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"Character death is always a difficult thing to deal with


Some will argue that killing a character is stupid cause you can always tell more stories with them.


Some will argue that death should be a spectacle the characters last glorious moment.


Some will argue that death should be realistic, IE it can be sudden, unfair and at times seem pointless.


So the question should be asked what is the atmosphere in your world and how vulnerable you have made your characters."


What if I want to be Kill'em All Tomino?


Considering U8 you may want to change this.

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Frost, please don't kill of the characters. That said, a Tenno being killed off would be a great way to bind the two groups together, nothing allies two people like a common enemy, and I really don't want to see the outcome of an Uruz/Tenno faceoff, because that isn't going to end well for anybody. Either way, I'd like at least the majority of Uruz and the Tenno to get out of their alive, but it's your story, and I'm sure I'll love it even if you slaughter them all.

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"Grineer  Grand Admiral Killed, Grineer Offensive is over"



We are receiving reports in Ceres that Grand Admiral De'kab has been killed on the bridge of his personal battle cruiser. Praetor Thanos, his personal bodyguard, The 17th Chapter of the Imperial Dragoons and a large division of the Scorpions boarded the vessel, slaughtering the entire crew and effectively putting an end to the Grineer offensive that over took the Inner Sol system.


The most Shocking ramifications was the Public Luna termination of over 200 Grineer Gene samples, which the Ruling Sisters deemed as stated by the Praetor "Corrupted and the sole cause of the Coup, which lead to weak minds being swayed to the Admiral's plan, The empire must purge itself of these defectives!"


This will cause a significant change in Grineer forces as several of the strains were noted Melee and Bombard units which will cause either a reduction or out right extinction of those clone lines!






And that's why some units No longer exist!

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" Strange Happenings reported in Eris Sector"


Something is lurking out in the Outer Sol frontiers. Colonies report creatures of midnight black, a man like creature draped in what can only be described as "skins" entire communities going completely black only to report not remembering a black out.



What is worse any investigations into these bizarre occurrences turns up no evidence. No sign of traditional Infested mutagens or polyps.


USSC is assembling an investigation team to fully explore the matter.


We'll bring you more when it becomes available.

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Next available video log found in the registry


Beginning play back



-The pearl white steps glisten in the artificial sun. Channels with crystal waters flow downward.  The looming tower stretches up into the burning sphere. Looking back the other buildings are almost a mile away from this center complex. The only thing separating them form the tower's outer steps is flat stone. Returning his attention to his squad climbing the steps with the Grand Master in the lead, His gaze slowly turning to Raquel who seems unable to take more than a few steps before letting her gaze wander-


Shan: I could write a novel of a thesis on this place.


Jin: Shame we don't have time to stay.


Shan: I just can't get over how beautiful it is.


Mustang -from up above-: Well it is supposed to be a sacred site, being a sore to the eyes wouldn't inspire reverence.


Jin: Not sacred enough for a no man's land in the design.


Jessica: Noticed that too?


Jin: The Talon's always picked a spot like this when they would choose bases.


Shan: Huh?


Jin: The reason the temple's approach is flat and empty is to make it easy for the defenders to pick off attackers.


Jessica: No cover for a good hundred or so meters, Be a blood bath for the poor idiot trying to storm this place.


Josef: The spires and towers here make for a good vantage point too. Hell even these stairs are designed for holding your ground against superior numbers.


Bill: Guess you Tenno prepared for everything.


Honjo: Even when the unification ended many internal parties felt we were a threat due to us keeping our autonomy in the new era. We prepared for the day our Orokin allies would see us as a liability.


Mustang: You got that big?


Honjo: At first the Order was a simple gathering of talented soldiers, martial masters and elite assassins brought together by a single man under the bidding of his government. These experts in combat where then gifted with the Warframe and were tasked as the elite force of the government.


Mustang: So how'd you go from being a hit squad to a reverend order of warrior monks?


