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This Is Sol System Network News With An Urgent Update.


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If things settle down wednesday...We may be back on track.



"USSC to begin issueing new armaments over the next few weeks"


Murakumo Forge is to begin distributing the USSC's personal line of weapons. We at the SSNN were able to get some live demonstrations at the private USSC field testing of what will become signature USSC weapons.


The first would be the standard Automatic Rifle of the USSC, Dubbed "The Takeda".

While Much larger then the standard Grineer Grakata, along with a slower rate of fire and smaller clip size, The Takeda packs far more power and can be used at much greater ranges essentially taking attributes of the Corpus' reknowned Braton MK 1 and the Latron and creating weapon that is effective over a large field of battle.


While the Takeda will serve as the major workhorse of the USSC, for close range engagments Murakumo has designed "The Uesugi" as a companion weapon to the Takeda. Taking notes from Law enforcements and Tactical response teams, The Uesugi has more in common with a submachine then a shotgun with impressive firing speed and clip size allowing users to essential "punch" an opponent through a wall if they are unfortnate enough to get close. Though SSNN own weapon analyst did criticise the effective range of the gun. Murakumo reps said that Uesugi is simply the first in a line of Shotgun variants. and is meant to cover weakness of the Takeda and vice versa.


For sidearms the Murakumo has designed the "Saito", a Semi-automatic pistol  designed from ranged and precison. While based on the Lex Handcannon, The Saito is designend for more stability and rate of fire. While this causes a decrease in overall power, The design allows for much easier reloading of the standard clip size and in theroy can out damage the Lex per clip then per bullet.



The Demonstration ended with a bang as Murakumo introduced us to a replica Grineer APC... which was promptly demolished in about three ear ringing shots from Murakumo's Anti-Material Rifle "The Maeda" which while the Saito sacrificed the Lex's power, The Maeda takes it and runs. Even the Hek seems like a minor wound compared to the damage this rifle did to the APC! Using a state of the art barrel/propulsion system along with a unique brand of ammo... The Maeda doesn't pierce things so much as it essentially shatters targets.


Murakumo noted that the USSC wanted some to counter Grineer heavy armor and numbers... apparently thier answer was a rifle that can kill a line of men in one shot and keep going.





My personal situation has somewhat calmed down but.. the next few days will be telling.



Yes the USSC naming theme is based on the Clans form the Warring state era.


No you can't have a Maeda it's USSC only!

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I want a Maeda.


The USSC office is down the hall, The Sniper qualification test is taken every 2 weeks.



Your probably wondering why Introduce the Grineer Elite unit when for the most part the main opponent is Corpus.


Two very simple reasons,

1. I hadn't really thought up the concept of the Clerics yet

2. I didn't really want to make a overstuffed arc more overstuffed.



I kinda already mention where the Dragoons started from so I figure I'll give you a glimspe into my madness.


The first problem was well... The Dragoon's kinda took the Crazy Mech option since Corpus is known for thier Droid and BucketHead spam


So i needed something Corpus but different, What does Corpus do... Animal motifs, Quasi-Religious symbolism... either Worships or tries really hard to copy the Orokin tech and is the most shifty/covert of the Factions.


So... The Corpus take on a Warframe


but how to make it not just a Warframe corpus version... Flip it


IE The Tenno for all present evidence appear to be humans wearing advanced bio-like armor... so the flip side


Is a heavily cybernetically alter individual that appears human but his insides are essentialy tech save for his/her mind/


Basically... Thier a Warframe wearing a Human suit. They don't bleed blood they bleed nanoblack, Thier bones have been replaced with a super strong synthetic structure etc etc. Thier basically a Mirror Match to the Tenno. -obviousily they wouldn't have the specific powers, I'm talking like kung fu skill and such-


They'd be Corpus' boogie men... IE if they show up at your door, Neptune's Core is either really displeased or really wants you to succeed.


