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This Is Sol System Network News With An Urgent Update.


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Transmission Intercepted


Signal lanes identified as Mars, Europa, Venus and Pluto



-patching through-



????: The Clergy have stayed out of Corporate affairs for the last two centuries.


-Voice identified as Alad V , Head of Grineer/Corpus relations-


Alad: So they are sending a few observers to watch, I fail to see why you are all so 


?????: Its not that the Clergy are sending observers Alad... its who the observers are



-Voice identified as Deschutes. L,. Mars Branch Head Operations Manager-


Alad: Who could it possibly be, one of the Cardinals' daughter? Someone of Papal importance that no one here has heard of till now? You always do this, Just cause Church rattles its saber. The Clergy believe in a dead god


????-clearly agitated at Alad's bravado-: It's not going to be some young Nun you can tempt with your deplorable excuse for charm.


-Voice Indentfied, Tilla M, Venus Branch Head Operation's Manager-


Tilla: The loss of their agent due to the Astaroth fiasco has the entire Clergy up in arms.


Alad: Last I checked that has to do with Kirk's division, I fail to see why the rest of you are concerned. -the sound of pouring liquid- We've done this before. The clergy will have their observers watch operations for a few weeks. See that we have a grasp of the situation and then they'll go back to Neptune prime and do what ever it is they do in those monasteries. So come on tell me... Who are they sending that has Tilla's tubes are tied in a knot.


????: Clerics... Three of them

- Voice Indentified as Klamoth. O, Europa Head of R& D-


Alad-clear choking-: What? The Church Militants Elite... There is no reason for them to...


Klamoth: Apparently the recent breakdown in Grineer relations by Tenno sabotage has caught their attention.


Alad: This is a breach of Corporate authority, The Cardinals have no right too.


?????: You sound like your hiding something Alad... Worried they'll discover your little back alley dealings?


-Voice Identified, Kirk. D, Pluto Head of Operations-


Kirk: Don't worry Alad, your private dealings aren't their concern. Their interest is in the Tenno not our ability to run things.


Tilla: So what have you been able to learn about them.


Kirk: Just their names and combat records, apparently they are high profile for the group as a whole. 


Alad: So their sending cleric known for leaving absurd body counts to oversee operations for a month.


Klamoth: Sounds like the opening step to a Corporate downsizing to me.


Deschutes-Nervous-: What branch are they overseeing?


Kirk: Mine of course.


Alad, Tilla, Klamoth: -an audible sigh of relief-


Kirk: Apparently they want to get me back on schedule in repairing the Outer Terminus railways. Seeing I lost a good chunk of manpower on their expedition past the rim, I'd like to request transfers from Mars and Venus branches till my recruitment drives can fill the gaps.


Deschutes: I have a few engineer legions I can do without. Security not so much.


Tilla: I'll take inventory and see if I can spare you anyone. 


Kirk: Thank you... I'll send you the profiles on a more secure channel in the morning.


-Transmission lost... Fire Wall Created-





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"Deschutes-Nervous-: What branch are they overseeing?


Kirk: Mine of course.


Alad, Tilla, Klamoth: -an audible sigh of relief-"


Them Corpus, I wonder how many cooperate secrets they have.

Also, those three sentences made me giggle a bit for some reason.

Edited by se05239
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I actually enjoy the constant $&*^ waving between the corpus and grineer more than I do the action arcs, nice job Frost.


If only the guy doing said action arcs could keep them coming at a consistent basis... wait.




Being more the idea of giving the Sol system a little more character and life.

That's kinda natural... especially seeing how the two sides view each other.


The Corpus think the Grineer are inbred mongrels you can keep occupied by giving them a card with "flip this side over" written on both sides and only see through their clearly brilliant plans by sheer stupid blundering.


The Grineer see the Corpus as so stuck up their own rears they need a committee just to verify how stuck up they are, and only put up with their nonsense due to the amount of control Corpus has on trade routes and supply lines.


Ironically the Tenno and The Lotus are the only thing keeping the two sides from truly breaking their very badly formed relationship.



on the Corpus, your probably wonder why it seems the Corporate side and the Clergy side don't get along. The Idea is that Corpus is kinda like the state of the Catholic church in their low point. Basically the era 867-1049 where political and mercantile groups pretty much ran the church.


The Clergy hardline members are seen as relics and members of a bygone era, believing in figments of their imagination. The Cardinals are just those blasted morons who have seniority, tenure, and a bloodline that keeps them living large on Neptune Prime wasting resources that the working stiffs in the Corporate side of things could use on scantily clad interns to have affairs with!


Essentially the religious aspect of the Corpus has been downgraded by  their more predominant mercantilism and its been that way for a few centuries. .



But now the "Demons of the Void" awaken bringing war and death as they did long ago. The Servants of the Blessed begin to slowly stir. Once more  voices speak to the attending priests deep from within Neptune's core.



