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Hello i have a trouble with nat in my computer, i dont know what more to do i changed all the numbers and i checked the ip configuration but i cant play with my friends and only a few people can invite me. i was waiting about the update to maybe get a solution for this but nothing. is frustrating cuz i want to play with my friends... anyone have any solution? or please warframe guys! fix this!!! im a Hunter and i enjoy the game a lot, but i cant play as i want... please help

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3 answers to this question

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Hello SharinganANBU,


Since your computer sits behind a NAT then:


1. Give your computer a static IP, you can do this manually by setting it in windows network.  Or if you use DHCP then instruct your router to give you the same IP every time. Set it in your router DHCP settings (dhcp reservation).


2. Access your modem router and add two rules for DNAT (port forwarding), you basically telling the router to forward incoming UDP traffic destination port 3960 and 3962 to your local computer IP. Read your router manual regarding port forwarding. I think this is a must if you are hosting a session.


3. Allow access to inbound traffic in your windows firewall (or any firewall installed) for UDP port 3960 and 3962. Refer to your firewall manual on how to do it. 


4. If you have done the first 3 points, then use the Warframe network diagnostic tool in settings menu, click it. The result will acknowledge if all is good or not regarding your network setup. If not good, check point 1, 2, and 3.


5. Default ping settings threshold is 300, that might be a problem if you or a friend ping is higher than this, it will fail to join session.



Hope this helps.

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