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Player Generated Content.


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To be more specific than the title, I'm referring to DE creating a simple development kit that ties into warframe, releasing it to the community. and allowing people to create content for the game on their own time. It'd be a great way for DE to increase the appeal and lifespan of their game, and given that so many people have all these ideals for things they want to implement, there's probably not going to be a shortage of ideals to try out any time soon. There's thousands of us, If they make it easy to add content into their game, that number could grow exponentially once word got around. and really I can't see any downsides to it, if the ideal were actually fleshed out.

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When they have time to flesh this out, I am sure they definitely take this under consideration, I was playing at the same time while listening to the latest Q & A, I think I heard them saying they want to do something on this line. Hope they do.

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All i would care about are skins (WF skins, heads, and weapon skins)

Anything else I want to come from DE.

If you have the chance, you should look around this site http://www.nexusmods.com/. The things that those communities have managed to make from scratch, just working on their spare time by themselves is phenomenal. ((even if a sizable chunk of it is nudie cutie stuff))

Just with access to the current in game assets someone could create a near endless amount of bosses just by borrowing the abilities of warframes. Given enough permission from DE in that regard We could have Boss missions based around fighting warframes. Something that a few people have been clamoring for but DE doesn't have time to focus on.

You'd probably find at least a few community based missions worth a try at least.

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Don't sell game communities so short. Players can make some pretty awesome content and mods.

It's not that they CAN'T

I've made some skyrim mods and such myself.

It's that allowing people to make levels, weapons, enemy types, etc - segregates the game.

Lobbies will only be joinable if everyone has XYZ installed. You can't join your friend because they are using xyz gun and you don't have it downloaded. You can't see your friend as being online because they are on a new map someone created.

It sounds great and I love the things that come out of the community. I create things too - I retexture likabaws (Jus saiyan.)

But the community is a vital part of this game. Being able to go into private games and do these things is fine and dandy... but if everyone starts having so many different guns/ levels/ whatever - lobbies for the players playing without this content will be left out to dry with very few options of people to play with.

So like I said. Skins, retextures, color filters, effects filters, maybe some animations if possible.

But everything else - I want to come from DE.

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It's not that they CAN'T

I've made some skyrim mods and such myself.

It's that allowing people to make levels, weapons, enemy types, etc - segregates the game.

Lobbies will only be joinable if everyone has XYZ installed. You can't join your friend because they are using xyz gun and you don't have it downloaded. You can't see your friend as being online because they are on a new map someone created.

It sounds great and I love the things that come out of the community. I create things too - I retexture likabaws (Jus saiyan.)

But the community is a vital part of this game. Being able to go into private games and do these things is fine and dandy... but if everyone starts having so many different guns/ levels/ whatever - lobbies for the players playing without this content will be left out to dry with very few options of people to play with.

So like I said. Skins, retextures, color filters, effects filters, maybe some animations if possible.

But everything else - I want to come from DE.

well ur right it cause some troubles specially for other players having different mods,.thats why we need DE to approve of said mods created by the community just like dota 2 u need to vote for it then they will add it to their next update and yes i also want DE to limit the player created mods as skins for helm and weapons also sentinels skins only.

Edited by MakubeX
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I assume DE envisions it more along the lines of TF2 rather than Skyrim (certainly more heavily moderated than TF2 of course). So any community contributions will have to pass through style check by actual designers and then incorporated in the game itself, not stand-alone mods downloadable from some third party site.

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It's not that they CAN'T

I've made some skyrim mods and such myself.

It's that allowing people to make levels, weapons, enemy types, etc - segregates the game.

Lobbies will only be joinable if everyone has XYZ installed. You can't join your friend because they are using xyz gun and you don't have it downloaded. You can't see your friend as being online because they are on a new map someone created.

It sounds great and I love the things that come out of the community. I create things too - I retexture likabaws (Jus saiyan.)

But the community is a vital part of this game. Being able to go into private games and do these things is fine and dandy... but if everyone starts having so many different guns/ levels/ whatever - lobbies for the players playing without this content will be left out to dry with very few options of people to play with.