Another thier the Tenno in a crack mirror is, while the Tenno seem to follow Lotus out of a shakey understanding. The Clerics are pretty much the most Devout believers in thier cause. They have been to the Core... they have seen the Truth.


The main inspirations would be of course


The Operative from Serenity.


"Secrets are not my concern.

Keeping them is."



The Agents from the Matrix -The First One though >.>-

"They are the gatekeepers. They are guarding all the doors, they are holding all the keys, which means that sooner or later, someone is going to have to fight them."


Fun fact, In the Capcom game Crimson Tears the highest Tier normal enemy is called An Agent -Bald Albino Mr Xs from Resident Evil- like the name suggests you couldn't just shoot them unless you were the gun character packing the heaviest weapons and they always had a variety of weapons and moves.



Cleric itself is a nod to the Movie Equillibrium, the Group that masters the Gun Kata style of fighting.



They wouldn't have a set list of weapons... A group of three could have as varied number of weapons and powers as a squad of Tenno.


Don't know when the Clerics will truly show up yet in an arc.

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Man, I really wanna try my hand at one of these, but I don't cause it's your thing and you'd do it better than I could. But it's so awesome. I might try rewriting the Astaroth arc from the Tenno point of view. Just for kicks mind, I'm not planning on competing with you. What do you reckon?

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Man, I really wanna try my hand at one of these, but I don't cause it's your thing and you'd do it better than I could. But it's so awesome. I might try rewriting the Astaroth arc from the Tenno point of view. Just for kicks mind, I'm not planning on competing with you. What do you reckon?


I wouldn't mind, Except for brief flashes what the Tenno are up too-save for large rooms of dead people- is left up in the air... Hell The fighting on Astaroth had been going on for days before the Uruz arrived, and the Tenno/With Shan in Tow got there following a lead from Uranus.


You got plenty to work with.

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-The Tenno called Excalibur, brandishes his blade,-


Shan -from behind- : Cover your eyes!


-The view is obstructed by Uruz 6's arm as a flash of light radiates from the Tenno as the squad moves for cover behind a pillar. a Few seconds later the sound of gun fire, and robotic roars ensue-


Uruz 1: Uruz 3, Get the V.I.P and Shan to the hangar, Uruz 5 and 9 should have a shuttle waiting. Me and Jin will cover you.


Uruz 3: I don't think they'll take kindly with us running away with one of theirs.


Uruz 1:  General Diaz is their main problem for the moment. Now get going!


Urur 3: Yes Sir,  Professor cover me.


Shan: Right



-The three begin to move toward the exit, Uruz 3 helping the Honjo walk and Shan covering them from behind-



Diaz-Calmly ordering the Hyenas-: Smoke Grenades to obscure their vision and switch to thermal tracking. Ignore the USSC vermin. These Tenno are the priority.


-The sound of the Hyena' screeching in compliance and the launching noise of grenades follows. seconds later dark smoke begins to fill the room.-



Uruz 6: I don't think she takes us very seriously.


Uruz 1: Well then lets improve our standing  with her. Ready Jin?


Uruz 6: Ready Sir.


Uruz 1: Deal with the Hyenas first. then we go for the Corpus -Expletive-.


Uruz 6: Roger.


-Uruz 1 vanishes from view, as the two dive into the smoke field. keeping low to avoid the occasional stream of bullets, as mechanical roars echo through the chamber, Activating a new mode of view Uruz 6 spots the highlighted outline of a Hyena Grappling with something. The Imposing Warframe Rhino has his arm locked around the metal monsters head as it thrashes trying to gore him with it's arms. Pulling his Khurki, Uruz 6 moves in and attacks the Hyena's back leg joint causing it to lose its traction. Rhino seems to pick up on the opening and uses the moment of weakness to flip the beast on it's back. As the beast thrashes and squirms trying to flip it self right ways. Uruz 6 plunges the Khurki into the abdomen of the Hyena splitting its out casing revealing its more vulnerable circuitry. Taking a Grenade, Uruz 6 primes it, and drops the explosive into the opening. Rhino rends the Hyena's neck before releasing it as he rolls away. Uruz 6 takes cover behind a close pillar as a moment later the Hyena's roar is replaced by a large explosion that causes the smoke to part and roll.-


Uruz 6: Hyena Down!


