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" Unidentified Space debris falls close to Saturn Colony"


Residents of the colony, Auris 3, got a spectacular show this morning.


Auris 3, which is located in the Rhea Province near Saturn Prime, got a very sudden wake up call as a massive object passed through the Colony's most outward debris shielding.


The Object estimated to be about one tenth the size of the colony appeared to be some form of asteroid like installation, though the few eye witness accounts that could give a good description of the object said it lacked any recognizably features to Grineer, USSC or Corpus factions.


Curiously, a little after the Object grazed the outer shielding, The colony picked up the thermal transmissions of three Grineer Galleons seemingly following the object.


Speculation and alarm has been raised that the Grineer may be collecting derelict ships and installations to create make shift colony or even planet busters. The Empire has denied the claims. Saying that the ships were correcting the objects descent into Saturn prime so it would miss the colony.


Corpus and USSC officials have made no comment or disclosure any of their thoughts on the incident.

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Grineer Transmission intercepted




Phobos to Tethys'  7th Defense Fleet


???: How goes the defense, my old friend? Did you get cut in half by the same Tenno for the third time now?


Vor-clearly agitated-: We've kept them away from most of the major Vats at the moment, How long that lasts I can't foresee. The Tenno have essentially launched a full scale assault here.


???: How did the implants fare?


Vor: I didn't feel any true performance enhancement and Kril didn't note any as well.


???: Hmmm, perhaps your "old stock" is to worn to take full advantage of the implants performance enhancement... that would explain the discrepancy in my earlier tests.... perhaps a younger more malleable stock is required.


Vor: Keep your delusions in check Sargas. How goes you research of the frame?


Sargas: You were correct, while the suits core was indeed inside the host body upper chest cavity... A second heart for a second skin. I have yet to find any indication that the frame's abilities are connected to a physical component of the suit and the frame core, has me completely baffled. They are simply at another level of understanding and scientific principle.


Vor: So we have nothing!


Sargas: Clearly your mind is still intact from multiple uses of the Eutychus chamber, That is most assuring to myself.



Vor: The ability to bring the most valued back to life means nothing if we lose the facility!


Sargas:I may just have a way of easing the tension. Once Kril returns, I have an assignment befitting of his skills.


Vor: All we need is the USSC  finding out we've been building colonies behind their backs and...


Sargas: The USSC isn't the Lotus, The Corpus will be able to keep them off the trail for now... and I suspect that the Lotus will want Phobos to be an insulated conflict.


Vor: What word from Luna?


Sargas: The Sisters and  The "Preator" don't see Phobos as dire enough to dispatch the Dragoon Legions. You'll just have to make do with the standard divisions. As long as the vats remain safe you'll have no shortage in man power.


Vor: I forget, The Dragoons are Thanos' personal army now, have you learned anything more on him.


Sargas: He isn't in any of the combat registries dating before Hek's death at Everest He has no noble stock line or clone registry till his appointment over the Astaroth incident.


Vor:  He doesn't have a past in the Empire.


Sargas: He is either the first clone of a new stock...or The Sister's have awakened a source strain... The original.


-transmission was interrupted at this point-

Edited by FrostWolf
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I got to finish the arc I do... I can't be DC, I don't want to be DC who drop story lines just cause their bored



The good news is, I finally shipped out the next log  to Chill meaning that at most I got is three logs for this one


-Mustang catch up, Veers and then well the Kaboom/Escape-


the bad news is... I'm probably gonna drive poor Chill insane


Cause I kinda sorta... doubled my length on this one... It was the finale to the Diaz segment so it was one big continuous fight scene and unlike the last one I kinda didn't compress it all that much.

Edited by FrostWolf
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On that subject, it may be a good idea to send it to me too for proofreading, as I'm still noticing some grammatical errors even with Chill's proofreading. I'm a Grammar Nazi, so I'd catch these things, and I'd gladly read it two or even three times over to ensure all the little nicks are out.


Just a thought.

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-Log playback continuing-






-Diaz gives no real warning, no real tell before she draws two plasma SMG’s. The spray of blue pulses forward. Everyone dodges out of the way, returning fire. A mix of bullets and pulse darts flies forth in reply. Diaz doesn't go for cover. She rushes forward, leaping into the spray, her body arcing and twisting. She's more dancing than dodging, returning fire in rhythm to some unheard music. She's closing the gap. Soon they'll be shooting at each other at point blank. Jin readies a grenade and rolls it toward her. It erupts into billows of smoke. In seconds the battle ground is covered.



