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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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This Legendary core thing is SO STUPID it makes me wanna sit down and talk to whoever decided this, and show him logically how stupid he/she is.

Introducing a Whole new tier of cards, with NO ADVICE on the game itself??  to a FEW EXPLOITERS also ??

What should've been a regular payoff for a nerf, turned out to be a HUGE Failure of this game, as it broke down the mod fusing systems, rewarding exploiters. 

This is so stupid it makes this game look like a bunch of idiots who can make pretty textures. (And that's what probably it is )

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Roll back the changes/reward and rework it properly then we shall see true crying.


Instead, exploiters won. And boy did they win big.


The exploiters are already crying because they fear what DE might be forced to do or might be discussing at this very moment how they deal with accounts that have 38 legendary cores.

Just think about that exploiters. Within the next few days all of your mod progress wiped back to Wednesday because you s**t all over DE's good will gesture.

Edited by Blowfist
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I find it hilarious the only argument against a rollback is "you're just jealous"


No, it's not jealousy. It's having the sense to realize that this was a big mistake on part of DE. Even a maxed Steel Charge would still get you an immense gain as far as the compensation goes. That might have been fine if they just did it without telling anyone, but instead they told people.


And now we have people with 50 free maxed mods.


I really doubt DE ever meant to give out so many legendary cores, and it should be rolled back. That or once beta is over just have a wipe.


Edit: Also, if your comeback to this is "no you're just jealous". I did get cores, and I'm not glad I did. Now I have nothing to max.

Edited by VeryNinja
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Well atleast i used some argumentation in my post, instead at laughing at other's post. 

What tells you i am butthurt? i have those cores, i am simply amazed by how stupidly they were introduced in the game/market.


Why do you care if anyone has them cores ?? It shouldnt affect in away how you play this game, it is a PvE game after all, we are all on the same team. They forgot people would do anything to get what they want, sure Scott looks unmotivated and out of it but who cares more people have them cores more powerfull teammates no ? Why so much rage ? 

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The community mindset confuses the heck out of me.


When the younger generation of players asked for a chance at weapons like the Brakk, the general mood of the community was


"No way, you can't have those.  We had to run hundreds of missions, put in serious hours and effort.  We endured the bugs and troubles that DE had not yet ironed out.  It was painful and we earned those rewards.  You did not."


DE gives us Legendary Cores in exchange for running a Steel Charge alert and a handful of credits. Not really any effort.  The community mindset seems to be


"So what if there was no effort.  Stop whining about DE giving us excellent rewards."


Then again, the community seems angry that people can trade away Prime Parts.  


"Every noob will have Prime gear for no work."


So which is it Warframe community?  Can we have rewards just because or do we have to work for them? 


Or is everything conditional?  You can have it, as long as I can have it.  But if I had it first, well, then, NO FREAKING WAY!

Edited by CorporateClone
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Why do you care if anyone has them cores ?? It shouldnt affect in away how you play this game, it is a PvE game after all, we are all on the same team. They forgot people would do anything to get what they want, sure Scott looks unmotivated and out of it but who cares more people have them cores more powerfull teammates no ? Why so much rage ? 

I told you , there's no rage in me, just  a great disappointment.

Why should i care?  people with lots of Legendary cores basically can bypass the WHOLE modding system for good. 

Can other people? do it too ?  No...unless they are willing to pay  XXX amount of platinum and just a tiny MILLION of credit for each core they want to buy.

This is :  Letting some lucky dudes  bypass a whole vital aspect of the game, just because they got in the right place at the right time,  

Oh, did i mention they can rule the mods economy too?


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The community mindset confuses the heck out of me.


When the younger generation of players asked for a chance at weapons like the Brakk, the general mood of the community was


"No way, you can't have those.  We had to run hundreds of missions, put in serious hours and effort.  We endured the bugs and troubles that DE had not yet ironed out.  It was painful and we earned those rewards.  You did not."


DE gives us Legendary Cores in exchange for running a Steel Charge alert and a handful of credits. Not really any effort.  The community mindset seems to be


"So what if there was no effort.  Stop whining about DE giving us excellent rewards."