-On the far side of a smoke plum, a gold ray of light can be see racing through as it connects to something. The loud roar denoting that the ray has struck a Hyena as its metal form comes careening out of the smoke field and crashing into a pillar, taking a good chunk out of it., The gold light remains and has morphed from a ray into more of humanoid shape as the gold figure emerges from the smoke. The energy fades revealing the Knight like Prior armed with a massive broadsword. The Wounded Hyena snarls and limps to face him, as it prepares to fire it's shoulder vulcans. Prior however simple makes a gesture and the same golden energy erupts around the Hyena in the form of chains, restraining it to where it's vulcans can only lob rounds into the floor. Prior approaches the vulnerable beast and Brandishes the blade high. once more the golden energy appears this time strictly the massive blade glows. The energy forming around it copies its shape and the weapon now appears three times its original length. Without a moment's hesitation Prior brings the golden blade down, cleaving the Hyena in half at the right shoulder to the left hip.


Uruz 6 looks around trying to find the Captain. He ducks suddenly as something sails over him. it is the Tenno called Nyx, something has sent her flying with great force, however she recovers mid air catching herself on the pillar she would have crashed into and kicked off back in the direction she came. She vanishes back into the smoke banks. Reacting seemingly on instinct Uruz 6 brings up his blade and blocks a clawed blow. It is the Red eye gauntlet of  General Diaz. Even though she is gripping the energy laced edge the gauntlet shows no sign of damage.



Diaz: Oh, how brave, the little USSC rats wish to play on our battlefield.


-Struggle to free his blade from her grip. he lets loose his weapon so he can dodge a second blow, from the Generals free hand.-



Uruz 6: The hell.


-Finally getting good look at Diaz. Her body has morph. a mix of black liquid and what appears to be her blood oozes from her arm given her once normal hand a demonic appearance matching the gauntlet on her opposite arm. Yet, it looks more like the new hand's claws and armor came from under her skin as the bleeding bits of tissue.-


Uruz6: What the hell are?


-a devilish grin appears. the unnatural veins on her face spreading seemingly pumping more of the black and red substance through her-


Diaz: Truly blessed and chosen.


-Her guard is down. the Tenno Excalibur and Nyx leap from the smoke field, Skana drawn. Diaz's face winces in pain as something darts from behind her shoulder. a black and red tendril similar to the substance pumping from her veins and cover her arm. It lashes and swats the Tenno away. making sure to grab Nyx by the ankle and slamming her in to the ground.  Blood trickles from Diaz's mouth as she clearly is trying to hold in a cry of agony. The tendril then disintegrates to dust as it crackles with red electricity. Diaz's breathing is shallow like she's struggling for breath. Her grip loosen, Uruz 6 breaks her hold on his weapon and kicks her in the stomach!  sending her back, the blood building in her mouth escaping due to the blow Diaz reaches down and grips the gauntlet. almost like she's trying to strangle her own arm. Suddenly she breaks her grip and whirls around arms outstretch and a massive impact follows causing the smoke to part. Diaz stands slightly sunk into the floor but in each hand holds the bladed end of a weapon namely the Massive Scindo of Rhino and the Great Sword of Prior. Even the Tenno's expressionless faces show shock at the absurdity-



-Uruz 6 rushes her back staying low least he be taken by surprise by another tendril. Excalibur and Nyx also  seem to be closing in however Diaz lets out a pained scream as her body crackles with the same red electricity as before and unleashes a shock wave that sends Uruz 6 and the four Tenno flying. For a moment only the ceiling of the chamber is seen then a sudden shake as Uruz 6 struggles to get back to his feet.Diaz is standing over him, her clawed hand posed to strike. When again she reacts to something unseen. however when she whirls to strike her forehead meets firmly with the barrel of Uruz 1's pistol-



Uruz 1: Hi there. Captain Richard Mustang Nice to meet you.