Diaz-her voice-: Ah... trying to use this from last time. Trying to make this quick?


-Jin rushes her with his knife, her form becoming more visible as moves, Her back is turned... yet just as he strikes, she reacts, sacrificing one of her pistols to catch his lunge for her head and throwing him off. Jin tumbles along the ground. The sound of someone else coming to attack her rings out. Josef's form comes sailing afterwards... he recovers alongside Jin.-


Josef-wiping blood from his mouth: She doesn't look it... but she packs a mean left hook.


Jin: Her body is being amplified by whatever that thing on her arm is. We need to find a way to remove it.


Josef: Easier said then done.


Diaz -her voice from the smoke bank-: Trust me gentlemen, I couldn't get rid of "him" at this point if I tried.


Jin and Josef: ...


-Something erupts out of the smoke. Jessica arcs herself, her leg fully outstretched. She reenters the smoke and then a second later the smoke clears from the force of the impact. Jessica's leg is bearing down on Diaz. Diaz's crossed her arms blocking the blow meant for her head. Diaz grunts as she throws Jessica off. Diaz, instead of attacking the airborne lieutenant, whirls around to offset an attack by Shan. Shan and Diaz trade kicks, punches elbow strikes. Shan makes the first mistake when she tries to grapple Diaz, who reverses the lock and instead of trying to strangle Shan. Diaz throws her at Jin and Josef who have retrieved their guns and were preparing to fire. Diaz goes to draw her remaining SMG, when Jessica rushes her. The two trade blows, a flurry of punches and kicks, yet neither bother to block. Jessica gains the advantage with a rising knee to Diaz's gut, followed by a head butt to Diaz's forehead... strong enough it breaks the skin on both women's foreheads. Diaz's stumbles back blood streaming down her face.-



Diaz: You’re tougher than I thought... but you’re wounded and running on what little steam you have left. -She goes to draw her weapon again... only to show surprise it isn't there-


Jessica: Looking for this Beauty Queen? -Jessica gives Diaz no time to react as she fires with the plasma SMG she had swiped from her during their brief engagement, the blue bolts ripping into her-


-Jin, Josef and Shan quickly join Jessica in ridding Diaz with projectile fire... yet Diaz doesn't cry out in pain... Her body reacts to being shot, yet she makes no noises; eventually the sound of empty chambers and overheating cells replacing the sound of muzzle fire. Diaz is still standing her body riddled with bullet holes and plasma burns; her uniform is barely a tattered rag-


Josef: Now... I'm completely out of ammo.


Jin: We should take her head off, just in case


Shan: That's a little brutal don't you think?


Jin: She got back up from having her brain fully blown out of her skull. I think we should be safe.


Jessica: Jin, I think we...


-Diaz's body erupts with red lightning, as if being forced back to life-


Diaz: got her?


Josef: What the -expletive-


-Before any one can react, Diaz's arms coat in pitch black scale transforming them into claws of obsidian, she has already moved in a thunderous kick straight into Shan's gut... Blood spew from her mouth, coating her hair that has lifted from the force of the hit. Shan goes sailing across the chamber floor, crashing against the wall. She doesn't move for a second before letting out a pained cough. Jessica is already on top of Diaz with her Khurki, the curved knife arching at of Diaz's neck. Josef is lunging low, going for her lower abdomen . Jin's target is the middle of her chest and her heart. What happens next is a matter of seconds.


With one black scaled hand she reaches up and catches Jin's blade, with the free hand she points her index finger at Josef. It extends like a spear clipping Josef along the left side of his chest. Just as Jessica's blade is about to make contact and sever her head, the area along Diaz's neck scales just as her arms did. The blade snaps from the force of Jessica's swing. And with a simple squeeze she shatters Jin's blade as well. Diaz's form seems to ignite with energy and burst of light erupts from her body sending the three back.


-Diaz's body crackles with the same red lighting as before, Josef grasps the wound on his shoulder-


Jin: Josef!!


