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This Is Sol System Network News With An Urgent Update.


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an Editor... That almost make this topic semi professional and that just clash with the amatuerish fun of it all! XD


 Maybe if I really think it needs a once over I'll send it.



You know that feeling that you just had a retroactively awesome idea that would have made desrcibing something better


-IE describing the Dragoons by weapon probably wasn't the brightest move i could make-



Yeah just had one of those...

Well, feel free to send the stuff to the email on my account and I'll return it with grammar corrected, so it's a bit easier to read.

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Feed Established


Proxy: Tyfring's Curse secure Transmission to Luna, Praetor Thanos's residence



Thanos: They destroyed the site instead of letting it fall?


Admiral Cin: It appears that way my lord... All Grineer forces save the Dragoon Legions were caught in the blast. It was fortunate that one of them discovered the countdown.


Thanos: So the trail is cold.


Admiral Cin:... Not Neccesarily.


Thanos: You have lead?


Admiral Cin: Captain Veers wishes a personal audience with you.


Thanos: So be it. Summon the captain.



Admiral Cin: Sir,

-Into his com- You may enter Veers.


Veers: I wish to speak to the Praetor alone.


Thanos: Leave us Admiral


Admiral Cin: As you wish my lord.




Thanos: Discuss your terms Veers...


Veers: My Lord?


Thanos: The Sisters and I are fully aware that the Temple's explosion was nothing more then a mask for an atmospherical jump. Corpus forces still have the Grand Master and at this moment are getting closer to claiming the Master's Forge for themselves. I have no time to barter with you.


Veers: Your well in formed My lord.


Thanos: More then you know. Chapter General Sa' Gra'vel said you fought valiantly for an initiate...but he saw nothing worthy of the honor of Dragoon.


Veers: ...


Thanos: You wish me to promote you to Battle Captain and be given your own command.


Veers: -almost unnerved by how easily Thanos has read him- You... don't wish to know how I know where thier heading.


Thanos: I told you I have no time to barter with you. Your wish is to personally claim the Forge for the Empire and by doing so redeem your name. Therefore by my position as Praetor, one Crusier and five Frigates will be given to you. I will not disrespect The Veteran Dragoons but forcing them to listen to your commands however, I will give you  command of the other initiates like you. Prove yourself worthy by claiming the Forge for the sisters and I will use my position to create a new Company of Dragoons for you and the survivors.


Veers: You are most generous My Lord.


Thanos: My hands are tied... any large fleet movement, Corpus will know the ruse has failed and the USSC and the Lotus will follow. Know this... This is your last chance at redemption "Captain"  Claim the Forge for the Empire, Kill any opposition in your way.


If you fail, Do not return to Grineer space, My forgiveness has its limits.


Veers: Understood my lord.

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"Astaroth Fallout may lead to more open conflicts"


As Grineer and Corpus forces withdraw from whats left of the dismantled planentoid of Astaroth, USSC forces are moving in to provide aid to the Colonists left among the wreckage.


Many independent colonies are now flocking to join the USSC seeing themselves as vulnerable to Grineer and Corpus conflict.


While Corpus maintains it was in the right to defend itself many of its investors are showing second thoughts with colonies demanding Corpus forces and installations be removed from thier space least they promote another Grineer offensive.


The Council has sent warning to Luna threatning to take drastic measures if Grineer agression is not checked.


Expert predict that the Council's inaction will only promote more blantant Grineer agression rivaling that of when Councilor Hek was on the council.

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File recovered


Captain -Data corrupted- log of the Corpus Command Cruiser Venator's Whim


" It has been three days since the unorthodoxed jump from the planetoid Astaroth. Of the original planned fleet for this mission only six ships survived the jump... the others were either caught in the temple blast or were ripped apart by the Cruisers' warp wakes.


The General has ordered near constant communication silence save for the occasional status report and transmission back to Neptune, I believe she is trying to evade any Grineer force following us. I don't know what Grineer commander would be suicidal enough to attempt chasing us into the Dark Sector past the solar rim.


The General had predicted the trip would be five days at standard engine power... I don't what se expects to find out here in this black lifeless void... Even Sol is a distant star here.


I'll follow her orders but ever since she put that thing on her arm... She's been off, At times It'll seem she's talking to herself or someone even having an arguement.


Maybe it's the stress of the bonding? Good thing I'm not that deeply devote.