-Diaz's eyes widen as the Pistol rings out. The back of her head explodes in a bloom of gore as her body falls back on the altar.-


Uruz 6: Taking your time again Captain.


Uruz 1: Working on my delivery. That and I need her winded or I wouldn't have got that close to begin with.


Edited by FrostWolf
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Uruz 6: What about the Ten--


-He turns to look as the smoke clears. save for the ruined remains of the Hyenas and Diaz's corpse no one is there-


Uruz 1: You know the sad thing is. I'm starting to get use to it. -Offering his hand- Come on Jin we need to catch up.


-Uruz 6 lets Uruz 1 help him to his feet-


Uruz 6: What do you think she was, the abilities reminded me of the Infested.


Uruz 1: Hell if I know, There is -expletive- on Neptune that will most likely drive you mad just by looking at it but even an Infested doesn't walk off a bullet to the brain.


-staring at Diaz's corpse. her face frozen in disbelief-


Uruz 6: Right


Uruz 1: Let's get moving! We'll need to make our way to the hangar.


-The two begin to run, moving at a fast pace. They quickly exit the chamber and begin passing through the maze of corridors, The Corpus  Com system constantly blaring out orders-


Com: The Tenno are attempting to destabilize the reactor, all available security teams report there at once


Com: We are under attack in the Hangar, Hold till Combat Proxies can arrive.



Uruz 1: Sounds like Uruz 5 and 9 are causing trouble.


Uruz 6: The attack on the reactor should make it easy for us to get to the Hangar.


-The two sprint through the halls coming to an elevator-


Uruz 1: Uruz 3 Do you copy?


-the sound of Corpus mechs and gunfire echo over the channel-


Uruz 3: There you are, Captain. Was getting worried, I'm currently held up with Grant and Josef in hangar four, Should be an elevator take you straight to us.


Uruz 1: How is our guest?


Uruz 3: Rambles a bit. most likely withdrawal from having all the drugs being pumped into him


-The Two enter the elevator as Uruz 1 continues the conversation-


Uruz 3: Shan says he seems stable but she's no medic.


Uruz 1: Heard anything from the Lt?


Uruz 3: Jess must be keeping silent ain't heard a peep from her or the others.


Uruz 1: Me and Jin will be with you in a moment.


Uruz 3: Rog-- Ah hell Their back for a second wave. Uruz 5 pull back - Mech roars and gun fire erupt-


Uruz 1: -Expletive- Jin get ready


Uruz 6:  Roger.


-The Two reload their weapons as the sound of battle grows closer. the Elevator doors part, revealing a large hangar.  Burning wreckage lines the floor along with Corpus corpses. A good distance away in make shift bunker of crates and scrap metal, Uruz 3, 5,9 and Shan open fire at a few remaining Corpus soldiers and mechs. The remains of a freshly dispatched Jackal stands out the most. a Freshly lit wreck a few yards away from it. Uruz 3 spots the two and motions for them to move to them, The two sprint as Corpus soldiers from a higher level fire down on them. The two vault over the makeshift barricade-


Uruz 1: Status?


Uruz 3: We're holding ground, no major injuries yet.


Uruz 1: Transport?


-Uruz 5 motions behind him indicating that the flaying wreck was to be the escape shuttle-


Uruz 9: The good jackal there decided we hadn't cleared our flight plan.


Uruz 1: Options?


Uruz 5: They're not letting us leave this hangar and from the com chatter the Tenno are coming here.


Shan: They've most likely abandoned trying to destroy the ship now that they realize we have the grand master.


Uruz 6:  How is he?


Shan : He keeps slipping in and out of consciousness. Withdrawal and fatigue I think.


-The grand master groans from his make shift fort. only a few smaller crates meant to keep wayward bullets and shrapnel from hitting him-


Uruz 9: We got company!