Josef -struggling to speak-: The Hell... -coughs- I didn't see her move.


Jessica: She's... She's...


Diaz -as if admiring her arms-: Undying? Unbeatable? Beyond your simple human comprehension? All of those statements would be true.


Jin -helping Josef to his feet-: Raquel! -He turns and moves to check on her as Jessica stands her ground.-


Jessica: What are you?


Diaz: I have simply become my Father's child. Blessed by his providence and power. I am Undying forever more. This is the power that sent even the Tenno fleeing in fear.


Jessica:  I'm not letting you walk out of here alive or with the professor.


Diaz-a Cheshire smile-: Oh, willing to die to stop me? You really shouldn't be wasteful with your life; you can only die once after all. -Her fingers elongate becoming claws- I think I'll butcher you first, and save the other two for my "amusement" later.


-Jessica draws her second Khurki-


Jin: Jess!


-Diaz's let out a battle cry as she rushes forward, Jessica readies herself. Diaz' lunges... before something comes crashing down on top of her, the impact shattering the floor. Diaz screams in pain as her spine shatters from the blow.


Standing over her is the massive form of Rhino. His leg rises up, and stomps down on her head, and explosion of energy follows. A depression in the floor is now made as Rhino appears from the crater. Diaz's would be corpse crackles with the same red energy, her arms begin to move, and the back of her shattered skull begins to reform. Before she can muster the strength to glare at Rhino, arrows pierce Diaz's wrists, ankles and neck pinning her in place. A sonic boom follows further driving the arrows and Diaz down into the floor. A group of shuriken land around Diaz; each one of them blinking. Diaz seems to realize what they are as the explosions ring out with her scream. However the Explosion doesn't escape the crater, a green dome of energy seems to be locking the blast in place, funneling it on Diaz. Nyx, Banshee and Ash descend on the chamber floor.


Josef: Now they show up...


Jin: Guess they were waiting for us to give them an opening.


Jessica: Brutal and to the point.... looks like their not finished yet.


-Ash and Banshee part as the Tenno Saryn appears.... standing over the mangled form of Diaz, Saryn crosses her arms, and in a burst of light, Diaz's body is submerged in a bright colored acid. Diaz isn't even able to scream as the sound of it hissing burn fills the chamber.-


Josef: Is she dead yet?


-The Tenno turn their attention to the surviving USSC members and the unconscious Shan and begin to approach-


Jin: I think right now the pressing issue is...


-Ash's wrist blades extend as he approaches-


Jessica: Do they consider us a loose end.


-A massive bolt of red lightning erupts from the crater, a feral scream of rage accompanying it... even the Tenno are frozen in their tracks.-


Josef: You got to be -expletive- me.


Jin: She truly is no longer human.


Jessica: Then what the hell is she?


-The normally reserved Tenno show signs of bewilderment, even breaking their usual combat silence-


Nyx -clearly startled- : She... She can't be! Sister Saryn reduced her to a primordial soup!


Rhino -weary sounding-: It's just like before; she just takes whatever we throw at her.


Banshee: Even with all that, she can continue to fight?


Ash: -an audible annoyed sigh-


Saryn: Is this, the true power of the Blessed?


-something emerges from the crater, while it has the general shape a body... it lacks features and details, It's limbs are more tendril like, coming to sharp points at the end. It's only defining feature is the glowing red eye in the middle of it's chest.-


Ash: She's still regenerating? If we give her no chance to heal we may be able to...


-The arms give form to Diaz'... followed by the legs, then the mid body, Diaz's noticeable bust replacing the featureless chest, the head still blank-


Nyx: I'll trap her in my psionic field and then you can all-


-Before she can finish, Diaz has crossed the room... and pierced Nyx through the left side of her chest, a blood soaked claw exiting out-


Nyx-barely able to comprehend she's been wounded-: -a gurgled bloody cough- How...


-Diaz lifts Nyx overhead. The featureless head begins to protrude hair, followed by skin, till finally Diaz's familiar face appears.-


Diaz-highly aggravated-: I'd appreciate it if you'd stop killing me please.


