing, we get to go back.

Taking this mechanic out entirely is good too, in my opinion.

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Another annoying thing: Corpus missions with those GODDAMN TROLLDAD SECURITY DOORS

It wouldn't be so bad if there were some immediately obvious marker for the green bars, but they only appear when they proximity-open and if you're sprinting somewhere then you can basically fail the mission in one. I figured out pretty fast that shooting the security cams disables the bars, but why can't they either A: remove them or B: make it so much more obvious that they're there? Make the bars on the outside of the doors.

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The "Go look for the key" gets a little boring. It would be cool to add some new kind of thing like "They locked the door. You need to get through the ventilation." or "They locked the door. You can't get through it, because it is too thick. Plant a bomb and wait for it to charge up."

With the ventilation scenario it is cool because you can make a surprise attack on the enemy. And with the bomb scenario, you have to protect the bomb from waves of enemies while the bomb is charging up.

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The "Go look for the key" gets a little boring. It would be cool to add some new kind of thing like "They locked the door. You need to get through the ventilation." or "They locked the door. You can't get through it, because it is too thick. Plant a bomb and wait for it to charge up."

With the ventilation scenario it is cool because you can make a surprise attack on the enemy. And with the bomb scenario, you have to protect the bomb from waves of enemies while the bomb is charging up.

I like the ventilation idea more... because if they were to do that, that may compel them to make the path to the objective a little less linear while they are at it..

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I don't so much mind the fact that it's there, just how damn frequent they are. It's to the point where I can predict which door will be locked most of the time before I get to it.

A kind of related suggestion, but the whole running to grab a briefcase looking thing to open a locked door on a spaceship is kind of cheesy. It would make me feel like more of a badass hacker space ninja if I had to find one of those big consoles (the ones you get data packages from) and hack it to open the door. This would be even better if it was down a branch of the level you haven't cleared yet.

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Another annoying thing: Corpus missions with those GODDAMN TROLLDAD SECURITY DOORS

It wouldn't be so bad if there were some immediately obvious marker for the green bars, but they only appear when they proximity-open and if you're sprinting somewhere then you can basically fail the mission in one. I figured out pretty fast that shooting the security cams disables the bars, but why can't they either A: remove them or B: make it so much more obvious that they're there? Make the bars on the outside of the doors.

Enemy Radar marks the security cameras for you far in advance.

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