So like I said. Skins, retextures, color filters, effects filters, maybe some animations if possible.

But everything else - I want to come from DE.

two things that would stop that problem at the start.

1. All material added into the game has to have it's root in an already added asset. So that those who don't have it installed see something already in game ((Which is how skins would work))

2. A Community voting system would be a must have, with the community content that has the highest approval rating being added directly into the game provided it meets certain standards. ((as two things are certain if you allow players to create their own content, someone is going to make nudity mods, and someone is going to make GodMode weapons and that's not something that needs to be added into the base game))

and beyond that a simple way to avoid issues would be to make the community content that absolutely cannot function without you downloading something extra from steam would be to lock it so that you can only play it in private or solo. and have leaderboards disabled if you're using community content.

That's just off the top of my head. If some more thought was put into it, there's a number of ways to make it viable. But I don't see much of a point in limiting what the community could do because a major positive point in doing this would be giving players some content to play in between updates. It's severely lacking at the moment given the repetition in game.

I'm not saying you aren't making a valid point that needs to be taken into consideration. Pretty sure this very issue is what ultimately killed the development of Skyrim Online and Oblivion Online before it. I'm saying that we could start losing a lot of players if we have to rely solely on updates for new content.

Edited by BramBlackmon
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I'm saying that we could start losing a lot of players if we have to rely solely on updates for new content.

This is the silliest thing i've heard in a while.

I've never seen an open beta free to play game have so much content updates so fast. You are smoking something really special buddy.

<_< They add a few new warframes each major update. Borderlands 2 has staff probably 8x the size of DE and they can manage to get a new character every 8 months the game has been out. (and they charge you for it outside of their season pass lol)

They add new weapons more often than battlefield 3 adds worthless gun camo's.

You just are impossible to please if you honestly feel that way.

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This is the silliest thing i've heard in a while.

I've never seen an open beta free to play game have so much content updates so fast. You are smoking something really special buddy.

<_< They add a few new warframes each major update. Borderlands 2 has staff probably 8x the size of DE and they can manage to get a new character every 8 months the game has been out. (and they charge you for it outside of their season pass lol)

They add new weapons more often than battlefield 3 adds worthless gun camo's.

You just are impossible to please if you honestly feel that way.

See, here's the problem with that entire analogy.

1. Most open Betas aren't this content sparse. Anything you can throw out in rebuttal to this is going to be swiftly followed with "Yeah, and It takes 50 hours of retreading the same tired &amp;#&#33; content with the same enemies to get it" and don't throw out buying platinum. I'm not paying 15 bucks to unlock a single item. Especially considering most of it isn't all that great or different from what I'm currently using.

2. Gearbox employs 180 people. Digital extremes as of 2013, employs 180 people, But gearbox is officially working on 4 titles at the moment, aside from releasing content for their currently launched titles. The only thing Digital Extremes is working on besides Borderlands is a Licensed Star Trek Game, and not even by themselves, they're also working with Namco-Bandai. Not to mention that there's a lot more going into development of a borderlands DLC character than what goes into making a new warframe. Do you see why it would take them a bit to develop DLC?

3. I don't play battlefield 3, and I don't know how often they release weapon camos. So I have no ideal if that's an impressive rate to release weapons.

I'm not impossible to please in the least bit. But I still have half of the planets locked after 50 hours of game time because I just don't see the point in unlocking those planets when I have the exact same content unlocked in a different area, just under a different planet name. The illusion of content is not the same as content.

I can't take a poll on it, because this forum doesn't have polls. But I don't think I'm alone in feeling there's nothing really to do in game.

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This game is in active development for less than a year, AFAIK. Bunch of stuff are placeholders for future assets and mechanics. This is an honest beta in the original sense of the word - game is being developed right now with our help, it's not in any way a finished product.

Recently marketing teams of big publishers decided it would be an awesome selling strategy to give people a free sample of a pretty much finished game as a "beta" and then ask them to buy the whole thing (psychological trick used by door-to-door sellers - you are more likely to buy something you have held in your hands). That trickery muddled the public perception of beta-testing and people now expect a complete experience from it.

Edited by FedorHooch
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