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Natsuko's Big Post - Last update 01/07/13 11:50AM GMT+1


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I wasn't sure where to post this, since I gonna discuss multiply topic's in 1 post. But anyways, here are a couple of things. Feel free to comment or add something to the stuff I talk about.

So I've been playing this game for about a week now and it's great but during the time I played with friends I've noticed some small bugs. I also have a few suggestions and things I wanna point out. Hopefully this list will be helpful for the dev's. I'm sure alot of these things that I'm listing is already been said or known, but I don't have the time to search the forum all day to see what have been said and what not.

A list of things I want to talk about:

1. Connection

2. Challenges/Events

3. Map issues

4. Weapons

5. Money

6. Female Warframes

7. Suggestions

8. Other stuff

9. Social/MMO Features

10. Sound and Audio.

1. Connection

I know that the connection is currently still not as it suppose to be and that dev's are trying to fix it right now, but I still want to post something about it. Currently I mostly play with 2 friends of my. I'm able to connect to both them when they host, but 1 doesn't seem to be able to connect to either of us.

For example, we got me, friend 1 and friend 2:

Me - Able to connect to both

Friend 1 - Able to connect me and friend 2

Friend 2 - not able to connect to any of us and is forced to be host.

But when connecting to friend 2, we still often get kicked out during the loading screen making us reconnect. During the game itself there are no other problems next to minor lag issues which we hardly encounter.

When playing with friend 1, we aren't always able to connect to eachother, forcing us to relog or restart to game before it works. Other than that, everything is fine.

---Edit - 01/07/13 11:50AM GMT+1

Connection when playing online seems to have simular problems to the ones I have when playing private with friends. Whenever I choose a map while having it set to online, it takes ages to find other players, most of the times I just give up. I'm sure this has the to do with the connection issues that they have been trying to fix. Because I'm also sure that I'm not the only one that choose that map to play since I've seen nearly 6000 keys being taken from Mmobomb.com inless then 2 days.

2. Challenges/Events

With challenges I mean the things you get in every map, for example; Kill 30 enemies with rifle, get 10 headshots and so on. With Events I mean the random stuff like, hacking and finding keypasses.

Stealth challenge seems to be very hard unless you play as Loki. My friends are always complaining about this challenge and give up most of the time. Luckly I picked Loki as starting warframe and didn't notice much of this.

The Challenge where you need to use first ability 5 times does not work at all for any other warframe then Excalibur, I've tried it both on Loki and Ember, but it doesn't seem to work.

Kill challenges (Killer, Riflemen, Pistol Master, ect) seems to be glitched when you have elemental (Fire-, freeze-, Electric damage.) When an enemy is killed with the elemental effect damage, you don't get a kill at all.

The Key Pass event often glitches out, making you unable to continue, forcing you to abort the mission and start all over again. I've had this 3 times so far. Other then that this event is extremely annoying. Most of the time it makes you run all the way back to the begining of the map which makes no sense. Why would they keep a key for a door somewhere thats not even near by? Making it so the key would spawn near by would make the event alot less annoying.

3. Map Issues

Map and Waypoint often glitch aswell, making me unable to see where I'm going as my map just stays on the same position, waypoint doesnt work either when this happens, it always points at the same spot as the map is still pointing at.

4. Weapons

Weapons don't seem as scifi/techy/futuristic as everything else, this kinda makes the game feel weird. Having high tech guns would give the game such an higher futuristic feel to it. For example laser or plasma guns. Currently weapons could actaully be from this time and nearby future.

NPC's have grenades, which are ridiciously overpowered, most of the time I get killed by those with one hit and I have about 800+ shield. My question is, why don't we get grenades? Adding grenades and limiting it on 2 grenades at the time would be really nice. Ofcourse the damage, including the damage of the grenades from npc must be lowered or else people would start 1 shoting bosses. Adding grenades as another weapon slot with diffrent types (cluster, blast, mine, ect) and giving it mods/upgrades would also balance out the current issue with money (which I will talk more about below.) Adding elements to them would make it even better.

Shotguns seem to be extremely overpowered at this point. A friend of my uses it at the moment with armor piercing on it, seems to kill almost everything in 1 shot. They have very long range and little spread for the damage they do. Even bosses are extremely easy. Note that this is without the pro upgrades unlock, which means he is limited to rank 15 on upgrades. I don't even want to know what they can do as soon as they are upgraded to pro.

5. Money

Money seems useless after certian level and selling mods give you alot of money. Then most of my stuff was around Rank 20, I already had over 300k and things seem really cheap at this point.

6. Female Warframes

As we know, we have Mag, Trinity and Ember as the "Female Warframes", but they don't play any diffrent from the male warframes. There is nothing at this point that makes them stand out as "Female". The animations are exactly the same, body build seems very similar aswell (though I've only seen Ember so far, body build might be diffrent on Mag and Trinity. I have to confirm this first I guess)

In my opinion, they should atleast have diffrent animations. More feminine jumps, dodges, rolls, springing and sword animations would give a huge impact on the game and should make the female warframes really stand out more. I and I'm sure there others would love to see this.

Currently, I'm playing as Ember and enjoying her alot. But theres a few things about her skills that don't feel right just yet:

-Fire Blast

From what I've noticed, when enemies are standing the circle, it hardly does anything. I'm not sure if this is by design or a bug. It should do damage to anyone inside.


Does not always work, has a pretty small radius.

-World on Fire

This skill is just awesome, but the radius is very small and it seems to be a very short duration making it sometimes impossible to reach most of the enemies and a waste of energy.