-Ash vanishes in a burst of white smoke. Saryn lunges with a long saber for an overhead strike. Diaz tosses Nyx over her shoulder, but Rhino moves to catch her. Diaz catches the saber with one hand. Diaz' tilts her head to avoid an arrow form Banshee, moving so Saryn blocks Banshee's aim Diaz releases her grip on Saryn's sword and bolts forward with a punch that sends Saryn flying back into Banshee. Ash reappears midair aiming for Diaz's neck, but his wrist blades simply scrap against the black scale lining her neck. He vanishes just as she counterattacks. Diaz flips backwards avoiding a powerful downward blow from Rhino's Scindo. Saryn, having recovered, rushes in with her blade dripping with a visible poison. Banshee moves to flank Diaz, releasing a few arrows which Diaz dodges.


Diaz: Much tougher then the others.


Saryn thrusts forward, Diaz deflects the blow with her armored hand, the blade scraping along the scale. The droplets of poison that hit the floor immediately begin to eat away. Diaz, catching a kick from Saryn, is able to throw her off into Rhino, and begins weaving through a barrage of arrows at Banshee. Diaz closes the distance; Banshee moves to strike with the bow itself. Diaz catches Banshee by the wrist, hurling Banshee of her shoulder; Diaz whirls around swinging the bow as Ashe reappears to strike. The Bow breaks in two along Ash's helmet. The force of the blow sends him reeling.


Diaz: Come on, how are you suppose to beat me?


-The four remaining Tenno reengage her-


Jin-turning his view to Jessica-: Even with all of them attacking her


Jessica: Even when they get a blow in...


-Rhino's Scindo takes off an arm at the joint... Diaz however simply grabs the dislodge limb and uses it as a make shift knife to stab Banshee in the stomach, and with a powerful kick sends Rhino back... a new arm quickly grows back-


Jin: She just regenerates it...


Josef-pained-: Maybe if we shoved her into a reactor or a blast furnace... something that could keep the pressure on... Maybe she'd burn out?


Jessica: There does seem to be loss of energy to an extent when she regenerates.


Jin: The question is how much is needed to be lost before she stays dead.


-Shan musters-


Shan: Wha... What happened.


Josef: Simple answer?


Jessica: You got knocked the -expletive- out.


-Shan quickly tries to moves seeing a wounded Nyx and Rhino depositing a beaten Banshee next to her, Rhino 's body begins to shimmer as gems of metallic crystal form over him, He charges at Diaz with a burst of energy striking her sending her to the far side of the chamber. The remaining three Tenno continue their attack-


Shan: Has she...


Jin: She's not showing any signs of fatigue... Do you think that’s why the Orokin lost the war? Whoever they were fighting could make soldiers like that.


Shan: Just one is a terrifying prospect.


-Diaz snaps Saryn's blade in two with the grip of her hand. Using her free hand, she grabs the bladed tip and stabs Saryn, Saryn dodges, with Ash rushing in low and Rhino attacking from behind. Diaz jumps up, doing a full missile kick into Rhino's chest the impact causing visible dents in his armored hide. This allows her to sail over Ash and strike Saryn across the chest.-


Jin: At this rate...


Jessica: Jin... Take Josef and Shan and get to the star port.


Josef: What the hell are you going to do?


Jessica: I got a few grenades left... If I get close enough...


Shan: That won't even slow her down!


Jin: ...


Jessica: We don't have any other option, You just need to run... and that the Captain makes this place blow. Hopefully that will be enough to kill her.


Jin: We're not....


Shan: Oh no.


-The Three remaining Tenno barely stand... Ash clutches his left arm, it’s been broken at the elbow. Saryn hold her chest wound trying to fight back he blood flow. Rhino looks cracked and bruised... blood seeping from the impact marks that line his body-


Diaz: Is that it? Well I can't say I'm surprised. Your predecessors had the same trouble with us Blessed as well. -Holding up a hand... it’s figures sharpen to fine points-

I guess its time to finish it.



-Nyx seems to wake from her shock, at the top of her lungs-


Nyx: Rhino, Barrier NOW!


-Rhino doesn't hesitate for a second, his fist strikes the floor, creating a large cloud of debris... the debris is then forced together into a make shift wall by Nyx's green energy, separating Diaz from the three Tenno... but still in full sight of the USSC squad-


Diaz: ...A wall? Your last act is to cower behind a wall... what a completely idio-


-A torrid of Golden light burst out of the door way behind her, Diaz's form is completely engulfed, her scream echoes through the chamber. The light subsides and even with the armor, Diaz's form has been reduced to burnt muscle and visible bone. It quickly begins to replace itself-


Diaz -a pained exhausted tone-: Who... What?


