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Ideas for new Warframes!


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I assume that there will be more Warframe's schedueled to come out in the future as the game is still in closed beta but maybe some of our ideas can be incorperated into future updates.


- Uses time manipulation attacks

-Nick of time: Player creates a synthetic wall that when they walk through increaces a Warframes's speed by 15% for 5 seconds and slows enemies by 30% for 10 seconds.

-Eqiunox: Player casts a force feild around them that increses clip size and range by 10% for 8 seconds. Enemies caught inside of the force feild will be hit with 40 points of electric damage every second.

-Overclocked: Player recieves a 50% damage boost for 5 seconds but is 35% more vaunerable to attacks.

-Tock/Stop the clock: Player emits a shockwave that completly stops time for 10 seconds. All action affected by the shock wave will stop as bullets stay frozen in the air and enemies stop in their place.

- A slim-esque body type

- A stealth based Warframe

- 45'000 credits for blueprint

- A melee oriented magic class

Feel free to add your own changes to this particular Warframe

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I assume that there will be more Warframe's schedueled to come out in the future as the game is still in closed beta but maybe some of our ideas can be incorperated into future updates.


- Uses time manipulation attacks

-Nick of time: Player creates a synthetic wall that when they walk through increaces a Warframes's speed by 15% for 5 seconds and slows enemies by 30% for 10 seconds.

-Eqiunox: Player casts a force feild around them that increses clip size and range by 10% for 8 seconds. Enemies caught inside of the force feild will be hit with 40 points of electric damage every second.

-Overclocked: Player recieves a 50% damage boost for 5 seconds but is 35% more vaunerable to attacks.

-Tock/Stop the clock: Player emits a shockwave that completly stops time for 10 seconds. All action affected by the shock wave will stop as bullets stay frozen in the air and enemies stop in their place.

- A slim-esque body type

- A stealth based Warframe

- 45'000 credits for blueprint

- A melee oriented magic class

Feel free to add your own changes to this particular Warframe

Equinox and Overclocked make no sense for a time-manipulation frame. I suggest you rethink these two as the sound like powers that would belong to a frame like Volt.

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Equinox and Overclocked make no sense for a time-manipulation frame. I suggest you rethink these two as the sound like powers that would belong to a frame like Volt.

That is true thanks for responding politly

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cryo type frame : a rather bulky build type similar to rhino... playing of the image of an abominable snowman aka a yeti

Ice javelin : throws a sinle javelin of ice at enemy potentially pinnig it to a surface or extreamly slowing it for a few seconds

cryo armor ; generates a layer of ice breefly increaseing defence

frost aura: generates an area of extream cold all who enter are slowed an suffer cryo damage

ice field: frost freezes the imediate area impaleing enemys with spikes of ice /or freezeing enemeys in blocks of ice that can be shattered killing the enemy

Edited by DragoXXVIII
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I want a dragon type warframe that can teleport to anywhere on the map and breathe flames out its arse and spend energy to revive itself instantaneously like the mythical bird phoenix.

... Absolutely nothing in this forum post is sarcastic, and that's the sad part, really...

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Mmmh what about this:

Tremor (I'm not really convinced by this name):

Warframe capable of generating strong earthquakes, ideal for crowd controlling (We already have Ember for that, but oh well)


- Shockwave: AoE attack that inflicts low damage but knocks down every opponent around you (much like moas' shockwave, but maybe a different color to not be mistaken)

- Bone-breaker: A single, close range, punch that inflicts heavy damage to one opponent and pushes away near ones.

- (Insert name): Tremor punches the ground hard, generating a shockwave that throws him in the air. Damages the near enemies.

- Earth splitter: Tremor hits the ground with immense power. Inflicts really heavy damage and knocks enemies away.

Extra: Jump melee attacks have greater range.

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How about a spider type frame? I haven't really got any ideas for powers other than being able to walk on walls/ceilings, coating bullets with poison or shooting webs to trap enemies. Tribute to good old Spidey.

Sorry if these abilities seem cliche, its a lot harder to come up with attack concepts that fit a spider and are still "Space Ninja"

Try this out:

Widow (though honestly thats just cliche, maybe Weaver? Kumo which is Japanese for Spider i think)

Light Warframe used for speed and quick striking as well as immobilizing enemies.


- Silk: Shoots a "web" of energy to pull enemy towards Widow.

