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A tesla gun that fires a continuous ark of electricity? Preferably it would have a non-lethal setting, as well.


The USSC seem like the regular army though. Grineer are gritty space marines. Corpus are the elegant techies. And the USSC remind me of 21st century army. I feel like a lightning gun wouldn' fit their style.

 I think they need some sort of epic mass driver(any type of gun that shoots solid bullets) or maybe even some sort of off-map support, like a hand mortar or other fire support.

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The USSC seem like the regular army though. Grineer are gritty space marines. Corpus are the elegant techies. And the USSC remind me of 21st century army. I feel like a lightning gun wouldn' fit their style.

 I think they need some sort of epic mass driver(any type of gun that shoots solid bullets) or maybe even some sort of off-map support, like a hand mortar or other fire support.


Technically we have these "lightning guns" right now, in the form of a simple briefcase that can be placed next to a doorway - it's currently in use by at least U.S. special forces, probably other special forces as well. Currently, it uses a non-lethal amperage, but high voltage. However, dial up the amperage...

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Why not give the USSC specialized stealth gear, when you cant fight head on or with tech you fight with the shadows. Or at least using guerrilla tactics like the tenno. For weapons it seems light accurate guns fit them, like the latron or something similar.<br />

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The USSC do seem to fit more in lighter gear and weaponry, but what would be good enough to be anti-infested? Bullets aren't that effective and explosives can backfire. Close quarter combat is scary due to the chance of getting infested themselves.


On a side note, do you intend to introduce encounters with the Infested? 

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Maybe something like an automatic drum-fed flechette shotgun? Something like the AA-12 or Pancor Jackhammer, but firing metal darts instead of meta balls? Similar systems are currently used to defend tanks against massed infantry, and there's a missile variant used by Apache helicopters. There was even a shotgun variant used during the Vietnam War, and there were drawings to make them deliver toxins on impact, though I'm not sure how far that project got.

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No one has Cryo weapons yet... but that wouldn't be that effective




A Minigun that fires Ether laced shards!




On a side note, do you intend to introduce encounters with the Infested? 


Headlines they show up from time to time


Actual Feed Arcs and Logs...


Not going to be the next one... that's pretty much Grineer/Tenno centric


They kind of fit into the Arc after that... just not in the way your thinking. I'm kind of stalling to see what aesthetic they go for with the infested. -The new Ancient looks really Cthuloid-


But them as the central force... I'll need to think a scenario up and who I want to be in it.

Edited by FrostWolf
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I'd quite like the idea of some sort of supercooling weapon. It slows the infested down and could even cause them to shatter. Kinda like the liquid nitrogen gun from Ratchet and Clank. The USSC intrigue me, I really like the spot they fill in the faction balance. The grineer are these big hulking space marines with brute force. The corpus employ experimental, unstable (there's and idea for a headline) tech, the infested are like Halo's flood, using biomass to create new abominations, and the USSC are like a modern military. Using tactics and adaptability. Suprisingly similar to the Tenno actaully, they both seem to have their squads eqquiped to handle anything they might come across.

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Headlines they show up from time to time


Actual Feed Arcs and Logs...


Not going to be the next one... that's pretty much Grineer/Tenno centric


They kind of fit into the Arc after that... just not in the way your thinking. I'm kind of stalling to see what aesthetic they go for with the infested. -The new Ancient looks really Cthuloid-


Yeah, I know. I have read this newscast/news feed from start.

I meant in actual story, being all mean to the characters.

Ok, well, it was just a question anyways.


I thought squidmonster, but deep ones references goes better with their upcoming themes.

I hope the plan to re-imagine the standard ones, ESPECIALLY the crawlers. They are a waste of space, except the toxic ones.. they are a hazard.

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Shoot him for he runs!


I'd quite like the idea of some sort of supercooling weapon. It slows the infested down and could even cause them to shatter. Kinda like the liquid nitrogen gun from Ratchet and Clank. The USSC intrigue me, I really like the spot they fill in the faction balance. The grineer are these big hulking space marines with brute force. The corpus employ experimental, unstable (there's and idea for a headline) tech, the infested are like Halo's flood, using biomass to create new abominations, and the USSC are like a modern military. Using tactics and adaptability. Suprisingly similar to the Tenno actaully, they both seem to have their squads eqquiped to handle anything they might come across.


Well they lack super powers when outnumbered


You kinda need the "normal" faction or else you wonder


Who is the Grineer oppressing?

Who is the Corpus indoctrinating/making business with?


Why would the Lotus go through the trouble of waking up the Tenno is humanity is a lost cause to begin with?

Edited by FrostWolf
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Shoot him for he runs!



Well they lack super powers when outnumbered


You kinda need the "normal" faction or else you wonder


Who is the Grineer oppressing?

Who is the Corpus indoctrinating/making business with?