Honjo: It is a long complicated story and we are pressed for time... and I am without my pipe to tell it.


Mustang: Of course.


-The group continues up the stairs-


Shan: So you have an eye for tactical positions, Corporal Sevaar?


Jin: Well uh...


Jessica -from up ahead-: No one calls him Corporal Sevaar, just a tip. It makes him act all formal on you.


-Turns to apparently shoot the smiling Lieutenant a look-


Jin -clearly his throat-: Growing up in a Merc group you sorta have to pick it up.


Shan: You were raised by Mercs?


Jin: I was pretty much the ammo carrier as far back as I can remember, till I was twelve then they let me shoot people.


Shan: You were a child soldier?


Jin: Worse ways to grow up I suppose.


Shan: Growing up on dig sites isn't really comparable to being shot at all your life.


Jin: Wasn't all the time... just every other day. Honestly, It’s not much different than what I do now.


Josef: Yeah it’s just want you do for a living now.


-Shan seems to go quiet as they pass through the large arch way, entering the Main hall. Spectral like trees line it as the viaducts flow with crystal waters-


Mustang: Not a fan of the foliage, but I do like the water network.


Shan: What I'd give just to stay here for week.


Jessica: Maybe if you ask Corpus real nicely.


-The Master walks forward to a console in front of large circular emblem-


Honjo: Watch where you step... I don't know if the defenses are still functional.


-He presses few buttons before the emblem in front of him lights up... A young woman in a kimono with tiger markings appears, her being similar to the spectral white trees-


Mustang: An AI.


Honjo: Good, She's still functional.


AI: Greetings Master Honjo, It has been - Static- solar days since you were last registered in the Forge directory, revoking KIA status.


Honjo: Byakko, status of the Forge.


Byakko: Currently, an unknown routine is trying to access the main docking port, estimated time till breach is two standard solar hours.


Mustang: Didn't take long to find the door.


Honjo: Byakko, Tell me the status and location of any cryopods within the Colony.


Byakko: Currently only seventy two pods are register as functional, all registered Tenno order members and all are located in the lower halls on the Forge here


-A map of the temple appears showing a red light streak through various rooms with the outline of cryopods is shown here and there.-


Honjo: Show me a list of all occupants.


-A holographic screen appears with names in gold slowly coming down... The grandmaster seems to be skimming them... his eyes sometimes stopping either recognizing a name or showing signs of unfamiliarity-


Honjo: Stop


-for a moment he reaches up as if to touch a name but then restrains himself-


Honjo: Byakko, I need an inventory all weapons and Warframes located in the temple.


Byakko: Beginning diagnostic...


Honjo: I also require an inventory on the star port. Are there any available ships in working condition and is there a functioning drive core not equipped to ship?


Byakko: Checking....


Mustang: Sounds like you're already up to something old man.


Honjo: My students are here, I must get them to safety.


Jessica: Why not get them up? I'm sure seventy plus Tenno would even the odds.


Honjo: No, out of the question! They'd need at least week to overcome such a long cryosleep let alone the amnesia. Throwing them into a fight would just be assured death. No, this is the more prudent course of action.


Byakko: This is the current number of viable frames and weapons here


-Another screen displaying various weapons and frames flashes by-


Byakko: Three functioning frigates are currently in dock along with two large scale transports, I can have the drones prep them for flight.


Honjo: Commence prepping immediately.


Byakko: At Once Grand Master... There is currently one drive core in stock, it is meant for the retrofit for the destroyer "Radiance". Unfortunately the Radiance was reported lost over Gorgon Seven Solar date -static-


Honjo: Have the drones prep it for transport here.


Byakko: At once.


-Honjo sighs a deep breath-


Mustang: You mind telling me what you’re up too?


Bill: I got an idea.


-Honjo's eyes turn to the Uruz 3-


Bill: The Drive core... you want to use it to destabilize the artificial sun.


