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Some suggestions of mine


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1) Story-driven situations and missions.

I'll explain, what i mean. It is REALLY cool to pass the missions with some random situations coming to us, BUT!

I really think some more story would be just perfect in addition to the whole missions. And a new enemy for that. Why i blive, that not all Tenno are so noble and good? Why no traitors, who wants not only to fight back, but to conquer all or something like that? It would be an interesting moments, say...you are passing a mission, you took data base frov the station. You entered a big hall and in that moment the screen fades, and a sinimatic starts, where we are attacked by another Tenno, who is a traitor to us all and after a short talk with him - it's time to fight him, as a mini-boss of the mission. And only in a special mission there will be a chance to kill him, while learning some story of why he did it.

It's just an example, but some situatins could be made in more story-driven way, so it would be interesting just to be a part of some play on a bigger stage. When we face some characters, falling into traps, but with some reactions and comments of our Tenno on it all.

2) Melee combat

It was sad about a combos and so like that, in other topics. And it would be great. + some more charge attack animations, having only one is pretty boring, i think. Some sad to have something like a MGS Revengence, ok, but i suggest something more in a C9 way. When you have combos based on movements and timing of skills and attacks of all weapons. So timing will make a different attacks, but a dirrection of an attack will have an effect. For example i press the "E" button and an "S" during a combo, my Tenno jumps back with a slash of the sword, to damage and escape the attack. Maybe not best variant, but, well, all others were sad already, maybe it will give some tips for someone.

Maybe some finishing blows? Say...someone is down, so i can not slash him, like always, but to stab him. Or a finisher in the end of a combo. Grabs would be just fun too, i think. Grabing an enemy to make a shield of him, or to kill in an istant by sword in the end.

3) Stealf

It is really hard to pass the level in stealf, but it would be funny to have a 100% stealf missions, when there are not so many enemies around. Also - why no stealf kills? Just slashing an enemy is strange, why no one hears the crack of bode, or a wning of the sword? Pretty strange. Maybe, while behind a target and in stealf, i can stab in a back, ok slash a froat or something like that, more silent way, a bit more interesting in a way of choice how to deal with an enemy.

Some game of shadows also, like hiding in such spots, while on staelf. Some cover system for that and kills from a hide places - maybe it'll look nice in the end.

Thanks for reading, that were just some thoughts about th game i had, after playing a bit.

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