Why would the Lotus go through the trouble of waking up the Tenno is humanity is a lost cause to begin with?


Darn, you know I love a good underdog beating the odd in the most badass way possible.

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"Crime War erupts in Venusian Red sector"


Let us not stand on ceremony here, The Red sector of Venus is a crime infested hellhole. Any manner of narcotics and hallucinogens  can be obtain. Personal Sex slaves are a trend as old as dirt. Illegal arms and combat stimulates with mercenary and anti-council forces. Gene-splicing being the new "in" amongst said groups.


The Red sector has generally made its due with its large Gambling establishments,  lucrative nightclubs and brothels run by the various crime families or gang alliances. Generally these groups stay in they're own little section of the sector only having the occasional fire fight in a back alley every other week.


That is till this morning, Sonia Nero of the largely recognized Nero Consortium was targeted in a hit attempt outside the red sector at the Cupid university renown restaurant while she was eating breakfast.


Miss Nero herself only suffered minor injuries, but the attack left over twenty people dead students and staff alike.


The Consortiums reaction was not surprising once the culprits, the Vandamare Cartel, an alliance of smaller gangs and lesser crime families that run the drug routes, claimed responsibility and made an outright declaration that the Nero family's control of the underworld was over.


Law enforcement, has done its best to contain the situation, but the death count has already climbed to two hundred as the various crime groups side with either the established Nero family or the upstart Vandamare.


Reports coming in that Mars and Jupiter's own red sectors are seeing a similar spike in violence against Nero Family assets in those sectors.


We'll bring you more as it becomes available




Haven't done a large headline in a while.



What you mugs think? XD

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I think the Corpus need a better police force.




Corpus hasn't been in the sex trade for years! granted a few tweaks here and there slip through







Corpus Crewman 1: Hey Roger


Corpus Crewman 2: Yeah Geoff


Corpus 1: Why does the Prova have a vibrate setting?



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" Death Toll Skyrockets as Crime War Escalates!"


Having only been three solar days since the hit attempt that sparked the conflict, The fighting has evolved into full open conflict. Now with over 1200 reported dead in the Venus sector alone.


The Vandamare Cartel has gained backing from the Consortium's various long time rivals, which would give the Cartel the manpower and resources to have a stand up fight with the organization. Strangely one of the largest crime syndicates and the Consortium's oldest rival, The reverend Malus Family with it's rumored ties to the Neptune Clergy and Corpus, has formed an alliance with the Nero Consortium and is acting as damage control in a hope to limit civilian casualties.


However The Malus syndicate may have made the poorer choice as more and more old time and upstart criminal factions join with the Vandamare.


Experts predict that Venus' infamous Aphrodite strip, home of the Consortium's famous nightclub, " The Sinful Star" will be the site of massive shoot out. Venus Law enforcement are making preparations but the outcome looks bloody regardless.



We'll bring you more as it become available.



Fighting off a summer cold, hopefully I'll get the next feed log done by Wednesday.

Edited by FrostWolf
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New Data stream found

Proxy: Lieutenant Jessica Yen, Uruz 2


--Beginning Playback--


-The main hall's sky lights show the distant Corpus cruisers over head, small blue dots coming from them. The dozens of drop ships, without doubt, heading to the open field to amass their troops for a frontal assault-


Jessica -speaking into her comm-: Captain, we've got incoming! Over fifty ships!


Mustang:... A little over a thousand troops.


Jessica: ETA?


Mustang: The drones are loading the drive core now, The ships are being prepped. The old man was right, the AI is making this really simple. At least ten more minutes.


Jessica: How many pods are left?


-As if answering her question, the Holographic form of Byakko appears-


Byakko: At the current rate, all cryopods will be evacuated in twenty three minutes. Do you require anything else Initiate Yen?


Jessica: Really?!... The old -expletive- put us in as freshmen!


Mustang: Priorities, lieutenant. Hold the main hall as long as you can. Mustang out.


Jessica: Byakko, give me a detail on all Temple defenses. What do I have to use?


Byakko: Processing...


-A golden screen with various figures and charts are shown-


Jessica: Wait for them to reach minimum range and activate all outer defense grids.


Byakko: And what about the inner defenses?


Jessica: They'll try to come in from the other sides correct?


Byakko: Yes. Sensors are showing hostiles all along the outer perimeter.


Jessica: Maximum security measures on all entrances. Wait until my order.


Byakko: As you command, Initiate Yen.

-Byakko vanishes-


Jessica: -breathes deep- Just hold them off long enough for the Captain to get the back with the engine core... Uruz 9 and 4 what do you see?


Josef: I got Jackals being deployed. Three at the moment.


Greg -Uruz 4-: I got two jackals... and some weird looking Moas.


Jessica: Define weird.


Greg: Don't have any guns on them.