-Another Torrid of gold light erupts, engulfing Diaz again


????? -the voice is dual layered as if two people speaking at once-: You said it was time to finish it, I completely agree with that notion.


Shan -a note of familiarity- That voice... that’s...


-Standing in the archway, a figure of Gold and Silver. It's form brings to mind of a warrior king from the age of knights. A large sword shines with the soft glow of the sun, droplets of gold drift away from its glowing blade.-


Diaz: ...You?!... How did you-


-A swift swing of the blade and another blasts engulfs her, the skin bubbling off, her bones cracking... yet again she heals-


?????: You should have broke my legs, witch. One costly mistake.


-Another Torrent of Light engulfs Diaz-


Jin: That was the frame from Honjo's.


Josef: Must have swapped his out for it.


Shan: Auron... that was yours...


-Diaz attempts to get up but even the slightest sign she is about to attack is met with a flood of light reducing her to a near ashen corpse... The bursts of energy signifying her regeneration and the burst of gold light seem to work in concert-


Jessica: Is he alright?


Josef: He's doing better then her


-Diaz's howls of pain reach a crescendo-


Jessica: I don't think he is.


Shan: What?


Jin: Jess is right... look!


-Another blast of gold... Prior chest heaves deep breathes as if he is holding up a great weight. He seems to struggle to keep the sword readied for the next blast. Blood escapes from his joints... boiling as it touches the ground-


Prior: You said you were one of the undying. I'd like to put that claim to the test!


-He begins to swing the blade quickly unleashing blast after blast barely giving Diaz a chance to regenerate from the last one. The red lighting is drowned out by the golden blaze.-


Prior: How many times will it take? How many deaths till your last!?


-The barrage continues, until Diaz's cries cease. Even then Prior doesn't stop until a moment later... He drops to one knee, steaming blood pooling on the floor. His breathing is heavy; he is trying not to collapse... when one last burst of crimson erupts from the fleeting particles of gold. Diaz erupts with a feral scream, her finger tips pointed like spears rushing toward Prior... For moment it seems like he won't respond to the attack... as she closes within a breathe away, Prior rises with a swift up swing of the blade. Diaz is engulfed in a pillar of gold light that comes not from the sword but the air around her. Everything is still as the pillar subsides...


Jin: I think he did it... Look!


-The bright red eye on Diaz's chest flickers and darkens... desperate to stay open, awake and alive... Diaz's stance relaxes.-


Diaz -her voice soft and soothing as if speaking more to a lover-: You've... You've killed me.


-Prior's emotionless helmet does nothing but stare-


Diaz: I hate the fact that I have to die, but losing to someone so cold makes it alright. Those eyes of yours are truly beautiful to me. Eyes filled with a desire to kill...


-Her hand reaches out and strokes the side of Prior's helmeted face... before it begins to disintegrate-


Diaz: My siblings won't forgive you or anyone for this... They'll awaken soon enough


-Her arms are gone; he legs begin to turn to dust as well-


Diaz: And after them... Our Father will bless Sol with his radiance once more.


-Diaz only her torso remains as her face begins to fade-


Diaz: I'm sorry, Azazel... This was a fight I should not have started...


-All that remains is the eye... Its red gloom deems to black before it is reduced to dust. Prior stands for moment... the sword drops from his hands and he collapses. Before anyone can react the other Tenno have swarmed around him-


Saryn: Help me get his helmet off


Banshee: His neural ports are inflamed... the strain has nearly killed him! We have to get him out of it.


Rhino: It looks like a prime version of his own, but it must not have been tuned to his biometrics. It doesn't match any of the frames in Lotus' databanks.


-The Tenno seem to flock around the wounded Prior removing armor, the smell of burnt flesh and blood filling the air... only Ash and Nyx change their view to the remaining USSC, and begin to approach-


Jin: Saw this coming


Jessica: Yeah


Josef -getting to his feet-: At least these guys stay dead when you kill them... hopefully


-Ash and Nyx make it half way when they stop, Ash looks back... as if annoyed by something. Nyx seems confused as if some unseen voice is reprimanding them. Ash turns and points at Jin and Shan-


Ash -His voice more of a snarl-: He wishes to speak with the two of you.