- Web: AoE that slows down enemy movement by 35%

- Hatchlings: Warframe "drops" or "summons" two mini bots that attack enemies (doing very little damage but can draw enemy aggro)

- Siphon: Drains a percentage of enemy life and applies it to Widow.

Extra: Faster movement speed and higher jump ability.

Edited by UbaStij
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Ooh! Ooh! I wanna try!


Status tapping enemies as a means of proactive support while keeping your allies safe by drawing fire.


-Nerve Grenade: Fires a projectile to target location, detonating in a small radius. Enemies hit in the radius have their speed and armor reduced for a short duration. During this duration, the speed and armor robbed from the enemy is distributed to the team

-Amp Wave: Lets loose a medium proximity wave in a 120 degree cone in front of the player. All enemies hit have their shields (or health) drained by 50-65%. Drained values are distributed to the party over 2.5 seconds in the form of uninterruptable shield regeneration. Dimished effect when used on bosses.

-War Banner: For a medium duration, the player is shielded by a veil that reduces incoming damage by 75% and adds a 50% buffer to current shields. Bullets that strike the player are added to the stock of the currently equipped weapon.

-Call to Arms: Provides a 180 second buff (3 minute) to all party members, increasing shield regen rate by 50%, fire rate by 30%, damage by 30%, and grants a bonus 15% armor penetration.

Extra: Buff duration increases per use of ability. Caps at 4stacks.

How's this?

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Are we sharing ideas? I have one. :)


Role: A heavy defensive frame, focusing on bolstering allies (and their own) defensives and keep them alive.


1- Steel taunts nearby enemies, sending them into a fit of rage. Drawing their fire away from allies and to theirself. Steel also gains a defensive boost for a short period of time.

2- Steel erects a wall out of the ships materials in front of them with nanites. Creating a barrier for theirself and allies. The shield collapses after a duration, or once it is destroyed.

Note, this is similar to Volt's shield. But, the difference being that Steel's is not see through, and cannot be shot through. On the positive side, it is much more durable and can withstand greater punishment before collapsing.

3- Steel equips a shied, absorbing damage and allowing them to act as cover for allies.

Note, it functions similar to the Grineer shield users. Steel will only be able to use their secondary (handgun) while this ability is active. The shield can be destroyed when it absorbs enough damage. Also, Steel will move slower while active (Steel can still sprint). The shield does not have a time limit, but at any time the player can activate the abilty again to dismiss the shield. Dismissing the shield does not cost additional energy, though you will have to pay energy again to equip a new shield.

4- Steel releases a burst of nanites. These nanites construct a steel alloy barrier around all allies. Greatly boosting their defense and absorbing damage for a period of time.

I think we need some more support frames, I personally love support. But, we only seem to have one at the moment.

I am open for feedback (constructive please). :)

I tried to makes some pros and cons to keep balance.

Edited by Seras
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Heavy Warframe for Immobilizing enemies to allow team to strike (think Tank/Pusher)


- Sprint: Enables Snap to move significantly fast but for short spurts. (intended to be used to rush into the enemy to tank)

- Plated Skin: Activates an armor for Snap to reduce damage.

- Whiplash: Snap does a heavy melee attack that knocks back enemies that are in his direct area of his melee weapon.

- Clamp: AOE that stuns enemies and immobilizes them for 8seconds. Snap takes all enemy fire during this time.

Extra: slow movement speed, higher starting shield but lower health max.

Snap is in concept, a crocodile/alligator based warframe whose role to engage the enemy and hold them in place while taking damage to allow teammates to open fire and cause damage to the target(s)

Edited by UbaStij
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I want a dragon type warframe that can teleport to anywhere on the map and breathe flames out its arse and spend energy to revive itself instantaneously like the mythical bird phoenix.

... Absolutely nothing in this forum post is sarcastic, and that's the sad part, really...

how about warframe : Dragos ...dragon type warframe

Dragons breath: randome cone aoe that can be either fire ,ice,lightning or poisen deals heavy damage to all enemeys in range

Dragons hide: warfram's skin slightly increases defence an resistance vs fire ,ice and electrcity for a short pieriod

Dragons Roar: sends out a sonic shockwave to stun enemeys and heal a smal amount of hp for self and allies

Dragons storm :warfram swiftly moves around the room killing off all enemys with equipped mellee weapon randomly addin fire ,ice, or electricity buffs to kill

also side note: need to make an ice effect on enemeys effected by cold....suggestion frost them over like the weapons or something

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