-A Rifle shot echoes-


Josef: Greg, their trying to get snipers into position.


Greg: Roger.


-The sound of rifle rounds and Lanza bolts echoes, the blue bolts smashing against an invisible wall-


Jessica: Least we can shoot back for the moment.


-The sky above lights as blue bolts smash against the shield-


Jessica: Here we go people!


-Leaping down from the makeshift machine gun nest, Jessica moves for the central pillar of the main archway, Uruz 11 and 10 moving along with her-


Byakko -voice only-: Activating outer defense turrets.


-An eruption of gold from the archway as the screams of Corpus troops echo-


Greg: Lieutenant! They're up to something down there.


-Taking up position behind the main pillar-


Jessica: Like what?


Josef: They've got a Jackal mounted with a rail gun... they seem to be hooking it up to some kind of power core.


Jessica: Whatever they're up too, keep them from doing it.


Josef and Greg: Roger!


-More sniper shots ring out. Looking to her left and right seeing Uruz 10 and 11 on either side of her, she readies her modified Braton and motions. She twists from around the pillar and beholds the full might of the Corpus attack force. Corpus soldiers, and drone proxies countless. Already the elegant steps of the temple run red with blood as the turrets fire golden darts of energy. She opens fire at a group trying to crawl their way up the steps using the dead bodies and drone wreckage as cover. The shield protects them from distant snipers. Only those on the Temple's steps are able to return fire. Uruz 10 uses the Latron to pick off osprey drones trying to shield soldiers. Suddenly a Massive roar followed by a lance of blue erupts and smashes against the shield, Jessica orders back to cover-


Jessica: What hell was that!


Greg: Looked like it -static- Jackal -static- Jess? -static- you read -static-


Jessica: Damn it... they're flooding the channels. Captain? Jin? Do you read? Corpus is creating a communications dead zone.


-Peeking around, some of the Corpus troops seem to gather around a spire like structure on the steps, they are placing explosives around it's base. One of the corpus simply throws a grenade on the explosive pile. A moment later a large blue explosion flashes... and the golden paling begins to recede from the Temple steps as the now distant shots begin to strike the Temple's structure-


Jessica: -Expletive-!!!


-Again the massive roar and the blue lance... this time it sweeps the steps. The automated turrets shatter as the marble steps erupt into pieces-


Jessica: It's some type of Artillery. -motioning to Uruz 10 and 11- Pull back! They'll try to bring the roof down here!


-Staring at one of the spires where either Uruz 4 or 9 is in, the flash of sniper barrel shows signs it still has occupants-


Jessica -her voiced panicked-: Greg! Josef! Abandon your positions now! I repeat, the shield has receded! Those spires are no longer protected! I repeat abandon positions now!


-Again the massive roar... The blue lance strikes about half way up the spire's base... it moves upward making a neat slice... The lance fades and for a second the spire is fine... then it crumbles to pieces. Turning her view to the second spire, something loud erupts that shatters all sound, a brilliant orange sphere flies forth... followed by two more. Outside beyond the forward arch, a massive explosion of blue lights up-


Josef: -static-... Enemy -static- Neutralized...-static- Oh -expletive-! -static-


-Missiles and laser bolts begin to pepper the spire-


Uruz 10: Lieutenant!


-Turning her head back toward the archway, Corpus troops have used the opening to enter the temple motioning for the Moas to rush forward. All three open fire, above them the makeshift gunners nest erupts shooting, the enemy fall by the second, the archway forcing them to funnel, moving to higher overlook-


Jessica: Uruz 9, do you read?... -static-


-Ospreys dart in and out... some trying to get close to lay minds others trying to put up a protective shield, none of them last long under the combined fire of the squad. However a formation of four shield ospreys appears protecting a single osprey it's some what larger then the others. The Osprey group makes no attempt to avoid the stream of fire instead heads straight for the gunner's nest... The Four shield ospreys are quickly picked off butt the larger one takes just another beating while it gets within ten or so meters of the nest. It then erupts in an explosion of light and sound, deafening everything and only a blinding white light. A flash bang osprey-


Jessica: - inaudible-


-vague shapes, colors and unintelligent sounds ring for a moment, as Jessica's vision returns... just as one of the large pillars comes crashing down-


Jessica: -Expletive- Move!


-The pillar crashes onto of the gunners nest-


Jessica -yelling to the members around her-: Marcus! Uruz 10, 11 and 12 Cover fire, Ariana help me secure Uruz 8!


-leaping down from the overlook, She moves debris finally uncovering the wounded Uruz 8... His legs trapped underneath a large debris chunk. blood pours from the knee, indicating bone puncturing-


Jessica: Marcus you still with me?


-He makes incoherent grunts and shallow sharp breaths. He spasms and makes sharp twisting motions. Shock from a sudden blood loss-


Jessica: Uruz 7, I need him stable before we pull him.


