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A Spider-Themed Warframe Idea...


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After copy/pasting Google images to visually express my ideas, the forum told me I am not allowed to plagiarize. Who would have known?




So I was farming for Oxium and I thought of a new frame. So it would be a female, spider-themed Warframe with... spider-like powers. Let's call her Spider-Woman for now.


Sticky hands and feet! Special passive perk would result in longer wallruns, and instead of running straight up a wall, she just climbs all the way up with no limit besides her stamina.


Average shields

Slighty increased health

15 armor

Default stamina

1.2 sprint speed








Color theme would be black/red with an hourglass somewhere on her back:







I don't want to go in-depth with names, damage, etc. so I'll just descibe a few abilities I came up with...





One ability could be casted like Oberon's Smite, but instead of shooting wierd sounding projectiles randomly around the room, Spider-Woman hatches angry and hungry little baby spiders on the targeted enemy, sending them into a panic while they are pretty much eaten alive over a few seconds.



Another ability could be similar to Bastille (I think that's the right name). Where Spider-Woman does a radial attack that sprays a giant web and wraps up all enemies around her in cocoons within the web's range. The webs would inflict Toxin damage over time, but only a little, as the players can use this time to simply shoot the helpless foes while they are down.



A third, (and possibly a nice follow up on the previous one,) would also be a radial attack, but very devastating. Giant spider legs shoot out of Spider-Womans' back and impale nearby enemies. The number of legs depends on Power Strength. If the enemy is organic and does not die, then they are paralyzed for a short time due to venom running through their veins. If Robotic or other, maybe just get knocked down? I don't know.




The ultimate ability is casted similar to Nekros' Shadows of the Dead power, and black widow spiders come pouring out from under Spider-Womans' armor, grow exponentially, seek out and attack enemies by jumping and biting. Eight Legged Freaks, anyone?




I realize that would take a lot of work to model a new frame, AND giant spiders with new animations, models, etc. but still, I think this could be at least a fun Warframe to play as. Any criticism appreciated.    :D

Edited by (PS4)snrd117
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I very much like the basic idea of the Frame however I have a few complainants to make:


First of all, I don't see why the web has to do damage and can't be a pure CC ability, for the sake of balance I would probably remove the toxic damage (first because it doesn't make too much sense also because I think it would feel weird). 


Second, as far as I understood the 3rd ability she grows those legs? That's a bit disappointing as well. I had hoped that she would have those legs the whole time. (See as reference Elise from League of Legends). Also I would not want that Power Strength affects the numbers of legs coming out, but stick to 8 since spiders have as characteristics have 8 legs. 


Third, her last ability seems two things to me: Anti-climatic and a bit too little creativity. Just like Shadow of the dead it seems like we got a similar skill like that already in Nekros. I would enjoy it if her last skill was something new something that turned her into a spider monster for example. Just an idea, you can of course come up with something else.

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