-The Hangars main service elevators open revealing a large formation of Corpus crewman, drones and three Jackal types the slowly begin to fan out. most likely to surround the fortification on all sides.-


Uruz 3: Last Dance, Rick?


Uruz 1: I don't hear any music yet.


-A deafening roar erupts from behind them as a Corpus Gunship enters the Hangar through the atmospheric shield, It's guns reveal themselves and lock on as it hovers overhead-


Uruz 9: I think she's humming a few bars

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-The Gunship's turrets begin to whirl signaling incoming fire. The Captain motions for everyone to move but stops as the Gunship opens fire. on the Corpus troopers, Even the Jackals higher shields aren't meant to take a full barrage from a gunship. The Corpus troops fight back from whatever direction they can but the Gunship begins to systematical wipe out each Corpus position in the hangar, eventually firing missiles into the elevator shafts-


Uruz 3: I love that little girl, I really do.


-The Gunships lower port opens revealing Uruz 4, 7 and 8-


Uruz 4: Captain, It would seem you need a ride?


Uruz 1: Nah, We planned on walking. Good to see you.


Uruz 4: You too sir.


-The ship lands but the engines remain on, Uruz 3 and 5 move to help the still delirious Honjo onboard and every one begins to move onto the gunship, Inside, Uruz 3 secures Honjo on a side stretcher to the wall least he be flung around during flight maneuvers. The Captain heads toward the cockpit, Uruz 6 takes on last look back at the hangar as the  ship's doors hatch closes. catching a glimpse of Excalibur and Prior emerging from the wreckage of the Elevators-


-Uruz 7 hovers over Honjo, her med kit out as she administers a syringe of some kind into his neck-


Uruz 6: How bad is he, Ariane?


Uruz 7: He has several signs of repeated neural trauma, his blood has trances of so many various drugs I'm surprised he is able to breath on his own power.


- The ship begins to rock most likely form the Corpus ships firing on them-


Uruz 7: How good of pilot is Lieutenant Yun?


Uruz 9: Hopefully good enough to dodge three cruisers and a couple of frigates.


Uruz 5:. If its like her driving, we might have been safer back in the hangar with the corpus and the Tenno.


Uruz 3: Shut up you two.


-Honjo suddenly snaps to and grabs Uruz 6's arm-


Honjo: The Witch, How many times did you kill her before she stopped?


Uruz 6-very calmly-: Don't worry Captain got her right between the eyes, She didn't get back up.


Honjo: -muttering something incoherent as he lets go- You can't just kill them once. The body has to. -he drifts back into unconsciousness-


Uruz 7: What did he mean by that? What witch?


Uruz 3: I assume he means his personal tormentor, General Diaz. Corpus tends to give you that special someone to make the torture that much worse.


Shan -timidly-: So why didn't you break?


-the room is silent for a moment except for the occasional rocking of the ship's flying-


Uruz 3 -smiling-: Same reason he isn't broke, Someone came and saved me.


-Uruz 3 view seems to focus on the cockpit where The Captain and the Lieutenant are-


Honjo awakens with a deep gasp.looking around like he just awoke from a dream. He motions to Uruz 6 to come closer, Jin only hesitates for a moment before moving done to listen-


Honjo: The largest southeastern crater from pole. Let the current take you don't fight it.


-Honjo again seems to return to dreaming as he talks and mouths in his sleep-


Uruz 7: What is that mean?


- Jin doesn't answer, instead makes his way to the cockpit, a moment before a stream of blue energy dashes past the forward window. The Captain is standing behind the seated Lieutenant who is flying the ship, Uruz 10 is at the com and sensors with Uruz 11 at weapons-


Uruz  10: We got another build up on our star board at seven o'clock.


Uruz 2: Got it!


-The ship darts to avoid another massive blue stream that sails ahead-


Uruz 11: Where are the fighters. you'd think they'd be trying to swarm us with Vultures or Condors by now?


Uruz 1: Some thing isn't right here.