I should thank Vor for the Void Demon and Religiously line. The Clerics being a counter point to the Tenno and having  subdued Angel motifs was what I was what I was gonna go with anyway XD

Edited by FrostWolf
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"Mass Troop Movements, Corpus and Grineer on the move!"



Jupiter sector is seeing a large fluctuation in Grineer numbers as the Empire flooded the area with troops. While official word is The Grineer are attempting to establish a foothold to begin prolonged combat operations against heavily infested areas. Anonymous sources have put forth that the Grineer were engaged in a mass stand off with a hostile force... that wasn't the Infested hordes. Seeing that only Corpus, The USSC, and only the largest PMFs could warrant the size of the Grineer numbers that were reported.



"The Grineer in the area were throwing everything they had available at something... and it wasn't us or the Corpus." Undisclosed USSC Admiral


"The truly terrifying thing about the Grineer is when they want too, they come down as mailed fist from the heavens but the more Terrfying thing...What was making them call for help despite all the troops they were throwing at it?"  Anonymous



While Jupiter is seeing an increase in Grineer traffic. The Corpus Mars division apparently turned in over 80% of its standing forces to conduct war game simulations in a heavily restricted zones deep within Corpus owned territory on the Red planet. Corpus Head of Operations on Mars,  Deschutes,L, refused comment on the sudden announcement as did the Head of Security.


"Probably testing their new deathmachine Omega Mark IIs or some such... and needed live bodies for "accurate" results" Anonymous





"Infested Population Spike noted in Saturn!"


Cassina province in Saturn sector is reporting a large spike in Infested sightings, notably around what is to be believed to be an abandoned Corpus derelict fleet.  Infested numbers ranging in the millions have been noted to be pooling there for some unknown reason.


Grineer and USSC forces are preparing for a full assault believing the infested are bulking up their forces to spread, and USSC command believes Class 7 or above nuclear devices may be necessary!




We'll bring you more as it become available

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Never could break the 40 minute mark... it was 33-35 minutes and then stuff would just stop dropping

Me and two friends managed to get to 54 minutes on the Corpus survival. Kinda fun, since we weren't trying much. A Rhino (me), a Saryn and a low ranked Excalibur with low leveled (not armor ignoring) weapons. He kinda lost his power to affect the outcome after 20-25 minutes, but thanks to my constant Stomping and Roaring, the Saryn and her Acrid (and Miasma spamming) helped us survive long enough.

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USSC Archive hacked


Anti Fire wall Measures holding... Status of link... Secure






File Found


Grineer Commander visual feed.



Timestamp: XX-XX-XXXXXX



Loading Log....



It's night, A black soiled wasteland  barely illuminated by a moon, the few Grineer soldiers headlamps and burning pyries. Mounds of dead bodies litter the ground.


Grineer Commander: Let's wrap this up boys.


One Grineer soldier stomps down on the chest of body... shattering the ribcage, another shots a barely struggling body in the head as a Scorch ignites another one of the corpse mounds.


Grineer Sergeant: Just a bunch of pirates and mercs.


Commander: If there was pod here its long gone now...


Grineer: ehahaaahhh!!!


-Turning the Commander spots one of his men being torn in three by... dark corpse like humanoids.-


Sergeant: By the Void! 


-They open fire, but the "corpses" simply reduce to dust after being hit with sufficient fire-


Sergeant: What are they?


Grineer: Commander!


-Turning more of the corpse like creatures begin to rise, leaping out of the mounds, or rising up as though they had been there the whole time. Several of the Grineer are caught and killed... notably the Scorch is dragged into the very pyre he just lit-


Commander: All units, Fall back to high ground to regain the advantage, Scorch units cover out retreat!


-The Grineer fall back while firing, as more and more of the black corpses rise up-


Sergeant: Fortification ahead...


-A old building stands in the distance-


Commander: Move in and fortify... We'll use that as ou---


-A High pitched wail erupts, disrupting the feed from the static is only panic runs and the futile commands of the Commander trying to get his men in order... The feed restores as The Commander and Sergeant barricade the doors-



Sergeant: I can't get a signal through! Something is jamming us... You think it was that?


Commander: I don't know what those were!

-moving through the parlor, soft candlelight illuminating the room -


Sergeant:What is this place?


Commander: Looks like an old religious site...


Sergeant: Looks like its been abandoned for years


Commander:... then why are the candles fresh and who lite them?


-The two make their way to the large doors leading into the inner sanctum of the building. Both ready their weapons as they enter... a Multitude of candles light the sanctuary at the alter sits a being as if in deep meditation. Its body gaunt and thin... almost corpselike... strains of flesh like substance line its back-


Commander: Orokin signature detected!


Sergeant: He has a reactor!