Log entry #2


" Had an "off the record" meeting with my fellow Captains. Seems we may have some stowaways from the battle. We all reported missing food and medical supplies with the occasional missing crewman.


A Grineer squad wouldn't have kept quiet this long. Meaning it's one of the other two... maybe worse both. I told each  to double security.


Tried to tell the General but she's...erratic She'll spend hours in The Confessional with the prisoner trying to get him to talk and then she'll seclude herself in her quarters... Her skin is turning pale last I looked at her and her eyes they're like the thing on her arms "eye"...




The Stowaways must be waiting for us to arrive at our destination... We'll be ready.


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Feed Established


Rerouting through USSC QED subnetwork



Proxy Found



Proxy Identified:Uruz 6



Location : Corpus Crusier Venator's Whim  Dark sector.


" What appears to be a makeshift living quaters, in a lower deck, Uruz 1 stands over Uruz 5 who has connected into a panel in the wall"


Uruz 1: Whats the word, Grant? Why have we slowed down?


Uruz 5: Chatter is limited, but whatever is going on, all hands are getting ready. Seems like they're setting up an orbit.


Uruz 3: Maybe we're finally wherever they want to be out here.


Uruz 1: Right now,  our goal is to regroup with Jess and the others. We can figure out why they came all the way out into godforsaken space later. Grant, Tell Uruz 2 to get her group ready.


Uruz 5: Roger


Uruz 1: Josef how we doing on ammo?


Uruz 9: With what rounds I could scavenge without them looking and from the armory? We're good for a few long fire fights but I suggest we try be subtle about when we pick fights.


Uruz 1: Rely on Melee?


Uruz 9: Atleast while we can take advantage of the close quarters.


-Uruz 1 turns to directly face Urzu 6-


Uruz 1: How is the wound Jin? Know we don't have Ariana to patch you up.


Uruz 6: I'm fine sure, Was just a glancing blow, looked worse then it was.


Uruz 1: Just in case, Bill you take point.


Uruz 3: Roger -loads a Lex-


Uruz 5 : Shan's been rather quiet this morning.


-Looks over to a makeshift barrier.. clearly intended to give the lady privacy-


Uruz 1: Professor Shan you up?...




Uruz 1: Raquel we know your not that heavy of sleeper...


Uruz 3: You don't think?


Uruz 1: Oh sonnava -expletive-


-Uruz 1 moves swiftly over and enters Shan's secluded area-


Uruz 1: -Expletive-


Uruz 9: The weapons we gave her are missing.


Uruz 1: Hell, She's gone after the grand master most likely.


Uruz 3: He is most likely on this ship... and now would be the best time to find him.


Uruz 1:The plan was to regroup and then deal with the grand master.


Uruz 6: Maybe She didn't go alone?


-Dead silence-


Uruz 6: you said it yourself Josef... you had the feeling someone else is stalknig through the vents  and underways. I doubt we're the only ones that had the idea to jump ship from the battle.


Uruz 1: This mission just keeps getting more complicated


Uruz 3: Don't they always?


Uruz 1: Yeah... lets hope it doesn't involve you blowing up a city this time.


Uruz 3: Got to top myself someday Rick.


Uruz 5: Uruz 2 and her squad are gonna make thier way to the hangar bay and commandeer a shuttle. Your orders?


Uruz 1: Grant and Josef, you two get us a shuttle.


Uruz 5 and 9: Sir


Uruz 1: Bill, Jin... -sighs- We gonna go find the Professor before she trips every alarm on this ship.


Uruz 3: And if she's with Former company?


Uruz 1: They shoot... Shoot back. They wanna talk listen. Let's try to keep our enemies few for the time being. We're far from home and on our own for now.


Uruz 6: Understood.


Uruz 1: Uruz squad move out.



Feed ended



Signal Rerouting




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All three ships are reporting missing crew members, food and medical supplies.



Uruz squad is only spilt over two ships and as noted when sneaking around felt someone else is there... eh that might just be a weakness in my writing style so if you missed the hints that may very well be my fault.

Edited by FrostWolf
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I've been thinking should I change the topic title?



Author Note


*reread your stuff, or you'll end up giving Characters the same first name!*



It's like that MST3K episode Night of the blood beast



Everybody is named Steve!