Then again, the community seems angry that people can trade away Prime Parts.  


"Every noob will have Prime gear for no work."


So which is it Warframe community?  Can we have rewards just because or do we have to work for them? 


Or is everything conditional?  You can have it, as long as I can have it.  But if I had it first, well, then, NO FREAKING WAY!

He has a point.

I have seen countless threads with veteran players wanting the new player not wanting to have the event weapons and got mad at devstream 22 when they said all the event weapons will be coming back lol i can finally get the vandals:D

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Sold one 1 for 250pl used other one for tainted shell also why are you complaining its there cores stop crying and deal with it.

People with Leg cores Arguments : 

"Lol stop QQ" 

"Deal with it"  

They pick one of those, or both. see above or on all the forums.

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Tbh this whole mess could have been avoided with better communication.


When I first started playing some months ago, these forums were excellent. Players were excited, not jaded. They wanted to help each other and help DE improve a unique game. DE were communicating with the playerbase and taking feedback on board.


Since then we have had many shocks, many outrages and many poor decisions. Some, if not all, of these could have been prevented with some communication.


Like this one. Why didn't DE come on here and say, "Hey guys, we've been having a chat and decided that the mod points in the new steel charge are just too high and imbalancing auras and builds. We're happy with where the melee effect is but not with the mod value. We'd like to reduce it but appreciate that the cost of getting the aura to rank 10 is significant so need to come up with some sort of compensation. This thread is for your feedback on this change in general and how we can go about compensating people who have leveled the aura. You must understand that we won't be able to do everything and maybe the best option will be too complicated, time consuming or even impossible but we want to do right by our players and make this as fair as can be on all concerned"?


Leave the thread open for a week, close it off, digest the results internally and come back with something better than this. Communication before a major change is always better than dealing with the complaints afterwards and then sticking bandaids over the cracks as they appear.


As I've previously said, I'm more concerned by how this happened and the danger of it continuing than I am about getting a change to this scenario. Warframe could be superb, but not if these sort of things keep happening.

Edited by Teorina
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Legendary Cores hit the in-game platinum economy hard in the butt. Many prices for mods like Serration/Heavy Caliber went down. Moreover, ppl are selling those cores for prices higher than i.e maxed HC.


This recompensation was rly, rly bad idea. Developers should realise it now. They should at least make them untradable, in my opinion. 


Offtopic: Legendary Cores and Prime Trading in one patch.... DE! Wtf? 

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So which is it Warframe community?  Can we have rewards just because or do we have to work for them? 


Or is everything conditional?  You can have it, as long as I can have it.  But if I had it first, well, then, NO FREAKING WAY!


We all want a fair system that reduces the grind from drops. DE chose the lazy option which was also the option that would make them the most money. Trading blueprints for plat. Prime has become instant accessible gear with no mastery rank restrictions. I couldn't care less if everybody suddenly had my snipertron vandal and brakk, so long as the way they obtained it was also fair to former players.


DE gives us Legendary Cores in exchange for running a Steel Charge alert and a handful of credits. Not really any effort.  The community mindset seems to be


That's not what has happened, some people have 38 legendary cores.


Like this one. Why didn't DE come on here and say, "Hey guys, we've been having a chat and decided that the mod points in the new steel charge are just too high and imbalancing auras and builds. We're happy with where the melee effect is but not with the mod value. We'd like to reduce it but appreciate that the cost of getting the aura to rank 10 is significant so need to come up with some sort of compensation. This thread is for your feedback on this change in general and how we can go about compensating people who have leveled the aura. You must understand that we won't be able to do everything and maybe the best option will be too complicated, time consuming or even impossible but we want to do right by our players and make this as fair as can be on all concerned"?


It's beautiful. I think I'm having flashbacks to the good old days of DE and the reason why I stuck around to play warframe.

Edited by Blowfist
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He has a point.

I have seen countless threads with veteran players wanting the new player not wanting to have the event weapons and got mad at devstream 22 when they said all the event weapons will be coming back lol i can finally get the vandals:D

Point is : 

If my teammate has a brakk, and i will never have that, i can get as mad as i want...but hey, atleast someone has a brakk in my team! 