Fireball is fine as it is.

7. Suggestions

Here I will be talking about a few things and small details that I think would make the game even beter.

First off, the elemental damage mods. Currently it seems that electric damages prioritizes with its effect on the sword/dagger over anything else when using multiply elements and freeze prioritizing over fire. My suggestion is make it able to combine the effects, like when having fire and electric damage that you see both of the effects but having only 50% of each effect so it wouldn't be too bright. And making the effect on swords change depending on the amount of percentage damage it adds, like the higher the percentage damage the brighter the effect. Adding more elements would also be great. This would give more players more options to make their character a bit more unique then others.

A Duel Sytem (1v1, 2v2, ect), similar to the duel system in borderlands. Melee someone to challenge someone to a duel, then he melees back to accept it. Though, when doing this, the system needs to detect the duel and stopping enemies from spawning so the duel can be done without destraction. Ofcourse does it also need to heal both players to the same about of HP they had before the duel started. Making it heal the players to full would just cause people to start abusing it.

Build time seems a bit long, 3 days for a warframe. Ofcourse this would be key to your cashshop, but I can also see that this would make some people quit the game. I'm just saying that this is a big risk to take and that the developers should maybe rethink about it. Personally I don't it mind that much and if the developer/publisher is willing to take such risks then its up to them.

8. Other stuff

Last but not least, avatars. This is more a question. Are there any plans on adding a feature so people can upload there own avatars and use that? For example if people change their avatar on the forums, that it will also show up ingame. Using the forums for this would be great since it can be easily monitorized since people might use NSFW stuff.

---Edit - 01/07/13 11:50AM GMT+1

The keypass event has been extremely annoying after some time farming maps with my friend, Astraeus. I've done alot of runs with Astraeus and lets say that we had 20 keypass events intotal, 2 times where bugged forcing us to abort the mission, 14 times the keypass was all the way back to the beginning of the map (this time consuming...) and only 4 times it was nearby. This either need to be either a "rare" event that you hardly ever encounter or it keys need to start spawning within the same room as the locked door. Spawning a key all the way to the beginning makes no sense.

Either that or start selling keypasses as equipement in the market. Speaking of market... Buying equipement such as heals is also very annoying since you can't choose the amount at this point. This really needs to be added so we can buy stuff quicker. Increasing the cost wouldnt be a bad idea either since I have no idea what to spent 650.000 (and increasing fast) credits on...

There are bugs with the score after finishing a map. Astraeus has had times when he had 102% or 104% fire accuracy. (See screenshot below)


Also is there a bug with the ranking up after a map. I've had twice that I see my sword or warframe rank up, but when I went to Arsenal, it didnt actaully rank up.

Daily Rewards for logging in makes no sense either at the moment, 2 days in a row I've had guns show up as reward that I already have and the other day I had something that I didn't already had, but it was never added to my inventory.

Lasers are bugged at the moment. I don't know if its because of latancy or something but sometimes I'm able to just casaully walk through them. And some people are able to slide through them aswell if they timed it correctly, but I haven't managed to do it myself yet, though.

9. Social/MMO Features

There are a couple of things that need to be improved to make this really an MMO. Right now its just a co-op game. Adding Global chat channels would make it alot more social and easier to find squads/guild members.

Guilds are really simplifield at the moment. This can be either a good or bad thing. Adding a few extra things wouldn't hurt, like daily achievements or rewards for finishing planets with guild members. Next to that have I noticed that the guild UI currently isn't very "newbie friendly". I've notived that alot of people have trouble finding it at first. Having a tiny button next to the closing button isn't a great location, giving it its own button between contacts and market would be better. It also says 2 diffrent things on 2 spots. When you hover your mouse of the icon it says "Clan", but on the bottom of the list it says "Guild".

Other social features we are missing are things such as Trading and Auction. Yesterday I was helping my friend getting Rhino head blueprint. He died during the fight with Jackal and didn't had any revives left. Unfortunately the blueprint for Rhino head dropped, but he wasn't able to pick it up. The fact that theres no trading system just made us almost "nerd rage" since we have to do it over alot more now to get it again, which isn't as easy as it sounds.

Adding an player auction market would make people farmless, again this can be a good or bad thing. With a player auction market, people would be able to buy the blueprints and materials from other players and finally have something to spent our 1 milion credits on. Not only do I think this would be great for balancing out the issue we have with the high amount of credits we have but also would it compensates the building time on warframes. Because, really.. Who wants to farm for a whole day and then have to wait another 3 and half day to be actaully able to use the things you've farmed.

10. Sound and Audio.

I'm not sure if this is just me. But I have noticed that sometimes sound effects do not make sense. For example, npc's talk and sound like they are very near by, but they aren't. There are a couple of other simular issues like that, but like I said, it could just be my audio setup. Adding more in depth audio settings would be nice too. With options to choose between stereo, 5.1- or 7.1 surround.


Thats it for me. I normally never take the time to post bugs and suggestions during beta's for games, but this game is diffrent. I have alot of fun playing it with friends and really hope for it to become even beter then it already is. See ya guys ingame!


Edited by Natsuko
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I forgot to mention, but I will keep updating the first post everytime I found something to talk about. Then I dont have to make a new thread everytime.

Also makes it easier to find back when everything is in the same post.

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Reread the fireblast skill, it says that it deals fire damage in a small radius in the center of the circle. It's a really small radius.

Thats not what I said.. You should reread what I posted.

I said that sometimes, the enemies within that radius inside the circle do not get hit, only enemies that are actaully hitting the ring of fire.

Edited by Natsuko
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