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Ideas For A New Warframe


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How about an engineer frame? "Corpus" inspired...

abilities such as a small drone, a shield (similar snowglobe) but smaller, less powerful and "on" the frame so it moves with him, a turret and a shield booster that can be placed?


Just a thought,

any ideas?

Edited by (PS4)Borkof
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Vauban is an engineer frame. But I love the idea.

If it is Corpus like, it needs a MOA summon. It can't be casted again, until it dies, it follows you around and doesn't have a timer.

Possibly robotic Kubrow.

Edited by PotWalrus
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Vauban is an engineer frame. But I love the idea.

Yes but his abilities, in my opinion at least, don't fit the "engineer" role, he's good in a team but I'm thinking of more a team booster with tech.

Kinda like mass effect engineer mix corpus but in Tenno form :)

the Moa is a good idea, that is kinda what I was thinking about the drone/robot

Edited by (PS4)Borkof
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