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Proxy: Uruz 6


Moving along a corridor Uruz 1 and 3 are ahead... the three enter a lift room Uruz 3 stops-


Uruz 3: Hold up..


-He motions toward a blood trail leading to the side locker-


Uruz 1: Check it


-The three enter the small room to find four dead corpus crewmen having been piled and tucked away ni the corner.-


Uruz 1: Looks like your hunch was right, Jin. We're not alone.


-Uruz 3 pulls the bodies out an examines them-


Uruz 3: Judging by the fact this one was just shot in the side of the head and on top of the pile, I'd say this poor bastard had the bad luck of coming off the elevator. The other three were killed by more quiet methods... This one had his throat slit, This one shows signs of being strangled and this one had his neck broken.


Uruz 6: Perhaps a security detail waiting for the lift?


Uruz 1: Any thing useful?


Uruz 3: Whoever killed them picked them and this place clean.


-staring at the Drone dispenser, walking over to Examine it-


Uruz 1: What is it Jin.


Uruz 6: Clever -slightly prying the dispenser open to revealing two corpus pulse rifles inserted diagonally along the receiving chassis- Try to send a drone down here and they trip a makeshift mine.


Uruz 1: I think we'll copy that little tactic from now on.


Uruz 3: They may have rigged the elevator.


Uruz 1: Access shaft?


Uruz 3: Access shaft.


-The two leave the side locker... Uruz 3 however jams the door controls least someone comes in-


Uruz 1: If they're on the move, we don't have much time.


Uruz 6: Head for security, that give us a idea of where the vip is on the ship.


-Uruz 3 removes an access panel revealing a ladder way leading up, Uruz 1 enter first, Uruz 6 follows with the sound of Uruz 3 behind and closing the access, the three being climbing-


Uruz 3: This has been one hell of a week for you eh Jin?


Uruz 6: Save for the Tenno and the being stuck on a Corpus ship for days. Pretty standard


Uruz 3 - a soft chuckle-: Missions not over yet.


Uruz 1: Quiet you two...


-Uruz 1 twists and slowly opens a access panel... the sound of two Corpus crewman talking enters the shaft-


Crewman 1: Can't believe the com system is going out all over the ship


Crewman 2: It's erratic, we've been running to every other deck across the ship all morning.


Crewman 1: Could it be Stowaways like everybody has been muttering about.


Crewman 2: Like them military suits would tell us. The security arm always keeps stuff like that to themselves.


Crewman 1: True guess it pays more to be red in black then just simply brown.


Crewman 2: Lets just get down to deck five and fix that Com circuit.


-The sound of the elevator opening can be heard as the sound of footsteps walk by... The Elevator closes the sound of it going by can be heard as it head lower... The three sit and wait-


Uruz 1: Guess they didn't---


-The loud sound of sizzling and howls erupt from below...-


Uruz 3: Told ya.


-The three wait for a moment-


Uruz 6 -sniffing-: Electrical burns


Uruz 3: Must of rigged the lift to become a giant hot plate when it stopped at a specific floor.


Uruz 1: We'll figure how they did that one later


-The three being to climb again... coming to an access panel with a 3 labeled on in Corpus

script, Uruz 1 generates a ship map from his wrist-


Uruz 1: Based on what Grant could gather from the ship layout... Security is here, section 7


Uruz 3: Smack damn right in the middle of the deck.


Uruz 6: We can't just take out camera's, that'll give away our approach.

Uruz 1: There should a ventilation network...


Uruz 6: That's in the middle of the barracks sir.


Uruz 3: Are you really surprised?


Uruz 6: No


-Uruz 1 removes the Access panels and crawls out, Climbing up after him, Uruz 6 climbs seeing the side locker heads over and enters finding two Corpus rifles in the lockers, Returning outside he heads to the drone dispenser and does what he had seen on the floor below, leaving a primed pulse rifle in the chassis-

Uruz 3: Good thinking


- Uruz 3 recovers the access shaft-


Uruz 1: Stay low and stay quiet... no gunfire unless necessary. No noise-


Uruz 6: Roger.


-The three slink out of the Elevator room and slowing move along a corridor... The sound of Cropus grunts talking echo from around every corner passing by an open room-


Crewman 3: Have you seen where we've stopped?


Crewman 4: Looks like a dead rock to me.


Crewman 3: Five day for this?