Honjo: Anything that can't be placed on those ships will be reduced to dust. The shell should negate most of the blast but this place cannot be allowed to fall into anyone's hands. As its Grand Master, I cannot permit it to fall. I will burn it before I let the agents of our old enemy have it.


Mustang: So what do you need from us then?


Honjo: I need your assistance. Help me secure my students and ensure this place’s destruction.


Mustang: How do you plan on getting them to those ships?


Honjo: an underground tramway connects the temple to the Star port. The Grand Master before me had it installed to allow more "discreet" transfers to go unnoticed.


Josef: "Discreet" -a grin coming to his face-


Honjo: She had a taste for Venusian women; let us leave it at that.


-Jessica seems to sigh and shake her head... Shan takes a few moments before the realization hits her-


Mustang: Corpus can't have this place. I won't argue with you on that. The question is what do we do with you when this is over.


Honjo: Let us decide that when we reach that junction... We have more pressing matters good Captain.


Mustang: Yeah, you're right.


Honjo -not turning to face the hologram-: Byakko, please register all bio signs within the Forge as friendly... I have no wish for the defenses to cause them harm.


Byakko: At once, Registering... -a golden aura emits, apparently passing through the entire temple-


-Mustang unholsters his pistol. Jessica has already drawn hers, her other hand on her knife... Josef seems to be scanning the upper balconies and the others begin to draw and ready their weapons-


Byakko: Registration complete. Twenty two new entries added to the security register.


Shan: Twenty two?


Jin: They've been shadowing us since we reached the temples steps.


Honjo -his voice loud-: No need to hide yourself here. This Temple is our home.


-Mustang levels his guns at an upper Balcony... as the Knight like form of Prior appears, flanked by the Tenno Frost and Excalibur,-


Josef: Two up top, third floor... -drawing his rifle-


-Above the forms of the Tenno Ash and Banshee have their weapons leveled at the group


Jessica: Three from behind.


-The arc way darkens as the Massive Rhino, flanked by Nyx and Saryn enter-


Shan: and the last one from below.


- A lower waterfall parts... and Tiburon emerges from its veil walking on the surface of the main stream the flows beneath them-


-Prior and his group leap down and begin to approach the group... Jin goes to level his gun but Shan stops him... her eyes pleading with him... Mustang himself levels his magnum, but the Grand Masters reaches out and lowers it-


Honjo: Do not fear Captain, you are in this place due to my provocation. If they are truly Tenno the will respect that.


Mustang: That’d be a more comforting thought if you weren't just a few hours off being able to walk on your own and in a nice shiny suit like theirs, no offense. -Holstering his pistol-


Honjo: I will not argue with you on that point.


-Prior approaches and stops-


Honjo: Greetings young one, It brings me much joy to see fellow Tenno in this era. -He bows in respect-


Prior: Fortune truly favors us, The Lotus had told us the chance was slim but here you are, a True Grand Master in our presence.


Honjo: "Lotus?..." -his tone seems to have ring of familiarity in it though his face shows a slight sign of annoyance-


Mustang: "Lotus" huh... We always suspected someone was waking you guys up.


Honjo: What does you Lotus task you with?


Prior: We are here to secure you, our sleeping brethren and secure the Forge.


Honjo: Securing this place is madness now, unless your Lotus has an Army waiting for us. We do not have the numbers.


Prior: We can simply seal this place till reinforcements arrive! Kill the Corpus forces above us.


Honjo: An agent of the Sentience is with the ones you call Corpus... "It" already knows where we are and has most likely dispatch an armada.  The Forge is lost; any attempt to try and preserve it is madness.


Prior -showing disbelief-: Master, This is sacred ground, we cannot simply...


Honjo: You're not its caretaker boy, The Order tasked me with its perseverance, and I am the master of this place, not you. Someone of Justinian's teaching would recognize that and would see that this situation calls for this place's destruction.


