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The Otaku Alliance


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So this is me replying to ALL THE ABOVE POSTS:


If OP made duplicate posts then that was his only fault. If he made a post in the wrong section then that is forgiveable because even I didn't know the "Find an alliance" sub-forum was live already!


Now for all those ************* who have come here to "discuss" the term Otaku, GTFU. If you want to join, then say so, otherwise mind your own business.


Okay so the term is used negatively? So why are YOU getting butthurt if someone intentionally calls HIMSELF that.


Come here to give your existential hypothesis on CULTURAL DIFFERENCE?? GO TO ANTHROPOLOGY CLASS!


Delete this post? Well... sadly have nothing to say to that.



*gasp* someone with common sense :O

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hahaha people saying that the term is ''bad;; let me say it like this i love anime + im 19 years old i live in belgium and all my friends really dont care if i watc hanime or not nobody cares if someone here watches anime or reads manga ... everyone is who he is and if you got a problem with that then firstl ook i nthe mirror and then go to other people ^^ plus if the term ''otaku'' is bad or people who watch anime / read manga are nerds /geeks ... then your horribly mistaking ^^ just becus someone likes to watch/read this  stuff then it doesnt mean that hes a geek/nerd and if yo ustill think so then yo ushould come visit my place and let you see my friends who watch anime / read manga .. then we shall see hos the nerd/geek :p noobs also nobody cares about your opinion that if you find anime watching people geeks .. he posted this to find people who would like to join hes alliance who share the same taste .. he dindt asked for a bunch of nolifers saying how they think about naime watching people ..... just wanted to say my opinion V peace

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sooo did not mean to double up on threads or start a debate over the term. clearly i should have waited for a proper alliance forum section to be added but i saw another alliance thread on here so i felt encouraged.


and yes, the term is commonly used negatively. however, i am based in NY and can assure you...in the states, it is widely used in a positive way to embrace a culture of anime interests

no, it really isn't

you should rename the alliance to something less debatable and you'll get a lot more clans to join it

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