-Appearing beside her Uruz 7, produces a syringe from her belt, and injects the blue liquid into Uruz 8's neck. He steadies his breathing and stops struggling-


Jessica: How bad is he?


Ariana: We'll need to pull him clear. -looking at the size of the shatter pillar- or amputate below the knees. I can stop the blood flow but he'll be out of it for a good three hours.


Jessica: How long do you need?


Ariana: If I just use the standard blade, at lea -blood splashes Jessica's visor as blue needle darts, hitting Ariana, Uruz 7, a little behind the ear and exits the front of her throat, her body slumps to the side-


-Staring up, a Corpus Sniper darts behind a pillar on the upper floor as bullets rake his positions-


Jessica: -An untranslatable scream of rage-


-His arm appears and throws a collection of plasma grenades down below... they're all primed, some landing next to the sleeping Uruz 8, others landing near Uruz 7 's body... the exit wound still smoking-


-There is an agonized grunt, as Jessica reaches out pulls the dog tags from the two necks... before she breaks into a run and bolts over the balcony, into the pool below, looking back up... the blue plume of a plasma explosion erupts... though the sound is muffled by the water. Rising up through the water, the sounds of Corpus soldiers, Moas and gunfire fill the air. A group of Corpus move down toward the pool opening fire and issuing battle cries. Jessica pulls the Braton in one hand and her sidearm in the other, and calmly approaches the group mowing them down, one tries to rush her and whip her with the butt of his rifle but she dodges and buries the barrel of the braton into his chest and pulls the trigger, using him as a shield she rushes into the group, drawing her melee blade, and slicing off limbs, finally she drops her weapons when she is down to the last Corpus soldier and proceeds to wrap her arms around his neck. She motions and with large audible snap... the corpus soldier falls to the ground-


Jessica: -Long haggard breathes-


-Looking back up,  the volley of blue bolts is like a downpour as the Corpus attacks. What's left of her squad, something bolts its way toward the unseen Uruz's position... A large Moa yet it has no guns instead it has a noticeable hump on it's back. It stops for a second... and then the hump begins to glow blue with a distinct whirring noise., It cries out as it runs forward before a shot takes out one of its legs... however the hump glows brighter and brighter before the Moa explodes in a massive burst of plasma destroying the walkway toward the remaining Uruz. However the mass of debris comes crashing down causing the floor under Jessica to give way... She struggles to escape the quicksand like collapse... but she eventually falls below into a lower hall... she lays there clearly unconscious for a few moments before she stirs... and quickly gets to her feet.-


Jessica -her vocie strained-: Uruz 10 come in, what is your status?


Uruz 10: Jackals -Static- -Expletive-! More of those ... Ospreys -The deafening sound... followed by a distinct whirring noise-


-A serious of explosions rock the hall... The comm only produces static-


Jessica: Byakko...


-The disembodied voice of Byakko answers-


Byakko: Yes, Initiate Yen?


Jessica -her voice distant and detached-: Activate all upper floors defensive measures. Slow them down the best you can.


Byakko: At once.


-Only the faint echoes of Corpus soldiers now ring, as she walks alone into the barely lit halls, Her breathing is short and controlled, her movements stiff... her comm comes alive with a static burst-



Josef: Jess?...-static- there? Hold ... -static- tweak the signal a bit there. Uruz 2 can you read me?


Jessica: Josef? You're alive!


Josef -his voice quiet, lacking little of his joking tone-: Yeah... I found Gre... Uruz 4 in the rubble... what was left of him anyway. I can't get anyone else on the comm. What the hell happened down there.




Josef: Lieutenant?


Jessica: ...Our position has been compromised, We should regroup with Uruz 6.


Josef: Whats your status.


Jessica: ...I'm alone


Josef: ...I'll try to get through to the Captain, you find Jin.


Jessica -her voice quiet-: Roger...


-She closes the comm link and proceeds along the darkened halls... more fitting of a tomb than a temple-


--Playback finished, feed lost--




--Proceeding to acquire new feed--




Edited by ChillFactor.


Pray Steve doesn't read this... Flash Bang Ospreys with Bunker Buster Suicide Moa's.


You thought Rollers were bad.

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Am I the only one here who noticed two members of the Uruz squad are dead. More specifically their medic and their gunner...?


Technically 6 of them  are dead in rapid succession once Corpus stopped ****ing about.



Uruz 4 was killed when the Artillery Blew up the Spire he was sniping from.


Uruz 7 was sniped in the head


Uruz 8 was killed when said sniper chucked grenades down on his drugged body when Uruz 2 and 7 were trying to pull him free


Uruz 10, 11 and 12 were killed by the Flashbang, Suicide Moa combo after being pinned by Jackals.



And Diaz and Veers haven't even shown up yet....


Will work on that :P

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