-Another shot rockets by-


Uruz 2: We need to find cover fast, I can't keep dodging them all day!


Uruz 10: We're out in the middle of dead space, there is literally nowhere to run.


-Uruz 1 noticing Uruz 6's presence-


Uruz 1: What is it Corporal?


Uruz 6: The Tenno said to head for the southeastern crater from the planetoid's pole.


Uruz 11: You're kidding right? It's just a dead rock.


Uruz 1: At the moment, its the only place we can find cover. maybe a alcove or something. Lieutenant


Uruz 2: Roger.


Uruz 6: He said not to fight something when it started.


Uruz 1: -sighing- Its our only option, this ship just doesn't have the jump range those cruisers do.


-Watching through the cockpits forward window, The dead planet comes into view. the ship swerving every other minute to dodge another powerful shot from the pursuing Crusiers. Before long the crater comes into sight as they clsoe to one of the deeper pitch black pits-


Shan: Captain Mustang!


-Turning around to look back into the ship's hold. the sight of Honjo's visible arm is a glow with blue veins. suddenly the Cockpit sensors come alive as the craft begins to violently shake-



Uruz 10: Sir some type of gravity field is trying to pull us into the crater along a specific projectory!



-Uruz 1 mouthing something to himself-


Uruz 1: Lieutenant. Follow it  down.


Uruz 2: Yes sir.


-The Craft begins to nose dive into the pit below-


Uruz 1: Hold on to something.


Uruz 2: Brace yourselve


-The Cockpit descends into the pitch blackness-



-Feed lost-

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Sorry about this but I found one misspelled word. 

"Uruz 6: I don't think she takes use very seriously."

I think you wanted to write "US" instead of "USE".


Still good going though, I enjoy reading this.

Edited by se05239
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Sorry about this but I found one misspelled word. 

"Uruz 6: I don't think she takes use very seriously."

I think you wanted to write "US" instead of "USE".


Still good going though, I enjoy reading this.


There's quite a few other grammatical errors as well, I'm starting to suspect English isn't this guy's first language.

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There's quite a few other grammatical errors as well, I'm starting to suspect English isn't this guy's first language.


No, I've never been very good at grammar. Maybe in small bursts but generally the longer it is, the better chance it will turn incoherent.


Half the problem is i read out wht I'm typing and as we all known proper english speech rules do not carry over to proper writing cause that always made sense.

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No, I've never been very good at grammar. Maybe in small bursts but generally the longer it is, the better chance it will turn incoherent.


Half the problem is i read out wht I'm typing and as we all known proper english speech rules do not carry over to proper writing cause that always made sense.


Why not just read over the posts once you're done? I can understand what you're saying/trying to say, but my inner Grammar Nazi cringes whenever I come across a grammar error.

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"Grineer installations in Saturn space targeted!"


The Empire has been suffering a great deal of difficulties over the last few weeks, with the Astaroth fiasco fresh in many peoples mind and Now a string of bombings in key Saturn owned resource gathering and processing locations. While no anti-grineer groups are taking responsibility for the acts. Experts say the scale and efficiency of the operations imply a well funded and well equipped group.


What has been gathered from a leak of recovered footage by the few attempts to disarm one of the explosives points to a group with access to unique explosive compounds and expert on the subject.

Every attempt to disarm the bombs met with a tragic end as each one was itself rigged to an intricate array of explosives.


Curiously the following keywords were recovered from the shredded audio.

"Tenno" "Lotus" "Engineer" "It's A Trap!"


Coming up


"Vigilante "stalks" Mercury sector"


" Praetor Thanos is appointed command of the Third Command Carrier built by the Empire."


" Grineer no longer buys Corpus produced ships, all Grineer ships to undergo a remodel"


-A little humor at the fact the Grineer are finally getting thier own ship tile XD-

If I'm gonna really do this weekly, I should take the proofing stuff seriousiy.




