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Dear De: Warframe Aspects That I Will Not Spend Time On Anymore.............


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Sounds like the reason I have zero Corrupted mods and very few Primes.

Well, let me tell you abot the recruiting section. There are always people hosting vault missions and tower keys and whatnot. I have a good lot of corrupted mods and let me tell you, matey, I did not host a single one. Enjoy getting your prime parts and mods now

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Hey pres been skimming thru this thread at work.

I understand how you feel having taken countless breals from WF only to find myself on it again.

I've taken alot of things into consideration and my own problem is the game isnt giving me that challenge lets say the Souls games or the challenge a moba would give me, so its up to me to get up to that point.

With the recent tier IV keys that came out I decided to see how far I can go with my favorite frame and weapons. I think the way to keep playing the game is to invent ways to enjoy the parts of the game u least like. Exterminates bore me to an absolute, I stealth them make them more fun, I desoised rescue 1.0, I enjoy rescue 2.0.

Survivals and defenses having that scaling give me a challenge after a while. Hell there was a good while I turned my clan's dojo into a marvel, branding me the clan architect lol

I wish the best for u dude it would be a shame to lose someone who has put time into the game :/

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