-the conversation fades as the move quickly... Uruz 1 motioning to stop as he eyes various

camera's motions, before motioning to move, Corridors being to blur together only stopping or ducking into a side room when a patrol nears finally they enter large locker room-


Uruz 1-in a very low voice-: Rather empty for the barracks.


-Signs of smoke still drifts in the air-


Uruz 3 -equally as quiet-: I think someone beat us here.


-motioning toward the far side... a corpus crewman's lower torso can be seen somewhat hidden in back alcove-


Uruz 1: Lets just find that vent and get to security.


Uruz 6: I hope Uruz 5 and 9 are having better luck with the ship.


Uruz 3: They better or this is gonna be a poorly remembered escape plan.


-The three move through the locker-room coming up to a large vent shaft, Uruz 3 pushes one of the large crates enough to allow climbing access to the Vent covering-


Transmission distance compromise







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"Corpus attempts Peace offering with the USSC"


With the fallout from Astaroth still being felt, Corpus attempted to stem the bleeding by offering The USSC several key Rubedo and Gallium sites for upcomnig weapon productions as Murakumo Forges is set to begin furnishing the USSC with its own unique line of weapons.


The move is clearly a gesture to get the USSC and Indenpendents to once again focus on the growing Grineer threat.


Since the Astaroth blast several Corpus installation have been closed or relocated due to strong backlash and fear that a Corpus presence will bring Grineer conflict. Corpus profits are at an all time low as the various colonies gravitate to less risky Merchant groups.


Experts do expect the USSC to accept the offer since several of the areas are stragetic location allowing the USSC a better vantage point for whne the Grineer begin another round of expansion.



Up Next,


"Grineer Forces Gather on Luna to pay honor to a War Hero"




-Author's note: I'm gonna try to finish this arc this week and then move pack into the headlines stories... I'm kinda kicking myself, This is one of those arcs I should have built up to better due to well The size it turned out to be. -IE done an intro story for Veers and etc-


Its one of those hindsight things, It was good idea, I just didn't set it up properly and I'm fully aware I didn't... Still don't think I'm all that good with characterization.


The next arc will hopefully be much shorter, tighter, and more enjoyable -It only has five major characters... what could possibly make it more complicated!...



Oh Sonava!

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DERebecca needs to say this as the opener to the next Livestream.


I'd be red for a week


Other then Skree i don't think DE rummages through my crazed ramblings and poor attempts at plot arcs XD

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Feed resuming


-The vent way is large, most likely for a cleaning drone, as the three inched along... The Captain stops at a large Vent cover, he nods to the Sergeant Major who readies a grenade... a flash bang. the Captain kicks the Vent cover off as the Uruz 3 lobs the grenade through the new opening, Uruz 6 covers his flash as powerful burst of light and sound erupts outside the vent way... by the time he looks up, Uruz 1 and Uruz 3 have already cleared the vents exit with weapons drawn into the empty security locker room-


Uruz 3: For Security..


Uruz 1: It's rather lacking.


Uruz 6: Maybe the Tenno have made a nuisance of themselves?


Uruz 3: We would have heard com announcement.


Uruz 1: Stay alert, I don't like this.


-The three move into a large room with several monitors and data streams going... The Ships security center... Dead Corpus soldiers and crewman line the floor along with bits of wrecked drones. at the Main control panel sits one Raquel Shan who has turned to aim her SMG at them-


Shan: I was wondering when you'd catch up.


-she lowers her weapon and returns to the panel she was viewing-


Uruz 1-weapon still fixed one her: Professor, I hope you realize the trouble you've caused making us chase you here.


Shan: If your going to shot me for insubordination...at least wait till I've translated this Orokin text.


-The Captain lowers his weapon motions to lower weapons-


Uruz 1:Shan, this better be worth the risk... or so help me.


Shan: Trust me it will be.


Uruz 3: I take it your friends helped you get in here?


-examining one of the bodies-


Uruz 6: like before, These men appear to have killed each other.


Shan: It pays to be a girl with friends.


-Uruz 1 sighs while Uruz 3 chuckles but the two seem to be scanning the dark corners of the



Uruz 1: Why the hell are we all the -expletive- in the middle of nowhere and not back at Neptune?


Shan: This


-pushing a button, A screen of what the ships are orbiting appears... a barren looking planetoid.-


Uruz 1: A dead rock?