Josef: I don't like this... get us separated and then.


-Shan hesitates for a second, but begins to walk toward the Tenno-


Jin: Hold on Miss Shan we can't just


Shan: Trust me...


Jin: Lieutenant?


Jessica: See what he wants.


-Ash and Nyx part as Shan passes between them... Jin follows, Ash never makes facial contact, Nyx seems to look him in the eye and then turns her head-


-Saryn has just removed Prior's helmet, a bloody cough erupts, his head lays on Saryn's lap, dried blood stains from his eyes and ears mark his face-


Shan: What happened?


-Prior shifts his eyes to Shan and seems to smile-


Prior: The Corpus witch jumped me and the Grandmaster, broke a couple of ribs but nothing too severe.


Jin: Where is the old man?


-Prior tilts his head acknowledging Jin's presence and seemingly happy to see him alive-


Prior: Can't say... I haven't seen him ever since he helped me get this frame on. He seemed fine despite the wound she gave him.


Saryn -her voice angry-: You put on a frame that hadn't been neural wiped? You’re lucky the feedback hasn't left you crippled.


Jin: Feedback?


Shan: The frame retains the combat data and neural impressions of the user.


Saryn: With out a neural wiping, The Frame will register you as the old user. It's like trapping two minds in one body. The phantom neural feedback strains the wearer.


Prior-a pained half joking tone-: It makes you relive the thoughts, feelings and memories of the person before you. It can be rather maddening experience.


Shan: You seem to still be in your right mind...


Prior: ...I wish it had been simply a test of keeping my sanity.


Jin: ‘Cause it was someone you knew?


Prior: Ash wishes to kill you all to tie up loose ends.


-Rhino and Banshee both turn to look at Ash how has his back to them-


Jin: Let me guess, Lotus' order?


Prior: Mine.


-Saryn stops and the gentleness of her cradling ceases, he body becomes stern-


Prior -his voice is calm... yet his eyes show signs of something... Sorrow or Regret-: I was planning on just killing you all when we escaped, destroy the ship we'd let you have. Justify it to myself as "Can't let them have a working Orokin ship."


Shan -her eyes narrow, her tone scathing and sharp-: Being honest with your victim?


Prior -still calm-: No... Your service to the Tenno is over Lady Shan. I swear on the good name of the man who wielded that sword before me, you and your surviving compatriots will leave this place alive and allowed to return home.


Saryn: Auron... The Lotus will...


Prior: I hold myself solely responsible for this decision... none of you will be held accountable. Any punishment is mine alone to bear.


-Ash seems to shake his head in disapproval-


-Prior turns his head toward Jin-


Prior: Jin was it? Would you and your remaining squadmates kindly escort Miss Raquel to safety?


Jin: What about you?


Saryn: We will give Prior a moment to rest, don't worry we'll be right behind you.


Shan: Aur..


Prior: Please... I don't have much right for you to call me by name. Just go... I will tell Sister Tiburon of your survival.


-Shan turns... her face unreadable as she walks back toward Jessica and Josef-


Saryn: Why the sudden change of heart Auron?


Prior: You’re not mad about me plotting behind your back?


Saryn -her voice warm yet blunt-: You're in no shape for the fullness of my wraith.


Prior: I guess, I'm...


Jin: Being haunted by someone you knew, someone you never desired to disappoint.


Saryn -looks up-: Huh?


Prior -smiling, a degree of pain in his words-: I thought I had ... escaped those memories-chuckle- What would he think of me now?


Jin: He'd probably just be happy you’re alive.


Prior: True... Get going. Frost and the others are helping your Captain set the charges this very moment, but the Grineer are making it difficult.


Jin: What?!


Prior -his voice fading off-: No time to explain... just get... Raquel away... from here.


-Prior seems to lose consciousness, Saryn motions for Rhino-


Saryn: Take your people and go... we'll hold off what Corpus remain here.


Jin: Right!


-Jin turns and approaches the waiting Shan, Josef and Jessica-





Remaining Log data corrupted...


No remaining logs on this event from this Proxy


Searching for new Proxy




Please stand by...



