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[ Warframe Concept ] Veen - Hands Of The Void (Laser Base Frame) Updated + Lore!


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Veen - Hands of the VOID

[ Helmet ]


[ Shoulder pad ]


[ Armour ]


- I'm still working on the Legs/Arms & hands

*I suck at doing 3D sketches T . T

My Idea for a Laser base Frame. I'm trying to think up a Lore to go with him/her ( I'm still can't decide the gender part ) as well as his/her other body parts, which I'm having trouble coming up with, but eventually I'll get some ideas going.

Veen's original name: ZED

Veen's Abilities

Power #1

Disintegrate - Fires out a beam of laser from his/her's palm, dealing high damage [ equivalent to the lasers in the void ] (capable of vaporizing enemies, if enough DMG is done) can vaporize multiple targets *only if they're in a direct line of the laser beam* YES! were talking about 'Punch through' DMG

*The size of the Laser beam and SFX changes, varies on MOD's Fusion Level + Punch through increased*
[ 500/700/900/1200 ] *think that's a bit too much*

Power #2
Charged Shell - Veen charges up a High concentrated laser ball in his/her's palm. It stays active/charged until re-activated to fire out a AOE DMG Laser ball? Travels at high velocity. Requires charged time up to 3 seconds [ MAX fusion Level requires 5 second re-charge time ]
[ 350/450/750 ]

Power #3

Void Shift - Veen Hits the ground, giving a AOE Buff for fellow teammates (himself/herself included) that are within the radius of the ability. The ability gives everyone a short temporary Shield Boots up to [ 500 - 1600 ? ] *Shield boots varies on the Fusion level of the mod* It also makes you and your fellow teammates that are affected by Void Shift invulnerable from knock backs this does not include - Taking Poison DMG/Disrupted. *You'll still resist from knock backs from normal mobs/ MOA / ancients / Heavy Grineer/Gunner's special abilities even Boss's knock back abilities*

* kind of like Rhino's roar, Lasting around 5 - 20 sec, varies on MOD's fusion level

[ Invulnerability from knock back Duration 5sec/10sec/20sec ] [ Temporary Shield boots 500/750/950/1500 ]

Power #4

Singularity - *When Veen activates his/her's Ult, he/she'll have to charge it before ULT takes in effect, I think that's a bit unique compared to most of the Frames that are already out there that just spams ult when ever*

* 5 sec charge up time 0 Fusion Level, 8 sec charge up time MAXED Fusion Level*

Once Veen activates his/her's Ult, the body Armour *specific parts* will start flashing with some charging SFX? During the charge up time the flash with start flickering a lot faster as it reaches max load, where it'll flash at a high rate ( indicating/signalling your teammates that your Ult is up and ready.

Animation will look like - Volt's Ult + Frost's Snow Globe

Sends out a Snow Globe like Laser ball from the charge point *his/her's chest* Covering a area for a short time, dealing HIGH Laser DMG to all enemies within the "Laser Globe" see what I did there? :3

*The Ult will not go over a large AREA, like Volt's does, limited AOE like Frost's Snow Globe, only in this case the Globe is filled with Lasers*

- Enemy that are killed within 'Singularity' will all have the Vaporizing animation.


Dark, lonely years flashed by. 'I longed for my Avenge for my dear friends, for what they have done to my fellow Teeno, I wish that I can UNSEEN and FORGET that it all happened, but your Cries and Silents pains me. Horrific Visions Imprinted... Scarred forever in my memories, perhaps the only way to forget all this is to keep fighting with Hatred and Avenge.To the point when I am the last one standing'

- Out far reaches of space, in the Orokin Derelict, on a salvage mission, four tenno (Veen included) wondered into the unknown. Where the Corpus and the Grineer has come to an agreement to Fight along side with each other under one condition...

'The Grineer will give the Bodies of the Tenno to the Corpus for their experiments, in exchange for telling them the Locations and information about their new discovery of an Ancient Civilization, waiting to be awakened'

- The four of them were ambushed, out numbered, cornered, and unprepared for the sudden turn of events, soon later, all four was captured. Both Grineer and the Corpus took heavy losses, but both sides finally obtained what they came for.

They brought the 4 back where they first landed, and had them lined up, to be dismantled, the Corpus who were very keen and worried brought their equipment along just to make sure that the Tenno has less chance of escaping. Do it here and there while they're weak...

The 3 were all Dismantled into bits and pieces right in front of Veen, when it was his turn to be dismantled the Corpus has doubt that he'll meet the requirements of the experiments and that he was not worth going through, too weak to get any results out of him, so both the Grineer and The Corpus came to a conclusion to leave him behind with nothing, destroying their Salvage ship, nothing to send help with 'left for dead'

Decades have passed, like a lone traveler, deep within the Void, Veen learns about the Void, It's Technology, it's Secrets, it's History and the unimaginable power it holds deep within. Doing his own experiments to his own Armour using Void technology, Gold plating parts of his Armour and reconstructing his Abilities, enabling him to use more Enhanced abilities. Training to become stronger, till the day one of his kind finds him alone deep within the Void and take him back to a place where he belongs where he'll come back with all his Hatred and Fury to Avenge his Fellow Tenno.

and.... That's about all that I have for now for my first War-Frame concept. Edited by KruptedHEX
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