Uruz 3 : Perhaps it has some type of mineral deposit?


Uruz 6: May I see something?


Shan: Of course... -she scouts over allowing him to interact with the control panel-


Uruz 6: Captain.... It has a stable orbit


Uruz 1: Can't have one, We're out side Sol's gravitational rim, Dead space.


Shan: Yet this planetoid is following a projected path along the edge of the Sol rim.

Uruz 3:... Sonava -expletive-... an artificial planet



Shan: It's only roughly the size of Charon


Uruz 1: Orokin?


Shan: Possibly.


Uruz 6: Even if they found a way to create a stable orbit... there is no practical reason to have it out in a dark sector.


Uruz 3: Unless you didn't want it found.


Uruz 1: Or it's not just Orokin related...


Shan: According to the texts they saved from the monastery... This is the home of "The Forge" a sacred site of the Tenno, Where their Arms Master would create their most sacred and remembered armaments.


-Images of Tenno wielding various ranged and melee weapons flash by on the screen-


Uruz 1: Making him the only one that knows for sure where it is.

Shan: Correct.


Uruz 3: That explains the ruse... Didn't just want the Grineer or us following them out here.


Uruz 6: A place like that would be a stockpile of war frames, weapons and other technology.


Uruz 1: They know its here but they haven't done anything yet.


Shan: Most likely the Arms Master is the only one that can get them into it.


Uruz 3: Have you found him?


Shan: Working on it.


Uruz 6: This is bad Captain... Unless we kill everyone in this fleet.


Uruz 1: Corpus could potential shoot ahead of everyone tech wise.


Uruz 3: Seems pointless killing the Arms Master now...


-Shan turns to stare at the three for a moment before returning to her work-


Uruz 3: Even without him, They'll rip this rock apart.


Uruz 1: One thing at a time Bill.


Uruz 6: Still gonna try an rescue him?


Uruz 1: Might as well.


Shan: Found him... that's odd, Nyx was sure he'd be in the brig from what she got from that captain.


Uruz 6: He's not?


Shan: He's on deck 1 section 3


Uruz 1 : Why the hell is he all the way up there?


Uruz 3: Doesn't Matter, We just need to get to him.


Shan: Come on, A security elevator can get us close to there.


Uruz 6:... Captain?


Uruz 1: She's not USSC personnel... I couldn't order her to stop if I wanted too.


Uruz 3: That and if she's with us means we can keep an eye on her.


Shan:... Let's just go.

Edited by FrostWolf
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I can't wait. Great story, you have me checking the forums several times a day just to see if you have updated. But you might want to look at your previous post, looks like you double pasted your text.

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Feed resuming


-The Captain moves on point, Uruz 3 close behind...looking back Shan covers the rear the corridors are empty-


Uruz 6:Where is everybody?


Shan: Based on the read outs most if not all the security is focused around the detention area.


Uruz 3: Give the impression the prisoner is there.


Uruz 1: Lure the Tenno and us out.


Shan: Yeah, The others are most likely heading toward the bridge instead.


Uruz 6: Didn't tell them where the Arms master was?


Shan: The moment I'd have  told them they would have locked me in the security room waiting for you guys to arrive and I hadn't found him yet... they tend to disappear behind your back..


Uruz 1: We've noticed.


Shan: I couldn't pass up the chance to meet with him.


Uruz 3: He isn't gonna be in the mood to talk, if Corpus has been doing their usual hospitality.


Shan: You say that like you know what its like.


Uruz 1:...


Uruz 6: ...


Uruz 1: Professor, I suggest you drop that line of questioning.


Shan: I didn't mean too...


Uruz 3: I was on Triton


Uruz 1: Bill...


Uruz 3:It's alright. Small  independent colony on the moon. I  was the local marshal's explosive "expert".


Uruz 1:... Expert in he always picked the right wire to cut.


Uruz 3: The good know what their doing, The best are lucky... The colony cut a deal with Corpus for a new atmospheric unit. Was quite the bargain, Corpus practically gave the unit away.


Shan: Corpus charity always has a price to it.


Uruz 6: The Colony was over a large gallium deposit.


Uruz 1: The unit was their ticket in.


Shan: What happened?


Uruz 3: The unit "malfunction" most of the colony was dead in under a hour. 15,000 people.