Edited by ChillFactor who has the patience of a saint.

Edited by FrostWolf
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Did I smell a Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood reference?


You mean the Mustang guide to dealing with Wicked women?



Diaz did have few nods to Lust if you caught them -The Nails and the boobs, Lust ironically wasn't as sexual though how does that make sense?-


I just love that visual of overkilling your opponent. Diaz's death is more due to her own ego and picking a fight while Azazel was still in it's infant stage -Red energy means immature, Blue would symbolize full integration and maturity- then Lust just not realizing how manly Mustang is.


Prior was planning on killing them all, sooooo....




But, turns out Prior is a badass, sooooo....




Either way, epic as usual. Looking forward to more, whenever you're ready.


T2 thumbs up. XD


Honjo did however just give his best friend's Prime Frame to them... granted he likely thought killing Diaz there was more important then his mistrust of the Lotus.

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"Phobos officially annexed into the Grineer Empire!"



Over the past week, rumors have been spreading about recent Grineer activity on Phobos. However whatever rumors had been made were dispelled when head of Corpus-Grineer relationships, Alad V, issued a statement that the Grineer Empire had formally and legally obtained the rights to Phobos.


The Martian sector was set ablaze as many independents and even members of the Corporate Martian branch issued protests. None too happy that a Grineer presence would be materializing so close to Mars Prime.


" The Grineer simply need breathing room. Imperial Luna is only for the high breeds and Earth is 90% wasteland and toxic swamp. Phobos is the first step in the Grineer empires attempt at bettering the living conditions of all it's clone grades. We at the Corpus Martian branch have helped the Grineer begin the terraforming process on  Phobos. In exchange for continued Corpus support, The Grineer have agreed to with draw all standing forces and military installations from Mars sector including occupied colonies. The Grineer will be limited to only a carefully monitored amount of arms for Phobos which The USSC will enforce. I'd like to think this as the first step for the curving of Grineer aggression and ..." Alad V.


While The Martian branch of the USSC has agreed to the terms.  though some are not as optimistic as Mr.V


"So the Grineer can't have more then three hundred certified imperial combat vessels in Phobos airspace. The Grineer can of course just clone as many troops as the like on the ground... Hell they can probably build a bunch of ships as long as they leave them in dry dock. The Corpus make a killing by shipping them supplies and We can't set a damn foot on Phobos until after they've hit us. The one rule to remember about the Corpus, Their profits always come first" Admiral Jaun Miriam, USSC Martian Alpha Wing 



Rumors about dealings on Mars' other moon Deimos have begun to rise up



We'll bring you more as it becomes available.

Edited by FrostWolf
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At last, the witch is dead! 
Now I wanna know who is it that Sargas Ruk has between his claws...


Also, I'll be timely editing from now on, since the computer at home has some more free time on it - I have to share it with the old lady, and she uses it for her work!

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"USSC project revealed: Armory Fleet"


For the past few months, rumors spread about the nature of the many meetings between  Top USSC Brass and Corpus Management Board. All that could be gathered was the USSC was purchasing bulk amounts of resources and Corpus' best technicians and engineers for something.


Yesterday, The USSC revealed exactly what they were up too when they unveiled Armory One, A modified asteroid turned mobile fortress, weapons factory and command carrier. Armory One is estimated to be able to house three USSC Wings and over  three hundred thousand troops at a time.


The intention is to give the USSC Mobile Headquarters for their fleet operations instead of being tied to a single location by planetary sector.


As its name implies Armory One is simply the first, with two more nearing completion, Armory Three being estimated at being twice the size and carrying capacity of Armory One.


While exactly the nature of the Corpus dealings have yet to be disclosed, One has to wonder other then the chance for mass credit incomes and getting back in the good graces of independent colonies what exactly does the Corpus profit for essentially helping their current buyers major foe? 



The Grineer are of course livid over the news. Seeing that the Armory fleet is just the first step before a USSC invasion of Grineer Territory!


We'll bring you more as it becomes available.



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Hey Frostwolf, are you thinking of incorporating some elements of stalkers struggle into the news stories? It's probably the best fanfiction on here and I think you'd quite like it.


While I did like the take, It's not really gonna mesh well with what I have planned for Stalker and Co.

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