IF INSTEAD some people have leg cores, they can SELL them to people, basically selling a bypass to the whole modding system, at reasonably high prices, but ON WHAT RIGHT?  


They can basically dominate the mods market just because they got "lucky" ?  

If not a rollback , i say give 2 cores per account and that's it.

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All i see is ppl that dont have  steel charge6+ or ppl that have it and see ppl selling it 250pl or lower are complaining. I didnt even know about legendary core thing when the steel charge buff update came i instantly maxed it out to sell it sold it on monday and one was planning to maxing out.

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This is a completely reasonable price based on current market conditions.


Fact: Maxing mods like serration, redirection, etc. is hard. They have very high maximum ranks, and it goes up double each time. It takes time, credits, and cores.


Fact: As a result, market prices for these maxed mods are very high. 140p-250p for a maxed redirection or serration is fairly common. 


Fact: A legendary core is an alternative means to bypass the expense, effort, and resource cost of maxing such a mod.


Therefore any first year economics student will conclude that the price for such a core is the value of what it lets you avoid. The market has determined that maxing is worth a lot of plat when done the old fashioned way. So of course the legendary core would have the same value.


As a side note, just because it's the asking price doesn't mean it's selling.


As another side note for the folks who say the whole mod system is broken: Contrary to reports, the sky is not, in fact, falling. There are a limited number of these things in circulation, and they're consumed upon use. Assuming no more get released (which we can't but for now...) there are no more being created. So eventually they work their way out of the system and life goes on. I seriously doubt that many people had a steel charge aura to put tons of them into circulation.

Edited by Wingblaze21
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I told you , there's no rage in me, just  a great disappointment.

Why should i care?  people with lots of Legendary cores basically can bypass the WHOLE modding system for good. 

Can other people? do it too ?  No...unless they are willing to pay  XXX amount of platinum and just a tiny MILLION of credit for each core they want to buy.

This is :  Letting some lucky dudes  bypass a whole vital aspect of the game, just because they got in the right place at the right time,  

Oh, did i mention they can rule the mods economy too?


So what ? there is only one thing to do in this game and its to grind ! at least you still have something to do no ? It doesnt change anything about YOUR game, it still the same. You don't have to spend any money and you can continue grinding for what you want... I really don't see what the problem is. What you are telling me is that your just jealous because otherwise there is no reason to be disappointed. 

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This is a completely reasonable price based on current market conditions.


Fact: Maxing mods like serration, redirection, etc. is hard. They have very high maximum ranks, and it goes up double each time. It takes time, credits, and cores.


Fact: As a result, market prices for these maxed mods are very high. 140p-250p for a maxed redirection or serration is fairly common. 


Fact: A legendary core is an alternative means to bypass the expense, effort, and resource cost of maxing such a mod.


Therefore any first year economics student will conclude that the price for such a core is the value of what it lets you avoid. The market has determined that maxing is worth a lot of plat when done the old fashioned way. So of course the legendary core would have the same value.


As a side note, just because it's the asking price doesn't mean it's selling.

So if i wana buy maxed seration i can do it now for 150 plat and if i wana buy a legendary core so i can max my seration will be from 250 to 500+ plat  BAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH cool cool 

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So if i wana buy maxed seration i can do it now for 150 plat and if i wana buy a legendary core so i can max my seration will be from 250 to 500+ plat  BAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH cool cool 


You can. But why would you? Just because someone asks for 250p doesn't mean you have to pay it. That may be their starting price and you make them an offer of 150. You, as a rational buyer, have no reason to pay 250p when you could pay 150p. Prices will drop as a result. 


I notice that in Warframe, players over value the thing they have as reflected in their asking prices.

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Only thing i hate is that ppl exploited this so much by having 42 steel charge 6+ and some even more.


Saw someone on chat that he was selling 57 legendary cores >.>


yah I think we all agree the mistake DE made was to announce this before the patch to let people make a ton.  Also this is kinda just turning into a legendary core discussion which all ready has a mega thread...

Edited by MindlessWar
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