Shan:.. -her face showing regret for asking.-


Uruz 3: I was out with two deputies, sent to deal with a dispute with a pair of squatters, one was holding a box like device thought it was an explosive. Turn out just to be some old style cooking unit. Something my Beth would of liked.


-Shan looks like she is about to ask a question but stops herself... the answer apparently obvious to her and those around-


Uruz 3: Now the problem with venting an entire colony, is it doesn't reflect very well on your shareholders position.


Uruz 6: Corpus needed an alibi.


Uruz 3: Dammit Jin, I've only told you this story once!


Uruz 1: Its one where the details stick with you.


Uruz 3: True enough... -he breathes deep- Corpus decided that the malfunction was sabotage by a rouge group of colonist trying to usurp the established colonial government and clearly the survivors  were in on it.


Shan: over 200 people took responsibility for the attack, how'd they... Corpus indoctrination.


Uruz 3: Nope... Indoctrination is for those they want to live and be obedient servants. No point in rewriting someone's brain if your just gonna turn around and kill them... Not cost effective. Corpus is a business after all.




Uruz 1: ...


Uruz 6:...


Uruz 1: A Corpus Confessional.


Uruz 3: -clearly remembering things he'd best forget-


-The group moves along till find the door to the chamber... Uruz 3 stares at the inscription on the door-


Uruz 3: This it?


Shan: -timidly- ...yes


Uruz 3 -A sad half chuckle-: Damn near only Corpus phrase I can remember. -reading the inscription on the door- "Forgive me Father, For I have sinned."


Uruz 1: You should wait out her Professor.


Uruz 6: I agree with the Captain.


Shan: I've seen my fair share of gore and atrocities.


Uruz 1: We're any of them still alive and fully conscious?


-Shan gulps-


Uruz  3: Let her come Rick... It's her lose of sleep after all.


-He moves forward as the doors part... the Captain follows suit... Uruz 6 looks at Shan who seems to brace herself and follow afterwards...Uruz 6 begins to follow-


- The Area on the site has been cleared to be nothing but a large chamber lit by various torch like lights... In the middle stands an altar like device. In it sit a man-


The four stop just a few meters away... The man has several cables attached to his muscles as various areas the skin has been peeled back allowing probes and various needles to be implanted into him, Access ports line parts of his body with two large cables plugged into the temples. The Man's eyes have been peel open the lids forcible rolled back... and for a moment he is nothing but a corpse-


Shan: Is he?


Uruz 3: I think he really wishes he was.


-Suddenly the glazed open eyes seem to spring to life as the man gives out a wheezing gurgle violently shaking  as if trying to escape-


Uruz 1: I'll cover the door, Get him out now.


-Uruz 3 motions for the Shan and Uruz 6... He moves close to the man who shakes and resists... He moves his had steadily as Uruz 6 braces the struggling captive... Uruz 3 at first removes the pins... allowing the man to blink and close his eyes... then he removes the tube like gag blocking his mouth... The man barks, coughs and wheezes his air way free-


Uruz 3: Shan... take the cantin from my belt and give this poor fella a drink.


-Shan quickly moves while Uruz 3 and 6 hold the captive still... Shan brings the metal cantin to the mans lips who desperately drinks from it-


Uruz 3: Thats it drink all you need.


Uruz 6: These aren't in that deep.


Uruz 3: They just need to connect to the nerve clusters... from there they can make you feel whatever.


-The man finally lets loose of the cantin water dripping from his mouth... he lets out several haggard wheezing breathes... and then he speaks-


"Who are you?"


Uruz 3: USSC Sergeant Major William Montgomery at your service old timer. This here is Coporal Jin Sevaar, He's a bit stiff but a good kid. and this here is lovely Professor Raquel Shan.


-The older man drinks again... before speaking-


"Who sent you to save me?"


Uruz 3: That's not important at the moment. We need to get you out of here


-taken a thick bandage from his pack-


Uruz 3: Need you to bite down on this.


-The man breathes deep before accepting the clothe into his mouth... Uruz 3 motions to Uruz 6 as both grasp a probe that is connected to the mans temples... Shan covers her mouth realizing what is about to happen-


Uruz 3: Jin


Uruz 6: I got it.


Uruz 3: This is gonna hurt like hell.. You ready?


-The man motions-


Uruz 3: On three


Uruz 6: THREE!


