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Sorry not gonna build a dojo by myself, and havent found an attractive Clan yet. :P

Well then Mr. Mango why not join my clan. I am very attactive and there are only two of us (currently in the clan) so you could help shape our future. ^ω^

Edited by PureBeurre
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You know...


I'm on ice covered waters now.


The Tenno are gonna confront the USSC... kinda have too at this point but everybody saw that coming.


The real confrontation is when you have a Tenno of the Old Order with the Current Era's Tenno that serve the Lotus in the same room.

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You know...


I'm on ice covered waters now.


The Tenno are gonna confront the USSC... kinda have too at this point but everybody saw that coming.


The real confrontation is when you have a Tenno of the Old Order with the Current Era's Tenno that serve the Lotus in the same room.

Ohh do I smell a new enemy type over the river and through the woods? I hope so.

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The Tenno are gonna confront the USSC... kinda have too at this point but everybody saw that coming.


The real confrontation is when you have a Tenno of the Old Order with the Current Era's Tenno that serve the Lotus in the same room.


Well, if they really start fighting each other, Im concerned there will be not much left from Uruz squad.

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"Grineer launch push into Neptune territory!"



The Grineer-Corpus bad blood continues to boil as The Empire launches a Fleet of over 5 flotillas into the heart of Corpus territory. While the Empire has made no official statement, projections show that the fleets path is Neptune Prime itself!


Speculation is the Grineer's target is Corpus executive Head Quarters located in high orbit above Neptune's north pole. However a more radical theroy is the Grineer are going to go for Corpus' more theological center. The Fabled Core Citadel which is held as the heart to Technologist believers. While there is no factual evidence that any type of facility exists in Neptunes core. The Simple act of firing into it would be seen as the ultimate challenge to Corpus authority.


The question is why? The fiasco on Astaroth may have been the tipping point for the Empire as the Corpus have constantly fought them over Orokin ruins and artifacts. This may be the Empire's official "No more".


Strangely No Corpus security fleet is moving to intercept.



We'll bring you more as it becomes available




How do you feel about Genesis?

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"Grineer Fleet annihilated enroute to Neptune!"


The Grineer fleet that was heading to Neptune has been completely wiped out.


Satellites nearby reported a sudden spike in Gamma radiation and followed by electronic disruption for a few seconds, However what visual feed we could find shows what appears to be a massive energy pulse engulfing the fleet.


Reports are coming in that a large streak of energy sailed past one of the Grineer's most prominent Shipyards in Saturn space, as if it was a warning shot. The Grineer have made no official response.


What can be gathered on the projectory of the blast is the most shocking. If the information is correct the pulse originated from inside Neptune itself!


We'll bring you more as it becomes available.


Next up


" Artifact hunters, The next big trend in independent systems!"


" Did Corpus really spend 5 billion credits on "Unicorn" extermination?"


"  "Mothman" terrorizes Martian colonies!"

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-3:09 -3:40- basically happened... Yes I had to link the whole ****ing episode cause I couldn't just find the clip.


So how do you feel about Genesis the People popper?


What if anyone has a giant death ray of doom it's gonna be Corpus.


-It wasn't pink it was blue-



Yes, and I'm OK with this.


Even if they made them all go Pop!

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Feed recovered, from USSC Combat operations archive.


Proxy: Uruz 6, Corporal Jin Sevaar


Location: Dark Sector Planetoid No. 9858372/ PH576 " The Forge"


-Beginning playback-


-The sound of electrical discharges and the soft hue of red emergency lights flash in the darkened cabin, the raven haired figure of Raquel Shan looming over him-


Shan: You still with me?


Jin: Where are... -he violently sits too as if realizing his situation.- We're still breathing


Shan: Yep.


Jin: How?


-Offering her arms to help him up-


Shan: You've got to see this.


-Accepting her offer, Jin comes to his feet looking around at the empty cabin. He stops to look over the shambled cabin... stopping transfixed at a ray of light coming in from a hull breach. He slowly puts his armored hand into it... as if feeling it. A quick jolt from behind, Jin turns to find Shan lightly and almost playfully trying to shove him forward.-


Shan: Come on, you'll understand the moment you get outside


-Motioning him toward the hatch, she presses the release button, and daylight floods in.


-The scene is surreal, the Condor seems to have crashed landed in a forest, the broken tops showing its descent down. Jin stands transfixed, trying to take in all he sees-


Jin: We are on that planetoid? Right?


Shan: Like I said, you have to see it to understand.


