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Melee Combat


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I really like the focus on melee combat but I think it would be improved if it were more detailed.

There are many games, (Mount and blade, Chivalry, even Star wars Jedi Academy, etc) which had robust melee systems which involved things such as parrying/blocking, different combat stances, and so on.

With a bit of work you could have a very interesting melee combat system that I am sure your audience would appreciate over the sort of press E repeatedly melee system currently in place. Not to be insulting, I like there is atleast the ability to charge an attack.

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About melee combat. The ONLY thing, what makes the whole sword bad - when i charge my attack and strike a group of enemies, only one will get a damage. It's like strange, why won't it strike all targets in range at the SAME time. And maybe a combo sustem would be a good thing, or at least a few different charge attacks per weapon, so it won't be the same every time. Or a little charge combo.

Also - maybe some stealf kills, cynimatic a bit, would make a stealth gameplay a bit funny and better.

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About melee combat. The ONLY thing, what makes the whole sword bad - when i charge my attack and strike a group of enemies, only one will get a damage. It's like strange, why won't it strike all targets in range at the SAME time. And maybe a combo sustem would be a good thing, or at least a few different charge attacks per weapon, so it won't be the same every time. Or a little charge combo.

Also - maybe some stealf kills, cynimatic a bit, would make a stealth gameplay a bit funny and better.

get dual swords for area attack
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get dual swords for area attack

A, yeah, the dual, i know they have an area attack. But i have a longsword, which can by animation, hit njt only 1 enemy. I'm just saying, that it would be better for the animation and a result be a little more fair. If i stab with a dagger - 1 enemy, but then a slash and it can slightly, at least, hit somneone near main target. It would be a bit more logickal. And a charge attack of a sword - it looks like it can cut a few targets by animation, and it would look cool, but it hits only 1(

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I think melee good as it is. Turn game into slasher is bad idea. At current stance you are free to choise to cut or shoot. If you put parring or some kind of dodge\counter moves, or even absolute AoE, then game simply turn into melee only. As we know Tenno is master of both range and melee which is a quite a point here. Althought would be good if you'll be able to hold melee in your hands, not only while you slash.

Myself i think there is too much of melee and game need more gun variants, because now there is only 2-3 worth to get guns.

Also, not only dual skanas have multiple enemy attack. High end swords also does (if i remember right).

And don't put console bullcrap here... i don't know why people like to "Press X to win" thing and all those cutscenes. It's a online GAME, not a movie.

Edited by Cleff
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My gripes with melee combat:

-Can't charge attack immediately after a basic attack. This means you either spam basic attacks, or spam charge attacks at any given time - very little tactical thought there.

-Falling attacks take too long to recover from. (I'd also like it if the attack gave you extra lift, sort of like an offensive double-jump; not a major issue though, just more visually pleasing).

Ultimately, there just aren't enough options for either melee or ranged combat.

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