-The Being rises still keeping its back to the two Grineer-


Commander: Drop any weapons you may have and---


-In one Motion, the figure jerks around thrusting its arms forward... a Flash of light strikes the Grineer. The next moment the Commander is on his back staring up at the rotten ceiling... the moon picking in through the various holes... The Figure steps into view....Its face is hooded like... two yellow eyes "stacked" stare down at the Commander... in a swift motion the figure brings a Scythe like weapon down... pierce the commander's neck, blood spraying the blade as the feed goes dead-





USSC Report: Possible new Tenno unit in the field. Powers unknown.


Theory: Capable of inciting irrational fear despite Grineer genetic coding.


Theory: Black constructs believed to be Nanite related based on samples recovered from site


No sign of the Figure was found inside the building from the feed.


Theory: Grineer were searching for a pod, engaged a large contingent of Unlawful combatants resulting in fire fight


Observation: Tenno seemed to have made lodging suggesting an awakened unit in the long term.


Data to be sent to Task Force---



Unauthorized access identified!


Lotus Signatures detected


Engaging Data Purge in all ports!





Connection severed.





Message Received


"Better luck next time Lotus"

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Recovered video files from "Forge incident"


...Searching for items of interest


-USSC being massacred in the main hall by Jackals-


- Cryopods being loaded into transports by drones-


-Grineer and Corpus forces engaging in the temple halls-


1 item of interest found


- Grand Master quarters...

Audio corrupted


-Diaz assaulting Prior for a few minutes, before doing the gesture of laughing and leaving...


2 minutes go by


A downed Honjo stirs and crawls over to the unmoving Prior, checking his vitals to see if his alive... and begins to remove his helmet


-time lost-


Prior is conscious. The two seem to be talking... Honjo seems frustrated... before his gaze fixes itself on the Gold Frame... Justinian's prime frame. Prior seems to reject some notion.


-time lost-


The Frame case is empty....Honjo is leaning against the empty case before slumping to the floor clutching his wound. Seems to be suffering exhaustion.


-time lost-


The Chamber is empty, tracks in blood indicate that Honjo has left the chamber with the missing items from his desk. Byakko's interface is still open.


-5 minutes elapse-


Three figures enter the chamber. Two Imperial Dragoons and unidentified cloak individual. The person appears to be much shorter then the Dragoons implying average human height. The individual approaches the interface, and produces two vials of blood from his cloak, which he promptly pours into the chalice.


The Cup seems to accept but flashes most likely require another matching sample...


The figure presents his hand... and using a saw like kunai, cuts open his palm. The Chalice glows and collapses into a disk like object before it levitates into the ceiling. A moment later a bright orb of cascading colors descends.


The figure reaches out and deposits the orb in his cloak and motions for the two Dragoons to leave.


Video feed shows an empty chamber till it cuts out.




Analysis.... Empire may be in possession of High priority artifact of Tenno standing. 


Individual has yet to be matched.




Just a quick teaser

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USSC makes progress with Tenebrae Combine, and Corpus


USSC relations have been working overtime as an undisclosed research project has been signed between The Corpus and The Tenebrae. Apparently the Corpus will fund the materials while the Tenebrae  handle the research and manufacturing. This comes a week after  Solar Genetics , SolGen, shipped out several of its researches to an undisclosed USSC ship.


Grineer relations are wary, believing the USSC may be prepping for a strike to take back lost ground that the Grineer have slowly reclaimed in the past few weeks.




"Crime war ends on Venus"


After over a month of fighting, Venusian Authorities are confident that the fighting that erupted all over the Aphrodite  Red Sector has come to an end.


Early this Solar morning, Authorities were tipped off to the supposed location of the Vandamar Cartel's leader who went into hiding after the incident which left the cartel and it's alliances on a crumbling foundation.


Link: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/20042-this-is-sol-system-network-news-with-an-urgent-update/?p=738291 Here


Over the next weeks the Cartel's allies surrendered, or simply fled and the Cartel cells were what could only be described as "exterminated" by a still unidentified assailant. While the perpetrator  is no doubt linked to the Consortium, there has been no evidence found to link the two, let alone finding out the identity of the killer. 


Apparently what was left of the Cartel's leadership had taken refuge by being mobile on a private recreational vessel that had been modified to be a mobile fortress. The Vessel would be refueled and restocked by other vessels that would fly out to it. Essentially the Cartel brass would never have to come to port.


Authorities found the vessel shortly after it's last known maintenance. The Vessel could only be described as a ghost ship.


Anonymous VPD member " You could tell there was fire fight but there were no bodies, just spent shells and weapons"


VPD traced the transmission to a remote device located on the bridge.


VPD Captain:" At least our perp was polite enough to leave us the ship and another present"


The decapitated head of the Cartel's leader was found in the captain's cabin... in his mouth a data pad with a simple message


"This War has ended,

War in the shadows begins

The Lotus Wilts"


VPD are stumped at the meaning.


We'll bring you more as it becomes available


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