-Prior seems more stunned as if the name sends a jolt through his mind. Frost steps forward and bows to the Master... Honjo faces seems to soften at the display of respect--


Frost: Greetings Master.


Honjo: Your voice is familiar to me.


Frost: My memory is still scattered, but I recall a brief moment... My father brought me and brother to see you.


Honjo -his face showing his mind sorting through the memories... a smile coming to his face-: Of course you're Trevelyan's child... You were barely to his knee when I last saw you. So that's how long the war raged while I slept. -His voice having slight hints of shame-


Frost: Do you truly believe even with all the force we have, that we could not in some way hold the Forge?


Honjo: No, We're too outnumbered, we do not have the advantage of terrain nor will the enemy be separated by ships. The attack will be a full assault, we can only bid time till those that slumber can be taken to safety and the crystal star is set ablaze to burn this place.


Frost: Then by Tenno tradition... we must help you in this endeavor.


Excalibur: But the Lotus ordered us to...


Frost: This is not a matter of the Lotus or the Orokin. This is a matter of the Tenno. The Grand Master has spoken and we are obligated to obey.

Excalibur: ... She will be displeased.


Honjo: Then let her voice her displeasure to deaf ears... I would not expect one of Selene's students to be cowed so easily.


Excalibur: What did you just say?!


-Frost brings up his arm to block Excalibur... the other Tenno seem more shocked by the outburst-


Prior -having regained his composure-: So be it... But we will secure the armory.


-Honjo face regains the sternness as he faces Prior... the softness he had shown frost gone-


Honjo: If you desire trophies to present your "Lotus" the armory is yours... but I will have the Captain's men overlook my students transport.


Prior: That is not---


Frost- bowing in respect and cutting Prior off- As you wish grand master, they are your students and responsibility. We will escape this place... and then hopefully if you are willing you will allow us to take you and them to meet the new order.


Honjo: We will cross that junction when we have too.


-Prior seems to struggle... as if he wishes to argue... yet he finally relents-


Prior: So be it...


-He motions and the various Tenno begin to spread out... most likely to set up a defense position... Prior stares at the Grand master... then his view shifts to Shan... he shakes his head and leaps back up the balcony with Excalibur behind him, Frost bows once more in respects and follows-


Josef: Boss


-Turning the Large form of Rhino approaches Mustang, Mustang smiles-


Mustang: Nice to see you're in one piece.


Rhino: I believe this is yours.


Mustang: Huh?


-Rhino draws out Mustangs Revolver-


Mustang: What the -reaching down to find it missing- Son of a -expletive- you learn fast.


-Rhino gives a simple bow to the master and walks after Tiburon-


Mustang: Jin, note... Don't teach him how to play poker.


Jin: Roger sir.


Jessica: Well that went better than expected.


Josef: Thought the one with the Snipetron was just gonna pull the trigger just break the tension.


Bill: Nah he'd just be shooting you on principle.


Honjo: Byakko, Status!



Byakko -reappearing-: The enemy routine will breach the first wave of firewalls in five minutes.



Honjo: We need to hurry then...



Mustang: Lieutenant,


Jessica: Sir?


Mustang: Set up a defensive line in the main hall, I assume they have to come through here to get into the lower levels correct?


Honjo: Yes.


Mustang: Good, can you show me the Tram way... Me, Bill and Grant will secure the drive core and get it prepped.


Honjo: Byakko if you would,


Byakko: At once


-A line showing the way to the underground tram station is outlined-


Mustang: Jin, You stay with Miss Shan and the good Master here.


Honjo: Afraid I will attempt to betray you with my fellow Tenno around?


Mustang: You don't seem like the backstabbing type... and I think the rest of them are already spilt on the issue. But you're in no shape to fight and while Miss Shan's tough enough... I'd feel better with Jin watching you. And I figure you got stuff to get and need a pack mule.


Honjo -chuckle-: Your kindness is refreshing Captain.