-The two yank the probes free in unison... as blood bursts from the ports... The man spasms and shakes making muffled howls and snarls of pain... The three quickly move to close the holes... Uruz 3 using a knife to remove the ports from the man's skull then filling the holes with a foam like sealer-


Uruz 3: I kinda wish we had little Ariana here this is her field of expertise.


Uruz 6: It's not as pretty but those should heal...


Uruz 3: Hang in there... we just need to get the ones out of your spine and you'll be home free.


Uruz 1: Hurry it up Bill... I've got a feeling that they'll know we're swiping their guest of honor.


Uruz 6: We can't just rip him out of the altar unless you don't want him walking on his own power again.


Uruz 3: lets get these small ones out of his chest and cover these exposures before we move onto the spine. Shan give him another drink... but mix some of this in with it -Handing her a small silver flask-



The Corpus Com system: attention all Security forces  to the Detention center, Attention All Security forces to the Detention center.



Uruz 1: Looks like the Tenno are giving us a timely distraction.


The man coughs...


"Tenno? The others survived? They are here?"



Shan: Yes several of them...They have been fighting to free you Grand Master.


"You know my rank and status child?"


Shan: Indeed, Your-


" Grand Master Abel Honjo , The Divine Armorer of the Order"


-The voice rings from the far side of the chamber... Three crimson eyes stare at all-



-Editors Note

I had to split this up as if I wrote the full encounter it be a headache to read



Honjo is a reference to Masamune.


and I don't think you'll feel sorry for abducting Corpus crewman for interrogation now.


Also Mood music

 right at the end!
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-The voice comes from the red eyes-


"I do hope, you have no intention in stealing Corpus property, that would be a most serious offense considering its value."


-A shriek and a roar as a shimmering effect begins on both sides of the triad of eyes, two hyena's seemingly blink into existence... cloaked and waiting for their master's orders-


-shouldering the grandmaster up and out of the altar-


Uruz 3: Not being an expert, I'd say leaving him in your care would be a serious lapse in human judgment.


"It is part of a dead era, Its order gone and anything it stood for dust. It was found on Corpus property therefore it is the subject of our whims."


Shan: Cut the nonperson -expletive-


"Now I wonder what a little backwater community Professor doing with USSC marines?"


Shan: Backwater!

-The Captain motions for Shan to calm herself... aiming his weapon0


Uruz 1: Why don't you drop the theatrics and rhetoric, and come out where we can see you... General Diaz.


-The General slowly steps into the light... Two things immediately call ones attention... The usually chaste, dignified and reserved uniform of a female officer has been modified, Her cleavage is all but exposed along with what else is exposed... Makes the General seem less like an officer and more like a Venusian pleasure mistress. That by itself would be the oddity however The thing on her arm draws the immediate attention... the source of the third red eye. A gauntlet shaped as a demon's hand with a large red eye adorned on the middle of the back of the hand. The gauntlet looks alive and has apparently sewed itself with Diaz's arm... as the edge has red and black veins slowly feeding into her arm... closer inspection shows these veins have spread to all the exposed areas on her "uniform"-


Uruz 6: -low and quiet- what the hell is that?


Shan: It looks techno organic.. yet its not like the tenno's or the Infested.


Uruz 3: Doesn't look like its agreeing with her.


-The Tenno master tries to rally the strength to speak but instead coughs and braces himself against Uruz 3-


Uruz 3: Easy, Don't push yourself.



Uruz 1: You don't look so good General. Playing with things beyond your comprehension?


Diaz: I'm simply become something more and have taken the next step in the fai--- Don't agree with him! I will not stand for you condescension!


-Diaz's com activates-


Diaz: What!


Corpus Captain: General, The bridge is under attack! Its the Tenno! The other two cruisers are reporting similar attacks!


Diaz: -sighing- You two remain... the rest of you to the bridge -gives a soft clap-


-Roars and the sound of metal feet can be heard... more cloaked hyenas, leaving only the two uncloaked hyenas with her.


Diaz: I'm not being arrogant, We don't even need these two to deal with them. I don't care for your tone.



Shan: I think she's talking to the thing on her arm.



-The master finally speaks his voice raspy and worn


Honjo: One of... them... Sen..


Uruz 3: I told you to take it easy.


Uruz 1: I don't know what your babbling about or too, but we're taking him off your hands.


Diaz: I simply can't let you leave then.


