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Need a More Informative Statistics


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To give an example right off the bat, I have health, it is protected by my shields. When both are depleted I die. So what does a +20% armor mod do for me? I assume it makes it so I take less damage to my health when my shields are gone. Does it affect my shields in anyway? I also found a pistol mod +56% multishot (or multifire, I don't remember which) but it doesn't explain what this does, unless I'm missing a detailed tooltips check box or something, I would just like to see more info on the stats. It would also be nice to see a side by side comparison of your item and it's base form, so you can see the overall increases. As such, if I have an armor stat there should be somewhere I can view this information directly.

If there's a place on the website that explains this stuff that's great, and I'll utilize it, but in the future it would be nice to have this information available in game.

Edited by JimmyBaz00ka
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Just so you know, there is a sticky thread explaining the mods effect. Also the game is in beta, I would assume such basic UI elements will be added before release. It is clear they haven't work on the UI as much as optimization and stuff that actually allows people to beta test.

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