Jin -sighs-: Of course...


Honjo: Time is of the essence, come you two, my chambers are this way.


-remaining log corrupted... searching for next available-




Edited by ChillFactor


Long one I know


Originally the argument was more draw out but I think I made it shorter so you wonder if Frost's placating is genuine or not. You don't know what the Tenno are thinking or up to. Just enough to unsettle Prior and Excalibur but not enough for the Tenno to get overtly emotional.


Just enough to get heated, 


I don't know if I got that across though.


and yes The four major sites AIs are named after the Directions sacred beasts

Edited by FrostWolf
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As I sit collecting my thoughts


... AM I the only one who thinks the Drake Shotgun from RE: Revelations looks like something the Tenno would have?





It's a double barrel shotgun coated in dragon scales.

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As I sit collecting my thoughts


... AM I the only one who thinks the Drake Shotgun from RE: Revelations looks like something the Tenno would have?





It's a double barrel shotgun coated in dragon scales.


Don't worry, it's not just you. Also, I want that damn shotgun...

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The Drake -The Shotgun- and The Muramasa- The Rifle- look like they'd fit right in with the Tenno's weapons.




The Muramasa is basically the god mode sniper rifle that looks like a feudal japan old matchlock-



Oddly The USSC members take hints from RE mostly -IE Normal people dealing with really out there **** but still triumphing through sheer determination and a healthy stock of ammo!- Halo's more normal characters the ODSTs.


You know people who may not have the ultimate advantages but can press on through sheer fighting spirit and a lot of badass. Gene therapy helps.



Maybe I'll do an art topic to characters and weapons XD


RE and Halo is probably what I look at when I look at weapons.


IE Mustang's personal Magnum is basically the GD Hand Cannon with the Broken butterfly! -




The Semi auto rifle for the Takeda






The Striker is what I had in mind when describing the Uesugi -cause who doesn't love the striker!-




and the Meada is of course what we want the Tenno to be packing,





The Tenno's stick is to use weapons that look like antiques from a begone era... The USSC's weapons are suppose to look more like Future espe versions of weapons we got -except with Triangle shaped barrels... cause the future-






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Nice one! The atmosphere, the tension builds. And conversations like these reveal so much about the Tenno and their own history and traditions. I love reading stuff like this as much as the action, and you have both. Best fan fiction on this site bar none and every post you put up cements that view even further.


What? The next one isn't out yet? Write O' Wolf of Frost, write for your life!

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"Sol-Gen and USSC to create Special Task  Force"


While Infested attacks have lessen over the past few weeks, with Corpus and Grineer antic overshadowing them. The USSC has partnered with one of the Sol systems leading Genetics and Pharmaceuticals, Solar Genetics or Sol Gen in investigating and combating the mutant horde and in hopes of finding some way to stop the rampant infestation.


The Taskforce has not been named nor has the issue of how it will be staffed been brought up. Most believe that the USSC will provide the muscle and manpower while Sol Gen will provide the tech and know how when it comes to personnel.

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Feed Established from  Grineer network archive



Location: Ceres Sector, Draco


Military installation #3453/4532-Ay7e6


Commanding Officer: Grand Admiral De'Kab


Beginning play back


Operation Title: Knight to Rook




-A Massive armored figure looms over a base display, on it little light figures of green and red do battle, The Green are losing despite outnumbering the red-


De'Kab: Damn you Thanos... What is the meaning of all this!


Tech Officer: Sir, We now have hull breaches on level A/37 and B /75. Reports... Reports are saying Imperial Dragoons!


De'kad: WHAT!


Tech Officer: All Lancer Squads have been deployed, They just can't slow them down.