-While her eyes are fixed on the captain... The gauntlet's "eye" seems to pass from Shan, Uruz 6, Honjo and Uruz 3-



Diaz motions for the Hyenas to attack... yet stops, the gauntlet's eye stares straight up at something.


-Diaz speaks... yet her voice has another layer to it... like two people speaking-


Diaz? -highly annoyed-: Tenno... Missiles above now!


-The Hyenas react with their shoulder casings opening and volley of rockets flying straight above them... a series of explosions rock the roof... as four forms descend from the smoke field... The Tenno Rhino, Excalibur, Nyx and Prior land and surround the Diaz and her Hyenas-



-A twisted smile comes to Diaz's face:


Diaz?: It's been so long since I killed Tenno!



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You're probably wondering where part 2 of the fight is...


Or the fact I haven't made a news story on the New Moas Cleansing Europa space of infested -even though its kinda billed as a Infested zone.


To be honest between a current personal crisis, job search issues and the Moa event I just haven't had time to sit down and write it.


I feel bad leaving you waiting but I just haven't had as much Time as I thought i would.

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You sir, are bloody brilliant. Take all the time you need. And I really hope this isn't the last we see of Uruz. They're so awesome. They could beat most Tenno in a fight.


The Uruz -and the USSC for that matter - are still  the weakest faction at the moment.


Yeah they can deal with most of the grunt rank file stuff due to being more trained and better skilled.


But like with the Jackal, The USSC lacks the tech advantage the Tenno, Grineer Elite and Corpus Elite have for now.


 The Dragoons are pretty much the Grineers Hard counter equivalent (1 to 1) to a Tenno, They lack the grace and elegance, but when you are basically a humanoid dreadnought, grace is for ballerinas!




The Uruz are more elite then a common solider you could argue just as skilled, but in straight up fight with a squad of Tenno... The Tenno would most likely win -not with out a casuality- but they'd still most likely win. due to well the difference between a Warframe and the standard power armor.

Edited by FrostWolf
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The Uruz -and the USSC for that matter - are still  the weakest faction at the moment.


Yeah they can deal with most of the grunt rank file stuff due to being more trained and better skilled.


But like with the Jackal, The USSC lacks the tech advantage the Tenno, Grineer Elite and Corpus Elite have for now.


 The Dragoons are pretty much the Grineers Hard counter equivalent (1 to 1) to a Tenno, They lack the grace and elegance, but when you are basically a humanoid dreadnought, grace is for ballerinas!




The Uruz are more elite then a common solider you could argue just as skilled, but in straight up fight with a squad of Tenno... The Tenno would most likely win -not with out a casuality- but they'd still most likely win. due to well the difference between a Warframe and the standard power armor.

Aaah, but if Uruz were to acquire their own Warframes, then things would get interesting. You know, I kinda hope the USSC and Dragoons end up in the game, how cool would it be to have a Stalker style event where a Dragoon squad attacks. Or a random chance of USSC allies offset by increased enemy spawns.

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Aaah, but if Uruz were to acquire their own Warframes, then things would get interesting. You know, I kinda hope the USSC and Dragoons end up in the game, how cool would it be to have a Stalker style event where a Dragoon squad attacks. Or a random chance of USSC allies offset by increased enemy spawns.


Now THAT would be interesting. I'd totally be willing to pay an upfront transaction for this game if it had that much awesome in it. Hell, I'd be willing to pay an upfront transaction for the game as is, but I digress.

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"Corpus' New MOA model purges Europa space of Infested"


Corpus' latest breakthrough has led to a more secure Europa space.


The lastest fusion of Orokin and current Corpus tech has lead to the breakthrough  "Fusion" MOA a composite unit, that uses advanced beam weapons. Theses units have proven heavily effective against the lightly armored Infested


However the unit will not be seeing large scale production and will only be deployed in key Corpus control areas.  Europa's Chairman citing cost issues and availability of the technology as the reasons. Curious though is leaked Corpus records report over three million of the units were produced... yet Current numbers show less then seven hundred thousand are in current deployment.


Corpus has made no comment on the numbers.



" The Clerics, Myth or Fact? Neptune's Elite sighted leaving Europa space"



Gonna make a big story update for Friday gonna go back to small scale stories, till then


Minor note, This headline happens after the current arc.

Edited by FrostWolf
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