Added a note to the fusion Moa story... it does take place after the current arc,



Even if, I started it as simply a goofy quasi-lore topic... I should start taking the sutff posted here seriously

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I love how you used the upcoming Grineer "submarine" galleon tileset in this.

It is kinda a hole in the lore anyways that Grineer used Corpus ships, this would fill up the hole. Smart idea.


It's like Klingon foreheads... I could have just ignored it or call it out.

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Honestly they should have just ignored it cause the explaination was really really ****ing stupid. Yes thats right all the Klingons encounted in TOS had this gene mutation that would wear off eventually so characters form TOS showing up in TNG and DSG would look like the movie Klingons!


Cause that made perfect sense!




Venator's Whim security footage recovered from Neptune archive-


Beginning playback


-A group of Corpus soldiers are rushing down a corridor. They approach the large doors of the Confessional chamber. Securing the door they storm the room fanning out as the move over the remains of the hyenas and ruined floor-


Security Commander: General? General Diaz respond!


-Two of the Soldiers inspect the blood covered altar, the floor stained crimson-


Soldier: Looks like something was butchered on it.


Soldier: Maybe the Tenno---


-The soft thud of metal hitting the floor catches the attention of the soldiers as they whirl around to one of the chamber's darkened corners. A brief flash of red appears and the the single glowing red eye appears-


Diaz: Stand down gentleman. I'm not that easily killed.


-She emerges from the shadows... Her "uniform" is tattered and shredded, one arm covering her chest which even with her arms seems to be all but fully exposed and the gauntlet... it's single red eye staring into all in front of her. She shows no signs of harm even though her uniform would lead you to believe she had been run through several times. Her skin has reverted back to its more natural color-


Commander: Good to see you're alive general.

Diaz: Status?


Commander: No sign of Tenno forces after the attack on the reactor. We believe they have left the ship. The USSC marine squad has vanished as well.


Diaz: How did the USSC squad escape the ship?


Commander: Apparently there were USSC marines on the Atrium. They disabled communications and then commandeered a Condor which allowed them to aid their fellow marines in escaping from our troops in one of the hangars. Two more shuttles followed suit.  One from here and the other from the Pilate. We suspect the Tenno were onboard


Diaz: And they have the Grand Master with them?


Commander: Yes Ma'am.


Diaz: The Tenno have abandoned fighting us in hopes of recovering the Grand master from the USSC without a second thought.


Commander: Most likely...


Diaz: Excellent


Commander: Ma'am?


Diaz: Let me guess they have vanished from sensors around the planetoid?


Commander: Yes Ma'am.


Diaz: Think, We're in the middle of dark space, nothing around us for days. There is only one place they could have run too. My... "Our" plan worked.


-as if she's talking to someone else- Yes I'll admit engaging them in personal combat was misguided but the outcome sped up the bonding process.  Honjo has led us to the Forge. Exterminating the Tenno and USSC is a minor nuisance at this point.


-The Soldiers exchange looks as if confused-


Diaz: What are you still standing around here for? I require a current report on all our remaining forces and equipment! We'll have the location of the Forge in two hours. I want all ships ready!


Commander: Yes Ma'am, at once!


-Files end.-

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"Alloy Plates, Why are they in such high demand?"


Thier the backbone of any militaries combat armor. From Grineer power armor, Corpus' most dangerous security mechs and to the relative new comers in the USSC, Alloy plates are in high demand. Unfortunately there doesn't seem much demand for more production.


With all three major forces essentially in an arms race, it is suprising none of them have plans to increase poduction.


Corpus only plans to add three new alloy plate production sites to its main production area in Venus sector.


The Grineer, the leading producer, plan only to add one or two new production areas in their Sedna and Ceres territories each.


The USSC relies more on independent production companies and mobile production facilities.


So what does this mean for you the consumer? There is going to be a a shortage for independent militaries needing the carbon steel plating.


Next up


"Viglante "stalks" criminals in Venus' famous red sector!"



So hows that 7.5K Alloy plates for your dojo going?

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