-The sound of metal being cut is heard... as the reinforced doors of the command room fall to pieces as three figures enter. Two are the unmistakably armor of the Imperial Dragoons... each wielding a large  three barrel gattling gun, the "Kerberos". the  one that stands in the middle of the two is notable dwarfed by the two that flank him.  A hooded  blue robe that conceals his armor... only the slender greave like feet can be made out-


De'Kab: -his contempt barely hidden he seems to snarl the words more then say them- ... "Praetor Thanos" What do I owe the pleasure of your visit and massacre of my men.


"Thanos" -calm, controlled and matter of fact-: Your offensive has failed, The Sisters allowed you and the militants the chance--


De'Kab: And then Turned around and dubbed me and all my men Traitors and Genetic failures to be purged! You High Breeds knew the Corpus had some type of interplanetary weapon! That's why you sent that fleet to Neptune!


"Thanos":... You are correct. I will not lie to you Grand Admiral... you will not leave this room alive but for your impressive service, you at least deserve to know the part you played.


De'Kab: Part? The Empire's progress is no game. The Grineer's survival is...


"Thanos": Pointless in the face of the our goals. The Sister's will and the completion of that will is paramount. You Grineer of common stock are breed to die for our cause nothing more nothing less.


De'Kab: What!


"Thanos": Don't you find it odd that the Tenno were able to find one of our most well hidden research bases in a matter of months after their initial appearance in Mercury sector?


De'Kab: Regor's death was...


"Thanos": A necessary step in drawing out the Lotus....Even now. -his head seems to slightly nod to the camera- The Sister's foresaw the failure of the offensive but it was a necessary loss.


De'Kab -barely contain his rage... his scared jagged face strains, clenching his teeth blood flows from his gums-: -Some type of growl-


"Thanos": You're defeat has lured out Tenno we had only brief data on, The USSC was forced to reveal their new power armor and genetic modifications and the Corpus were forced to deploy the Clerics. From that point of view, the offensive was a success.


De'Kab: So I and my men are suppose to die now to maintain the Empire's image and standing with the Council... I'm the lamb to be sacrificed for their appeasement!.


"Thanos": No... you are more Akin to the Rook being used to draw out the other player's Queen that the Knight might strike.  The game the Sisters play is far larger and has gone on for more then you think.


De'Kab -His clutches his gauntlet as glowing yellow blades extend- Letting out a battle a cry he rushes at the Praetor-:



"Thanos": The Empire thanks you for your dedicated service.


- De'Kab goes for dual lunge into a splitting swipe to rip the smaller Praetor in two.... however faster then what can be followed the Praetor leaps over the Admiral landing on his feet... having draw a long Nodachi like blade and scabbard most likely hidden under his robes... The Praetor wipes the blade and begins to return it to its Scabbard-


De'Kab -struggling to breath-: You can't be just a High Breed.... You must be a-


- The click of Thanos blade's return signal the Admiral head to fall into four pieces as a fountain of blood erupts... The other Grineer stand in panic and awe... as Thanos returns to the two Dragoons blocking the door-


Thanos: Kill the Rest... No Survivors on order of the Sisters.


-The Dragoons wordless step forward... the barrels of their weapons begin to whirl... and the sound and flash of gunfire and screams can be heard... and after a few moments the shooting stops-


Thanos: Go... Help purge the station of this impure filth.


-The Two Dragoons leave walking past the behead admiral's corpse... Thanos stands there for a moment as if deep in thought... Then looks at the camera... his face still obscured by the his hood... and waves-




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Feed corrupted.. aborting connection!



Edited by FrostWolf
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"String of Corporate murders in Saturn sector grows in number"


The past few days have seen a startling rise in the deaths of several high profile members of various independent conglomerates.


What is more strange is the prime suspects who are generally identified via video log or audio being with the victim in their final moments, all deny it and seem to have a viable alibi... then said suspect themselves turn up dead as well.


Corpus has taken the opportunity to begin to muscle in on the Saturn corporate scene thanks to the chaos. At the moment there seems to be no correlation between Corpus' rise and the murders despite the convenient nature of it all.



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