-She tugs at his arm playfully before moving ahead towards a clearing, An overlook with the figure of Captain Mustang looking out toward something in the distance comes into clear view and next to him... sitting in the same meditative stance as the Tenno before, Master Honjo. Captain Mustang turns to notice Jin, and smiles-


Mustang: Good to see you up, Corporal. Guess the lieutenant was right. Your skull is thicker then your helmet. Everyone else is scouting the perimeter. I've been keeping the good master Honjo company. Come here and take a look at this


- In the distance a large complex of Orokin buildings stand. A single massive tower rises above the rest, towards what can only be described as a small "sun" with various floating rings surrounding it and above that as if seeing a reflection, a similar tower leads up to another series of Orokin buildings. Looking around there is no real sky... as in the distance arcing upward is signs of more buildings, greenery and water as if the entire landscape has been fashioned into a sphere.-


Shan: Understand now?


Jin: It's a Colony built inside the planet. The planet's not spinning fast enough to support this type of gravitational stability.


Shan: The gravity and the light are tied to that -pointing at the encircled sun-


Honjo -speaking as if this very place has restored his strength-: The Sanhōseki, The crystal star.


Mustang: I think the air has done him some good, He is more talkative now.


Honjo: Being free of that Corpus witch is what has done me best.


Jin: So this is what Corpus has been hunting for?


Honjo: Yes... This place was gift from the Orokin to the Tenno for our long service. It's purpose was to give the Tenno a place that could find sanctuary.


Shan: Apparently it was a prototype for an interstellar colony but the concept was abandoned.


Honjo -chuckles-: Yes, meant to breach the void beyond Sol's light. Instead, This one was turned into the Arms Master's personal haven and workshop.


Mustang: This one?


Honjo: In simple terms yes, The Forge, The Archive, The Grand Hall and The Crypt, Four sacred sites to the Tenno.


Shan: If Corpus gets their hands on even a fourth of the technology here...


-Honjo stares at the buildings below-


Jin: It must be hard seeing your home again.


Honjo: No... Its more shame. I should not be standing here. I should have fell in battle with my fellow masters. Instead I slumbered while the war raged.


Jin: Weren't you in stasis on Astaroth?


Honjo: No, I entered the pod due to a mass cryogenic leak which had befallen my ship in route to a battle over Eris. I had assumed the beacon would lead the others to me.


Mustang: Instead, you missed the rest of the war.


Honjo: Shameful...


Shan: Wait... You were on a ship?


Honjo: Yes, the ones you call Corpus, found me a month ago... The Witch called Diaz had tortured me from the first day till you rescued me.


Mustang: Son of a -expletive-


Jin: Sir?


Mustang: Think about it... They've had him for a month... yet all the intel pointed to them just finding him on Astaroth a week ago.


Jin: Corpus wanted someone to come rescue him.


Shan: Let it slip to the Grineer and that'd catch the Tenno's attention.


Mustang: They just made it so whoever rescued him would only have here to run too.


Honjo: Indeed, I assume that somewhere hidden in a vital organ is some form of tracking device.


Mustang: If you knew this was plan why didn't you say anything?


Honjo: As you said, you had no where to run, and dying would simply mean they would break their way into this place. I have no intention of letting my home be used for the Sentience's glory.


Shan: The Sentience?


Honjo: The Corpus still bare its serpent symbol and the one called Diaz had the taint of its "blessing" upon her. I can only assume that the Tenno slumber due to the war was taking a turn for the worse. I believe it still exudes its influence on the system.


Mustang: I put a bullet in her head, I think she's down for the count.


Honjo: I have fought many that bared the "blessing". Believe me good captain, One death is not enough to kill that which is touched by the Sentience. Come, summon your squad... it will be best if we move into the my personal atelier. The forest is a poor place to face our pursuers.


-He begins to move up-


Honjo: There is something I must make sure of.


Shan: The other Tenno... Prior and the others -her voice sounds conflicted-



-Log entry cut short rerouting to next available log-




The first Feed entry Edited by ChillFactor, who if I don't drive insane with a manuscript of my mad ramblings will be helping me with the Major "Feed" segments and thus cut down on making your eyes bleed for everybody whose been suffering through these.


Joking aside I do deeply appreciate the help.


If I get an artist for illustrations...

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"Grineer Forces mobilize"


The Sol system is on edge as the empire's forces begin to amass around key fortification in Saturn and Ceres Territories. While many have predicted an increase in Grineer aggression with the Astaroth incident and now the destruction of the Fleet to Neptune. What most can't predict is the scope of the next offensive.


Corpus forces in Pluto and Neptune show signs of being ready to respond to any attempt to attack Neptune. USSC forces have moved to their headquarters in Martian space.


The Next move is the Grineer's.



"New Infested Sightings and activity. in Jupiter space"


With all fighting between the Corpus and the Grineer, it was almost too easy to forget the Infested that still plague Jupiter and Eris space. Recently a sudden surge in numbers has occurred pushing USSC and Grineer forces back. While Corpus force maintain their Europa foothold, rumors of a new humanoid like Infested have begun to spread.

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