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Marelok Is Amazing


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I see you took my advice.

My next advice is this: ask yourself why you would possibly think that that Marelok is more powerful than Brakk? Is it because it fits in with your faux adolescent-gamer outrage? Or are you just lemming-like repeating something you read or heard somewhere?

If your post was a simple troll, I tip my hat to you.


Yeah, I figured you'd say that, which was absolutly not the point I was trying to raise. Anyway, edited my post to not hurt your theorycrafting capabilities. (and not enter that pointless debate)

Edited by Thelonious
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Yeah, that whole talk of "balance" is just saying "I want the gun I like the look of being just as good as this awesome gun here!" Well, nothing's stopping them from using the weapon they like. Who cares if it's leagues ahead of what you like? You play the way you want.  Instead of you know... "No! It must be nerfed! I DEMAND IT! *Foams at mouth* "

Nah, nothing to do with that, and more about overall game play.  As is, current damage trivializes the game, and that leads to people playing against very high level mobs.  They then proceed to complain about lack of "balance" because only certain powers are useful, about how Frost's globe needs to be invulnerable, and how Trinity's invul shouldn't have been nerfed (those complaints are coming in the future).  Keep the damage reasonable though and that limits how far we can go, making fighting level 60s what 100 is now, except more stuff is viable to use.


Furthermore, the gap between the bottom and the top makes stuff on the lower end seem that much more painful.


The game isn't designed for players to be facing what we're facing.  Introducing even better weapons, when what we have, with the current mods and mod mechanics, already trivializes things... just idiocy.


Note: I have no opinion on Marelok being overpowered or not at the moment.  Haven't gotten around to building it yet.  And even when I do, well, I'm of the belief damage mods need to revamped first, so not too much point messing with weapons until that's done.  Just laying out there though why nerfs to overpowered things are good for the health of the game.

Edited by Axterix13
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